<link href="{{componentAssets}}/node.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div class="intro">
<p>This example demonstrates how to retrieve and use a `Node` instance
and access DOM properties.</p>
<p>Press a button to get or set the `offsetWidth` of the `div`
containing the corn image.</p>
<div class="example">
<div style="color:#aaa; display:block; font-size:90%; margin-top:1em;">Image derived from
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/29278394@N00/3934433763/" target="_blank">
"ear of corn"</a>, by normanack</div>
<h2>Setting up the HTML</h2>
<div id="ruler"></div>
<div id="corn">
<div class="ruler-marker"></div>
<div id="output">? px</div>
<input id="input" size="2" value="550"> px
<button class="yui3-button btn-set">Set</button>
<button class="yui3-button btn-get">Get</button>
<h2>Getting a Node Instance</h2>
<p>The `Y.one` method accepts a Selector or HTML element and
returns a Node instance. First we'll set up some variables
for the node's representing our HTML.</p>
var corn = Y.one('#corn'),
input = Y.one('.example #input'),
output = Y.one('.example #output');
<h2>Accessing Node Properties</h2>
<p>The properties of a node can be accessed via its `set` and
`get` methods.</p>
<p>In most cases, simple type of properties (strings, numbers, Booleans)
pass directly to/from the underlying DOM node, however properties representing
other DOM nodes return `Node` or `NodeList` instances.</p>
<h3>The Get Method</h3>
<p>We can use the `get` method to read the `offsetWidth` of the `div`
containing the corn image,
which includes the style width, padding, and border.</p>
width = corn.get('offsetWidth');
<h3>The Set Method</h3>
<p>The Set method can be used to set the value of objects
input.set('value', 237);
<p>The `offsetWidth` property of an HTML element is read only, however YUI
makes this writeable. This assures that the final `offsetWidth`
matches the value that is set, regardless of borders, padding, or box model.</p>
corn.set('offsetWidth', value);
<h2>Listening for Node Events</h2>
<p>We will update the value `offsetWidth` property of the `div`
containing the corn image when the Set button is pressed.
Y.one('.example .btn-set').on('click', function(e) {
corn.set('offsetWidth', value);
<h2>Complete Example Source</h2>