<!doctype html>
<title>Test Page</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="assets/test.css">
<body class="yui3-skin-sam">
<div id="log"></div>
<script src="/build/yui/yui.js"></script>
<script src="event-resize-tests.js"></script>
filter: (window.location.search.match(/[?&]filter=([^&]+)/) || [])[1] || 'min',
allowRollup: false,
// Can't use lazyEventFacade with resize tests because IE doesn't support
// simulating window.onresize, so the custom event proxy for the DOM
// subscriptions needs to be fire()d manualy, passing an object, rather than
// a browser event
// lazyEventFacade: true,
useBrowserConsole: false
.use('console-filters', 'event-resize-tests', function (Y) {
new Y.Console({
style: 'block',
entryTemplate: '<div class="{entry_class} {cat_class} {src_class}">'+
'<pre class="{entry_content_class}">{message}</pre>'+
on: {
entry: function (e) {
var m = e.message,
if (m.category === 'info' &&
/\s(?:case|suite)\s|yuitests\d+|began/.test(m.message)) {
m.category = 'status';
} else if (m.category === 'fail') {
m.category = 'error';
after: {
render: function () {
this.get('contentBox').insertBefore( this._foot, this._body );
}).plug(Y.Plugin.ConsoleFilters, {
category: {
pass: false,
status: false
.render( "#log" );