<style scoped>
#demo {
width: 50em;
.yui3-widget-content {
border:1px solid #000;
.yui3-tab-loading {
background: #fff url({{componentAssets}}/img/ajax-loader.gif) no-repeat center center;
<div class="intro">
<p>This example shows how you can use Widget's plugin infrastructure to add additional features to an existing widget.</p>
We use the `"gallery-widget-io"` plugin to add io capabilities bound to a widget instance. The plugin provides an `io` interface on Widget, which can be used to update
the widget's contentBox contents.
NOTE: This example uses io-xdr to retrieve content from pipes, and requires Flash.
<div class="example">
<h2>Using The Gallery IO Plugin For Widget</h2>
<h3>Setting Up The YUI Instance</h3>
<p>For this example, we'll pull in `widget`; the `gallery-widget-io` plugin, and the `json-parse` and `substitute` modules to help us work with the JSON RSS data returned.
The code to set up our sandbox instance is shown below:</p>
YUI().use("widget", "gallery-widget-io", "json-parse", "substitute", function(Y) {
// We'll write our code here, after pulling in the default Widget module,
// the IO plugin.
<h3>The Widget IO Plugin</h3>
<p>The Widget IO plugin is a fairly simple plugin. It provides incremental functionality. It does not need to modify the behavior of any methods on the host Widget instance, or monitor any Widget events (unlike the <a href="../overlay/overlay-anim-plugin.html">AnimPlugin</a> example).</p>
<p>It sets up the following attributes, which are used to control how the IO plugin's `refresh` method behaves:</p>
<dd>The uri to use for the io request</dd>
<dd>The io configuration object, to pass to io when initiating a transaction</dd>
<dd>The formatter to use to formatting response data. The default implementation simply passes back the response data passed in, unchanged.</dd>
<dd>The default content to display while an io transaction is in progress</dd>
<h3>Using the Plugin</h3>
<p>All objects derived from <a href="{{apiDocs}}/Base.html">Base</a> are <a href="{{apiDocs}}/Plugin.Host.html">Plugin Hosts</a>.
They provide <a href="{{apiDocs}}/Plugin.Host.html#method_plug">`plug`</a> and <a href="{{apiDocs}}/Plugin.Host.html#method_unplug">`unplug`</a> methods to allow users to add/remove plugins to/from existing instances.
They also allow the user to specify the set of plugins to be applied to a new instance, along with their configurations, as part of the constructor arguments.</p>
<p>In this example, we'll create a new instance of a Widget:</p>
/* Create a new Widget instance, with content generated from script */
var widget = new Y.Widget();
<p>And then use the `plug` method to add the `WidgetIO` plugin,
providing it with a configuration to use when sending out io transactions
(The <a href="../overlay/overlay-anim-plugin.html">Animation Plugin</a> example shows how
you could do the same thing during construction), render the widget, and refresh
the plugin to fetch the content.</p>
* Add the Plugin, and configure it to use a news feed uri, and work cross-domain, using xdr
uri : 'http:/' + '/pipes.yahooapis.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=6b7b2c6a32f5a12e7259c36967052387&_render=json&url=http:/' + '/rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/us',
xdr: {
formatter: formatRSS,
loading: '<img class="yui3-loading" width="32px" height="32px" src="{{componentAssets}}/img/ajax-loader.gif">'
/* fetch the content */
<p>We pass in a formatter to the io plugin, which is responsible for translating the JSON RSS from the uri to HTML:</p>
var formatRSS = function (val) {
var formatted = "Error parsing feed data";
try {
var json = Y.JSON.parse(val);
if (json && json.count) {
var html = ['<ul class="yui3-feed-data">'];
var linkTemplate = '<li><a href="{link}" target="_blank">{title}</a></li>';
Y.each(json.value.items, function(v, i) {
if (i < 10) {
html.push(Y.substitute(linkTemplate, v));
formatted = html.join("");
} else {
formatted = "No Data Available";
} catch(e) {
formatted = "Error parsing feed data";
return formatted;
<p>NOTE: Since we're using `IO`'s XDR functionality for this example, we wrap the widget construction in a callback which notifies us when the flash XDR module is ready to service requests. In your local implementations,
if you're not sending cross-domain requests, you don't need to use the XDR functionality and leave out the code below:</p>
Y.on('io:xdrReady', function() {
// Setup Widget when io xdr is available
// Set up io to use the flash XDR transport
yid: Y.id,
src:'{{yuiLocalBuildUrl}}/io-xdr/io.swf?stamp=' + (new Date()).getTime()
<h2>Complete Example Source</h2>