<div class="intro">
This example shows how to create a reusable JSONPRequest for polling as
well as how to configure success and failure callbacks. See the API
docs and user guide for a full listing of available configurations.
For this example, we will use a JSONP service hosted on <a
href="http://yuilibrary.com">YUILibrary</a> to fetch information about
a random Gallery module and render some of the information on the page.
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
<h3>The data</h3>
<p>The structure of the JavaScript object returned from YUILibrary's JSONP service will look like this:</p>
modules: [
url: (the url to the module),
title: (the title of the module),
summary: (short description of the module),
owner: {
icon: (url to the author's thumb image),
fullname: (the author's full name),
rank: (YUI Team member?, Contributor? etc),
<p>We'll use these objects to populate an HTML template with data <em>{placeholder}</em>s using `Y.Lang.sub( template, object )`.</p>
<h3>Start simple</h3>
<p>To make a single call to the YUILibrary Gallery API, we can just use</p>
Y.jsonp("http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/api/random?callback={callback}", handleJSONP);
<p>But since each call to `Y.jsonp()` creates a new instance of `Y.JSONPRequest`, we may as well store the instance and reuse it.</p>
var gallery = new Y.JSONPRequest("http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/api/random?callback={callback}", handleJSONP);
<h3>Add polling</h3>
<p>JSONPRequest doesn't have any built-in polling mechanism, but `Y.later()` can handle this for us.</p>
var url = "http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/api/random?callback={callback}";
function handleJSONP(response) {
// populate template from the response object and add to the output div
Y.one("#out").setContent( Y.Lang.sub(template, module) );
// After 7 seconds, call the API for a new module
Y.later(7000, this, this.send);
var gallery = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, handleJSONP);
<h3>Add failure protection</h3>
<p>In case the Gallery API is busy or some other problem arises, we'll also want to handle this case and display an error. We can do this by passing a configuration object as the second parameter rather than a simple success callback.</p>
var gallery = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, {
on: {
success: function (response) {
// populate output div from the template and response object
Y.one("#out").setContent( Y.Lang.sub(template, module) );
// After 7 seconds, call the API for a new module
Y.later(7000, this, this.send);
failure: function () {
Y.one("#out").setContent( failureTemplate );
<h3>Add flare</h3>
<p>Now we'll add a bit of flourish, by adding a visual indicator of how long until the next module is requested. We'll replace the call to `Y.later()` with a call to `node.transition()` using a shrinking border to show the remaining time. Then when the transition is complete, we call `send()` again.
var gallery = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, {
on: {
success: function (response) {
// populate output div from the template and response object
Y.one("#out").setContent( Y.Lang.sub(template, module) );
// Add some flare to the poll interval by showing a "time left"
// indicator via the header's border
Y.one("#out h4")
.setStyle("borderRightWidth", "100px")
borderRightWidth: 0,
duration: 7
}, function () {
failure: function () {
Y.one("#out").setContent( failureTemplate );
<h3>Stop the poll</h3>
<p>The final step is to add the ability to start and stop the polling. We'll manage this by adding a property to the `gallery` JSONPRequest instance named `gallery.polling`. See the full code listing below for the implementation.
<h3 id="fullcode">Full Code Listing</h3>