<div class="intro">
<p>The Resize Utility allows you to make an HTML element resizable.</p>
<h2 id="simple">Simple Resize</h2>
<p>You can create a simple Resize instance by including the `resize` module or `base-resize` submodule and using the following code:</p>
YUI().use('resize', function(Y) {
var resize = new Y.Resize({
//Selector of the node to resize
node: '#demo'
<h2 id="events">Events</h2>
<p>Resize provides useful events to allow the implementer to control the end-user experience.</p>
<td>Handles the resize start event. Fired when the user begins dragging a handle.</td>
<td>Handles the resize event. Fired with every native `mousemove` event when the handle is being dragged; this could be as often as once for every pixel of movement.</td>
<td>Handles the resize align event.</td>
<td>Handles the resize end event. Fired when the user releases the handle from the drag operation.</td>
<td>Handles the resize `mouseup` event. Fired when a `mouseup` event happens on a handle.</td>
<h2 id="modules">Module Descriptions</h2>
<p>Resize for YUI 3 has been broken up into several modules to allow you, as the implementer, to target the specific functionality you want — and omit the functionality you're not using.</p>
<th>Module Name</th>
<td nowrap="nowrap">`resize-base`</td>
<td>This is the base Resize class; use this submodule for your simplest use case, where constraints, ratios, and proxies are not required.</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">`resize-constrain`</td>
<td>Adds constraining &amp; ratio support.</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">`resize-proxy`</td>
<td>Adds proxy support, via `dd-proxy`.</td>
<h2 id="resize-plugins">Resize Plugin for Widgets</h2>
<p>Along with the standalone utility, a Resize plugin is available and can be plugged into Y.Node or Y.Widget instances. The plugin can be created by adding `resize-plugin` in your use statement, and then plugging in `Y.Plugin.Resize`.</p>
YUI().use('overlay', 'resize-plugin', function(Y) {
var overlay = new Y.Overlay({
width: "200px",
height: "300px",
srcNode: "#overlay",
visible: "true",
centered: "true"
//Plug in the resizability plugin
<h3>Listening to events on a widget</h3>
<p>With the resize plugin being plugged into a Y.Widget instance, resize events can be listened to under the `resize` namespace. The resize plugin will automatically change `width` and `height` attributes on the widget (and the `x` , `y` attributes if your widget uses `Y.WidgetPosition`).</p>
YUI().use('overlay', 'resize-plugin', function(Y) {
overlay.resize.on('resize:resize', function(event) {
//this function will be called on resize.