YUI().use('dial', function(Y) {
var sceneH = Y.one('#scene').get('region').height,
subSea = 450,
viewFrameH = Y.one('#view_frame').get('region').height -2,
zeroPt = 100,
originY = -sceneH + subSea + viewFrameH - zeroPt;
Y.one('#scene').setStyle('top', originY + 'px');
* The Dial's valueChange event is passed to this.
* sets the CSS top value of the pictoral scene of the earth to the hubble.
* This scene is an absolute positioned div inside another div with
* overflow set to hidden.
setSceneY = function(e) {
var dial = new Y.Dial({
value: 0,
diameter: 100,
minorStep: 1,
majorStep: 10,
decimalPlaces: 2,
strings:{label:'Altitude in Kilometers:', resetStr: 'Reset', tooltipHandle: 'Drag to set'},
// construction-time event subscription
after : {
valueChange: Y.bind( setSceneY, dial )
// Function that calls a method in Dial that sets its value to the value of the max config attribute
// Other methods available include,
// _setToMin(), _resetDial(), _incrMinor(), _decrMinor(), _incrMajor(), _decrMajor(),
var setDialToMax = function(){
// Subscribe to the click of the "Hubble" anchor, passing the dial as the 'this'
Y.on('click', setDialToMax, '#a-hubble', dial);