<div class="intro">
This example demonstrates how to create a traditional, two-column page layout
(<a href="../cssgrids/index.html">using Grids</a>) with top navigation rendered like split buttons.
<div class="example newwindow">
<a href="node-menunav-4-example.html" target="_blank" class="button">
View Example in New Window
<h2>Setting Up the HTML</h2>
Begin by including the <a href="../cssgrids/index.html#dependencies">CSS Grids dependencies</a> and grid
markup (this example uses a 2 column version of the
<a href="../cssgrids/cssgrids-fluid.html">Fluid Page Template</a> with a 160px left column).
Add the markup for the menu to the left column of the grid, and the class <code>yui3-skin-sam</code>
to the <code>&#60;body&#62;</code>.
The root menu of menus built using the MenuNav Node Plugin can have a verical or horizontal
orientation. The default orientation for menus is vertical, but can be easily switched to
horizontal by applying a class of <code>yui3-menu-horizontal</code> to the node representing the
root menu's bounding box, as illustrated below:
<div id="productsandservices" class="yui3-menu yui3-menu-horizontal"><!-- Bounding box -->
<div class="yui3-menu-content"><!-- Content box -->
<!-- Menu items -->
To render each menu label in the horizontal menu as a split button, add the class
<code>yui3-splitbuttonnav</code> to the node representing the root menu's bounding box, as
illustrated below:
<div id="menu-1" class="yui3-menu yui3-menu-horizontal yui3-splitbuttonnav"><!-- Bounding box -->
<div class="yui3-menu-content"><!-- Content box -->
<!-- Menu items -->
Next, define the markup for each menu label. Start with a <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> with a class
of <code>yui3-menu-label</code> applied. Inside the <code>&#60;span&#62;</code>, place two
<code>&#60;a&#62;</code> elements &#151; one for each of the label's two clickable regions.
Each <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> has separate, but related responsibilities: The first
<code>&#60;a&#62;</code> represents the label's default action. The second <code>&#60;a&#62;</code>
toggles the display of a submenu whose content contains other options related to, or in the same
category of the default action. Therefore to configure the first <code>&#60;a&#62;</code>,
simply set its <code>href</code> attribute to any URL. For the second <code>&#60;a&#62;</code>,
apply a class name of <code>yui3-menu-toggle</code>, and set the value of the <code>href</code>
attribute to the id of the label's corresponding submenu. Lastly, the text node of the second
<code>&#60;a&#62;</code> should label the contents of its corresponding submenu.
<div id="menu-1" class="yui3-menu yui3-menu-horizontal yui3-splitbuttonnav"><!-- Bounding box -->
<div class="yui3-menu-content"><!-- Content box -->
<span class="yui3-menu-label"><!-- menu label root node -->
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com">Answers</a><!-- menu label default action -->
<a href="#answers-options" class="yui3-menu-toggle">Answers Options</a><!-- menu label submenu toggle -->
<div id="answers-options" class="yui3-menu">
<div class="yui3-menu-content">
<li class="yui3-menuitem"><a class="yui3-menuitem-content" href="http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/">Answer</a></li>
<li class="yui3-menuitem"><a class="yui3-menuitem-content" href="http://answersonthestreet.yahoo.com/">Answers on the Street</a></li>
<li class="yui3-menuitem"><a class="yui3-menuitem-content" href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/;_ylt=Av3Nt22Mr7YNs651NWFv8YUPzKIX;_ylv=3?link=ask">Ask</a></li>
<li class="yui3-menuitem"><a class="yui3-menuitem-content" href="http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/;_ylt=Aqp_jJlsYDP7urcq2WGC6HBJxQt.;_ylv=3?link=over&amp;amp;more=y">Discover</a></li>
<h2>Initializing the Menu</h2>
With the menu markup in place, retrieve the Node instance representing the root
menu (<code>&#60;div id="productsandservices"&#62;</code>) and call the
<a href="{{apiDocs}}/classes/Node.html#method_plug"><code>plug</code></a>
passing in a reference to the MenuNav Node Plugin.
Use the
<a href="{{apiDocs}}/classes/plugin.NodeMenuNav.html#attr_autoSubmenuDisplay"><code>autoSubmenuDisplay</code></a>
and <a href="{{apiDocs}}/classes/plugin.NodeMenuNav.html#attr_mouseOutHideDelay"><code>mouseOutHideDelay</code></a>
configuration attributes to configure the menu labels to behave like split buttons. Set the
<code>autoSubmenuDisplay</code> to <code>false</code>, so that each menu label's submenu isn't
made visible until the menu trigger is clicked. Set the <code>mouseOutHideDelay</code> to
<code>0</code> so that a label's submenu is only hidden when the user mouses down on an area
outside of the submenu.
<!-- YUI Seed -->
<script src="{{yuiSeedUrl}}"></script>
// Call the "use" method, passing in "node-menunav". This will load the
// script and CSS for the MenuNav Node Plugin and all of the required
// dependencies.
YUI().use('node-menunav', function(Y) {
// Retrieve the Node instance representing the root menu
// (<div id="productsandservices">) and call the "plug" method
// passing in a reference to the MenuNav Node Plugin.
var menu = Y.one("#productsandservices");
menu.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeMenuNav, { autoSubmenuDisplay: false, mouseOutHideDelay: 0 });
<em>Note:</em> In keeping with the
<a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/">Exceptional Performance</a>
team's recommendation, the script block used to instantiate the menu will be
<a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#js_bottom">placed at the bottom of the page</a>.
This not only improves performance, it helps ensure that the DOM subtree of the
element representing the root menu
(<code>&#60;div id="productsandservices"&#62;</code>) is ready to be scripted.