// handler that positions and shows the tooltip
var onMousemove = function (e) {
var i;
if (tooltip.get('visible') === false) {
// while it's still hidden, move the tooltip adjacent to the cursor
Y.one('#tooltip').setStyle('opacity', '0');
if (waitingToShow === false) {
// wait half a second, then show tooltip
Y.one('#tooltip').setStyle('opacity', '1');
}, 500);
// while waiting to show tooltip, don't let other
// mousemoves try to show tooltip too.
waitingToShow = true;
// loop through the tipText array looking for a match between
// the class name and the array literal `name`
for (i = 0; i < tipText.length; i += 1) {
if (e.currentTarget.hasClass(tipText[i].name)) {
// found a match, so set the content in the tooltip's body
tooltip.setStdModContent('body', tipText[i].text);
// handler that hides the tooltip
var onMouseleave = function (e) {
// this check prevents hiding the tooltip
// when the cursor moves over the tooltip itself
if ((e.relatedTarget) && (e.relatedTarget.hasClass('yui3-widget-bd') === false)) {
waitingToShow = false;