Event Infrastructure Change History
* `event-simulate` references to `window` replaced with `Y.config.win`
* `event-resize` no longer throws an exception in IE [#2531310]
* "avilable" and "contentready" handlers that throw exceptions no longer
result in infinite polling [#2531375]
* Added `event-touch`, `event-flick`, `event-move`, and `event-valuechange` to
the `event` virtual rollup in accordance with the docs.
* 'key' event does a better job parsing character filters. Uses `e.which`
instead of `e.keyCode` or `e.charCode`.
* `node.delegate('focus', fn, '.not-focusable')` now works. Properly supports
delegation where the filter matches non-focusable parent nodes of the
focused target. Same for blur. [#2531334] (`event-focus`)
* `node.delegate('focus', fn, filterThatMatchesNode); node.focus();` now
works. [#2531734]
* Calling Y.on('syntheticEvent', callback) without a context/selector argument
now defaults to `window` (or the global object) [Ticket #2530081]
* event-resize, a.k.a. Y.on('windowresize', ...) migrated to synthetic event
infrastructure. Now detachable, etc. Also properly throttles the resize
event on newer Gecko engines. That browser sniff was old! [Ticket #2530805]
* `event-outside` added for "outside" events.
* `Y.Event.define(name)` adds name to `DOM_EVENTS` whitelist. Accepts event
name string or array of string names.
* `event-hover` properly pulls in required module `event-mouseenter`.
* DOM event subscriptions are now removed and objects cleaned up after last
subscription is detached; same for synthetic events.
* `key` synthetic event migrated to official synth infrastructure; and now
supports delegation.
* `key` event spec param now supports letters and named keys. E.g.:
`'enter+ctrl' == '13+ctrl'`, `'up:a' == 'up:65'` and `'A' == '65+shift'`.
* Added experimental config `YUI({ lazyEventFacade: true })` that triggers a
mode for DOM EventFacades in IE8 to use getters to access event properties
that involve any calculation, such as `e.target` and `e.currentTarget`; this
should also improve performance.
* `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events now filter the native event rather than
the generated `DOMEventFacades` for `mouseover`/`mouseout`. This results in
fewer calls to `Y.one` (`e.target`, `currentTarget`, `relatedTarget`) as
well, so should improve performance.
* Added `onceAfter()` method to do a self-detaching `after()` subscription.
[Ticket #2529464]
* `Y.on(type, callback, HTMLElement[], COMPAT)` subscriptions to attach to
multiple elements in one call now correctly use native DOM elements instead
of Nodes for all subscriptions. [Ticket #2529807]
* Plugged the leaked global `GLOBAL_ENV`. [Ticket #2530227]
* Fixed synth architecture to properly resubscribe to synths that use
`processArgs` if the target is not available at the time of subscription.
[Ticket #2530293]
* Added support for `delegate({ click: fn, keyup: fn2 }, …)` and
`delegate(['click', 'keyup'], fn, …)`.
* Delegation containers are now potential matches for the filter.
* Nested delegate matches will now have callback executed for all matching
targets in bubbling order.
* `e.stopPropagation()` in nested delegate matches now works as expected.
* The raw DOM event is no longer double wrapped (i.e. was: `e._event._event`).
* `event-focus` now uses XHTML-friendly feature test to fork for IE.
* New `event-hover` module providing `node.on('hover', in, out)`.
* `e.button`/`e.which` normalization.
* `e.which` normalized for key operations as well.
* Split out IE-specific code into `event-base-ie` conditional module.
* Added event and facade support for touch.
* Synthetic event infrastructure rebuilt. Changes include:
* Support for delegation.
* Passing `DOMEventFacade` to `notifier.fire(e)` now recommended.
* Fixed issue where firing the notifier from inside DOM event subs would
result in duplicate synth sub execution if the same synth was subscribed
multiple times on the same Node.
* Synths can now be detached with `node.purge(t|f, 'synthName')`.
* `Event.define(type, config, *force*)` third arg added to override existing
events. Only use this if you really know what you're doing.
* Changed `allowDups` to `preventDups`, `true` by default to mimic existing
behavior elsewhere in the event system.
* `delegate()` now defers to synthetic event def more intelligently.
* Added support for passing filter function to delegate.
* `delegate()` now executes callback for each filter match up the bubble path.
* Added detach category support to `delegate()`.
* Migrate `mouseenter`, `mouseleave`, `focus`, and `blur` to `Event.define`.
* `focus` and `blur` now guarantee execution order of subs matches bubble
order when multiple delegates are created from different levels.
* `event-synthetic` added to 'event' rollup module.
* fired `fireOnce()` listeners are executed synchronously.
* Removed deprecated `delegate` custom event. As of 3.1.0 use the `delegate()`
method on a `Node` instance or `Y` instance.
* Updated the `event-focus` submodule so that the specialized `focus` and
`blur` events that enable the `focus` and `blur` events to bubble do not
apply when adding `focus` and `blur` events to the `window` object.
* Synthetic event creation API added.
* `delegate` enhancements.
* `unload` event fix.
* Compatibility with Firefox's untouchable anonymous `div`.
* Added `onreadystatechange` fork in `domready` to handle the event in IE when
YUI is hosted in an `iframe`.
* Added `mousewheel` support.
* Added `Y.delegate()` function that is a bit easier to use than
`Y.on('delegate', …)`.
* Default scope of `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events is the `Node` instance
to which the listener is attached.
* Default scope of delegated event listeners is the `Node` instance that
matched the supplied CSS selector.
* All special DOM event handlers (`focus`, `blur`, `mousewheel`, `resize`,
`delegate`, etc.) are broken down into submodules. Core DOM event
functionality is provided in event-base.js, and all of the functionality is
rolled into event.js.
* Additional Safari key remapping.
* Special DOM events can now be routed through `delegate()`.
* `Y.on()` can target `Node` and `NodeList` references correctly.
* Fixed `onAvailable()` lazy DOM listener detach handles.
* When configured to return a detach handle, a single object is always
returned. Previously requests that resolved to multiple listeners returned
an array.
* DOM event, custom event, and simulate event moved to separate modules.
* Added an event for DOM event delegation. It only fires if the target or its
descendants match a supplied selector.
Y.on('delegate', fn, el, 'click', 'selector', …)
The event facade sets the following properties:
* `target`: the target of the event.
* `currentTarget`: the element that the selector matched.
* `container`: the bound element (the delegation container).
* Added `mouseenter`/`mouseleave` events:
* `Y.on('mouseenter', fn, el, 'click', 'selector', …)`
* `Y.on('mouseleave', fn, el, 'click', 'selector', …)`
* Added `Y.on('windowresize', fn)`, which attempts to normalize when the event
fires across all browsers (once at the end of the resize rather than
continuously during the resize).
* Fixed `unsubscribeAll()` return value.
* Added ability to skip facade creation where performance is a concern.
* Moved `DOMReady` core to `yui-base`.
* Focus/blur abstraction works in Opera when the bound element is the target.
* `purgeElement` only reads element guids, it does not create new ones for
elements without one.
* `Event.attach()` returns a single handle if the result from collection
processing is a single item.
* Fixed IE notification error when no arguments are supplied.
* Added `event-simulate`.
* `getListeners()` works when the element has no listeners defined.
* `Event.addListener()` removed. Exists only in compat layer.
* `addListerer()` triggers 2.x event behavior.
* Removed extra undefined parameter passed to DOM event listeners.
* Compat layer contains `Event.on()`.
* Event adapter support added to `Y.on()`.
* Added `focus` and `blur` event adaptors (support for propagation of these
* publish and subscribe support an object for the type, allowing for multiple
* subscriber failures throw an error by default rather than log.
* subscriber failures are not routed through `Y.fail` in order to improve the
debug experience.
* New facades created every `fire()`.
* `before()` method re-added to `EventTarget`, which delegates to
`Do.before()` or `subscribe()`.
* `EventTarget.after()` will delegate to `Do.after()` if type is a function.
* Added keylistener: `Y.on('key', fn, element, 'down:13,65+ctrl+shift')`.
* `event:ready` event deprecated in favor of `domready`.
* Initial Release.