YUI().use('overlay', 'resize-plugin', 'resize-constrain', 'dd-plugin', 'yql', function(Y) {
var weatherWidget;
var getWeather = function() {
Y.YQL('select * from wunderground.forecast where location="Toronto,ON";', processWeather);
var processWeather = function(r) {
var weather = r.query.results.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday,
template = {
currentTemp: '<div id="mainContainer"><img id="mainImage" src="{mainImage}"><h2 id="temp">{temp} °F and {condition}</h2></div>',
otherDays: '<div class="day"><h3 class="dayOfWeek">{dayOfWeek}</h3><img src="{image}"><h4 class="forecast">{dayForecast} °F</h4></div>'
currentData = {
mainImage: weather[0].icons.icon_set[9].icon_url,
temp: weather[0].high.fahrenheit,
condition: weather[0].conditions
currentHTML = '',
futureHTML = '<div id="futureDays">';
currentHTML = Y.Lang.sub(template.currentTemp, currentData);
for (var i = 1; i < weather.length; i++) {
var futureData = {
dayOfWeek: weather[i].date.weekday,
image: weather[i].icons.icon_set[9].icon_url,
dayForecast: weather[i].high.fahrenheit
futureHTML += Y.Lang.sub(template.otherDays, futureData);
futureHTML += "</div>";
currentHTML = currentHTML + futureHTML;
var createOverlay = function() {
weatherWidget = new Y.Overlay({
width: "370px",
srcNode: "#weatherWidget",
visible: false,
align: {node:".example", points:["tc", "bc"]}
//allow resizability and draggability
//we can plug in the resizeConstrained plugin on the 'resize' namespace
minWidth: 369,
minHeight: 120,
maxWidth: 369,
maxHeight: 245,
preserveRatio: false
Y.one('#launchOverlay').set('disabled', false).set('value', 'Launch Weather Widget');
Y.one("#launchOverlay").on('click', function() {
weatherWidget.set('visible', true);