"name" : "widget",
"displayName": "Widget",
"description": "Widget is the foundation class from which all YUI 3 widgets are derived.",
"author" : "sdesai",
"tags": ["infrastructure"],
"use" : ["widget"],
"examples" : [
"name" : "widget-extend",
"displayName": "Extending the Base Widget Class",
"description": "Shows how to extend the base widget class, to create your own Widgets.",
"modules" : ["widget", "event"],
"tags" : ["widget", "infrastructure"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "widget-build",
"displayName": "Creating Custom Widget Classes With Extensions",
"description": "Shows how to use Base.create and mix/match extensions to create custom Widget classes.",
"modules" : ["widget", "base", "widget-postion", "widget-position", "widget-position-align", "widget-stdmod"],
"tags" : ["widget", "infrastructure", "extentions"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "widget-plugin",
"displayName": "Creating a Widget Plugin",
"description": "Shows how to create an IO plugin for Widget.",
"modules" : ["widget", "plugin"],
"tags" : ["widget", "infrastructure", "plugin"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "widget-tooltip",
"displayName": "Creating a Simple Tooltip Widget With Extensions",
"description": "Shows how to extend the Widget class, and add WidgetPosition and WidgetStack to create a Tooltip widget class.",
"modules" : ["widget", "base", "widget-stack", "widget-positon"],
"tags" : ["widget", "infrastructure", "tooltip", "extensions"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "widget-parentchild-listbox",
"displayName": "Creating a Hierarchical ListBox Widget",
"description": "Shows how to extend the Widget class, and add WidgetParent and WidgetChild to create a simple ListBox widget.",
"modules" : ["widget", "widget-parent", "widget-child", "base"],
"tags" : ["widget", "infrastructure"],
"hideTableOfContents": true