"name" : "tabview",
"displayName": "TabView",
"description": "The TabView widget is a UI control that enables the user to switch between content panels.",
"author" : "msweeney",
"tags": ["widget", "tabview"],
"use" : ["tabview"],
"examples": [
"name" : "tabview-basic",
"displayName": "TabView from Existing Markup",
"description": "This example shows how to create a TabView wigdet from existing HTML.",
"modules" : ["tabview"],
"tags" : ["tabview"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "tabview-fromjs",
"displayName": "Dynamic TabView from JavaScript",
"description": "This example shows how to create a TabView wigdet from JavaScript.",
"modules" : ["tabview"],
"tags" : ["tabview"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "tabview-add-remove",
"displayName": "Adding and Removing Tabs",
"description": "This example shows how to add and remove Tabs.",
"modules" : ["tabview"],
"tags" : ["tabview"],
"hideTableOfContents": true
"name" : "tabview-yql",
"displayName": "Loading Tab Content",
"description": "This example shows how to load tab content remotely using a YQL plugin.",
"modules" : ["tabview"],
"tags" : ["tabview"],
"hideTableOfContents": true