<div class="intro">
Displayed here are some basic triggers of the ImageLoader Utility.
Each image group has an assigned action that will make the group of image(s) appear.
#group1, #group2, #group3, #group4 { border-bottom: dotted 2px #ccc;}
.yuiLogo { width:117px; height: 52px; border:1px solid #888; margin:5px;}
<div id="group1">
<h2>Group 1: Two second delay</h2>
<p>This will appear two seconds after page-load.</p>
<div class='example'>
<div class='yuiLogo' id='delay' title='Group 1: 2 sec limit'></div>
<div id='delay' title='Group 1: 2 sec limit'></div>
var delayGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup({ timeLimit: 2 });
delayGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'delay', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
<div id="group2">
<h2>Group 2: Window scroll event</h2>
<p>This will appear when the scroll event is fired.</p>
<div class='example'>
<div class='yuiLogo' title='Group 2: scroll'>
<img id='scroll' style='visibility:hidden;' />
<img id='scroll' style='visibility:hidden;' />
var scrollGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup();
scrollGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'scroll', srcUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true, setVisible: true });
scrollGroup.addTrigger(window, 'scroll');
<div id="group3">
<h2>Group 3: Mouse over</h2>
<p>This will appear when you mouse over it.</p>
<div class="example">
<div class='yuiLogo' id='mouseover' title='Group 3: mouseover'></div>
<div id='mouseover' title='Group 3: mouseover'></div>
var mouseoverGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup();
mouseoverGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'scroll', srcUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true, setVisible: true });
mouseoverGroup.addTrigger(window, 'scroll');
<div id="group4">
<h2>Group 4: Onclick</h2>
<p>These will appear when either one is clicked.</p>
<div class="example">
<div class='yuiLogo' id='duo1' title='Group 4: onclick'></div>
<div class='yuiLogo' id='duo2' title='Group 4: onclick'></div>
<div id='duo1' title='Group 4: onclick'></div>
<div id='duo2' title='Group 4: onclick'></div>
var clickGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup();
clickGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'duo1', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
clickGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'duo2', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
clickGroup.addTrigger('#duo2', 'click').addTrigger('#duo1', 'click');
YUI().use("imageloader", function(Y) {
var delayGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup({ timeLimit: 2 });
delayGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'delay', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
var scrollGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup();
scrollGroup.addTrigger(window, 'scroll');
scrollGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'scroll', srcUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true, setVisible: true });
var mouseoverGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup();
mouseoverGroup.addTrigger('#mouseover', 'mouseover');
mouseoverGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'mouseover', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
var clickGroup = new Y.ImgLoadGroup();
clickGroup.addTrigger('#duo2', 'click').addTrigger('#duo1', 'click');
clickGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'duo1', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
clickGroup.registerImage({ domId: 'duo2', bgUrl: '{{componentAssets}}/yui-logo.png', isPng: true });
<h2>Basic Features of the ImageLoader Utility</h2>
The ImageLoader Utility allows you to define the conditions under which images are loaded into the page.
This example demonstrates attaching some simple triggers to images to establish this load control.
The HTML used for the image needs little to no modification.
Simply make sure the <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> elements have <code>id</code> attributes, eliminate the <code>src</code> attribute
from <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> elements, and optionally set their <code>visibility</code> style to "hidden" .
<img id='image' style='visibility:hidden;' />