<div class="intro">
Often pages will have a number of images below the fold, hidden from the user's view.
These are prime candidates to load with the <a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/imageloader/">ImageLoader Utility</a>.
All the images in this example belong to the same group, and each loads immediately only when it appears above,
or within the specified distance (25px) of, the page fold.
<div class="example">
<!--BEGIN SOURCE CODE FOR EXAMPLE ===============================-->
.everything .cont { border:1px solid #888; width:100px; margin:75px 50px; }
.everything .rightCol { margin-left:300px; }
#img1Cont { height:75px; margin-top:25px; }
#img2Cont { height:67px; }
#img3Cont { height:53px; }
#img4Cont { height:72px; }
#img5Cont { height:75px; margin-bottom:25px; }
<div class='everything' id='everything'>
<div class='cont' id='img1Cont'>
<img id='img1' />
<div class='cont rightCol' id='img2Cont'>
<img id='img2' />
<div class='cont' id='img3Cont'>
<img id='img3' />
<div class='cont rightCol' id='img4Cont'>
<img id='img4' />
<div class='cont' id='img5Cont'>
<img id='img5' />
YUI({filter:"debug", logInclude: {"imageloader":true, "example":true}}).use("imageloader", function(Y) {
var foldGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup({ name: 'fold group', foldDistance: 25 });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img1', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/museum.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img2', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/uluru.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img3', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/katatjuta.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img4', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/morraine.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img5', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/japan.jpg' });
var foldGroup = new YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group(window, 'scroll');
foldGroup.foldConditional = true;
//foldGroup.addTrigger(window, 'resize');
foldGroup.name = 'fold_group';
* This uncustomary wait before adding the resize trigger is done specifically to cater to IE for this example.
* In IE and with the Logger enabled, IE fires an immediate resize event while rendering the Logger module, consequently loading all the images in the example.
* This 200 ms delay allows IE to render the Logger without interference.
* In your code, you would add the resize trigger in a straightforward fashion, as is documented in the example.
//YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'load', function() { setTimeout("foldGroup.addTrigger(window, 'resize')", 200); });
<!--END SOURCE CODE FOR EXAMPLE =============================== -->
<h2>Loading Images Below the Fold</h2>
You can easily have images load immediately if they are above the fold while delaying the load of images below the fold.
This saves you from loading any images that the user can't see because they are beyond her browser's viewable area.
All we need is one group, and we specify its <code>foldDistance</code> attribute to <code>25</code> (25px).
Any group with this attribute set will, at the DOM ready state, examine the page coordinates of all images registered
to that group. Any images located above the fold, or no farther than the specified distance below the fold, will load immediately.
The rest will be checked again at any <code>scroll</code> or <code>resize</code> event and be loaded only when they're near enough
to the fold.
var foldGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup({ name: 'fold group', foldDistance: 25 });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img1', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/museum.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img2', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/uluru.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img3', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/katatjuta.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img4', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/morraine.jpg' });
foldGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'img5', srcUrl: 'http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/assets/examples/exampleimages/small/japan.jpg' });
When you specify a <code>foldDistance</code> value, <code>scroll</code> and <code>resize</code> triggers are added to the
group automatically. Thus you will typically not need to set any triggers for the group explicitly.
How do you know that the images below the fold are, in fact, not loaded immediately? There are several tools available to
monitor the HTTP requests of your browser, including Firebug for Firefox and HTTPWatch for IE. With these tools you can
monitor precisely when each image on a page is loaded.