// START WRAPPER: The YUI.add wrapper is added by the build system, when you use YUI Builder to build your component from the raw source in this file
// YUI.add("mywidget", function(Y) {
/* Any frequently used shortcuts, strings and constants */
var Lang = Y.Lang;
/* MyWidget class constructor */
function MyWidget(config) {
MyWidget.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
* Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and
* used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the
* class name in camel case).
MyWidget.NAME = "myWidget";
* The attribute configuration for the widget. This defines the core user facing state of the widget
MyWidget.ATTRS = {
attrA : {
value: "A" // The default value for attrA, used if the user does not set a value during construction.
, valueFn: "_defAttrAVal" // Can be used as a substitute for "value", when you need access to "this" to set the default value.
, setter: "_setAttrA" // Used to normalize attrA's value while during set. Refers to a prototype method, to make customization easier
, getter: "_getAttrA" // Used to normalize attrA's value while during get. Refers to a prototype method, to make customization easier
, validator: "_validateAttrA" // Used to validate attrA's value before updating it. Refers to a prototype method, to make customization easier
, readOnly: true // Cannot be set by the end user. Can be set by the component developer at any time, using _set
, writeOnce: true // Can only be set once by the end user (usually during construction). Can be set by the component developer at any time, using _set
, lazyAdd: false // Add (configure) the attribute during initialization.
// You only need to set lazyAdd to false if your attribute is
// setting some other state in your setter which needs to be set during initialization
// (not generally recommended - the setter should be used for normalization.
// You should use listeners to update alternate state).
, broadcast: 1 // Whether the attribute change event should be broadcast or not.
// ... attrB, attrC, attrD ... attribute configurations.
// Can also include attributes for the super class if you want to override or add configuration parameters
* The HTML_PARSER static constant is used if the Widget supports progressive enhancement, and is
* used to populate the configuration for the MyWidget instance from markup already on the page.
MyWidget.HTML_PARSER = {
attrA: function (srcNode) {
// If progressive enhancement is to be supported, return the value of "attrA" based on the contents of the srcNode
/* Templates for any markup the widget uses. Usually includes {} tokens, which are replaced through Y.substitute */
MyWidget.MYNODE_TEMPLATE = "<div id={mynodeid}></div>";
/* MyWidget extends the base Widget class */
Y.extend(MyWidget, Y.Widget, {
initializer: function() {
* initializer is part of the lifecycle introduced by
* the Base class. It is invoked during construction,
* and can be used to setup instance specific state or publish events which
* require special configuration (if they don't need custom configuration,
* events are published lazily only if there are subscribers).
* It does not need to invoke the superclass initializer.
* init() will call initializer() for all classes in the hierarchy.
this.publish("myEvent", {
defaultFn: this._defMyEventFn,
destructor : function() {
* destructor is part of the lifecycle introduced by
* the Widget class. It is invoked during destruction,
* and can be used to cleanup instance specific state.
* Anything under the boundingBox will be cleaned up by the Widget base class
* We only need to clean up nodes/events attached outside of the bounding Box
* It does not need to invoke the superclass destructor.
* destroy() will call initializer() for all classes in the hierarchy.
renderUI : function() {
* renderUI is part of the lifecycle introduced by the
* Widget class. Widget's renderer method invokes:
* renderUI()
* bindUI()
* syncUI()
* renderUI is intended to be used by the Widget subclass
* to create or insert new elements into the DOM.
// this._mynode = Node.create(Y.substitute(MyWidget.MYNODE_TEMPLATE, {mynodeid: this.get("id") + "_mynode"}));
bindUI : function() {
* bindUI is intended to be used by the Widget subclass
* to bind any event listeners which will drive the Widget UI.
* It will generally bind event listeners for attribute change
* events, to update the state of the rendered UI in response
* to attribute value changes, and also attach any DOM events,
* to activate the UI.
// this.after("attrAChange", this._afterAttrAChange);
syncUI : function() {
* syncUI is intended to be used by the Widget subclass to
* update the UI to reflect the initial state of the widget,
* after renderUI. From there, the event listeners we bound above
* will take over.
// this._uiSetAttrA(this.get("attrA"));
// Beyond this point is the MyWidget specific application and rendering logic
/* Attribute state supporting methods (see attribute config above) */
_defAttrAVal : function() {
// this.get("id") + "foo";
_setAttrA : function(attrVal, attrName) {
// return attrVal.toUpperCase();
_getAttrA : function(attrVal, attrName) {
// return attrVal.toUpperCase();
_validateAttrA : function(attrVal, attrName) {
// return Lang.isString(attrVal);
/* Listeners, UI update methods */
_afterAttrAChange : function(e) {
/* Listens for changes in state, and asks for a UI update (controller). */
// this._uiSetAttrA(e.newVal);
_uiSetAttrA : function(val) {
/* Update the state of attrA in the UI (view) */
// this._mynode.set("innerHTML", val);
_defMyEventFn : function(e) {
// The default behavior for the "myEvent" event.
Y.namespace("MyApp").MyWidget = MyWidget;
// }, "3.2.0", {requires:["widget", "substitute"]});