<div class="intro" style="min-height:181px;">
<img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/images/dial_drag.png" alt="Screenshot of the Dial widget" style="border: 1px solid #bfbfbf; float:right; height:146px; margin: 0 0 8px 8px; width:154px;">
The Dial widget is a circular value input control. It's like a real-world, analog volume control dial, but with much finer UI control.
Have you ever needed a slider with a 2000 unit range, wanted 1 unit accuracy, but didn't have 2000 pixels of real estate for a slider?
The Dial widget is made for cases like this.
The user sets the value of the dial by dragging its handle or clicking on the ring.
<h2>Using the Dial Widget</h2>
<h3>Anatomy of a Dial</h3>
<h4>Dom Structure</h4>
The major parts of the Dial are:
<li>User-draggable handle</li>
<li>Reset button</li>
The ring is the background element and container of the other elements.
The marker is always displayed at a fixed but configurable distance from the dial center.
Its position around the dial indicates the current value as the user drags the handle or clicks
on the ring to adjust the value.
When not being dragged, the handle occupies the same space as the marker, and the marker is not displayed.
When the keyboard is used for input, the marker is not displayed.
The reset button restores the dial to the initial configuration value.
<p>A label string and a value string are dislayed above the dial.
<p>Like other form controls, Dials are inline elements.</p>
<img src="{{{componentAssets}}}/images/dial_anatomy.png" alt="illustration of the parts of a Dial">
<h3>Markup Structure</h3>
<p>The final rendered Dial has the markup structure shown below:</p>
<div id="demo">
<div class="yui3-widget yui3-dial">
<div class="yui3-dial-content">
<div class="yui3-dial-label" id="[custom YUI gen id for screen reader]">
<span class="yui3-dial-label-string">My label</span>
<span class="yui3-dial-value-string">30</span>
<div class="yui3-dial-ring">
<div class="yui3-dial-north-mark"></div>
<div class="yui3-dial-marker yui3-dial-marker-hidden"></div>
<div class="yui3-dial-center-button">
<div class="yui3-dial-reset-str"></div>
<div class="yui3-dial-handle yui3-dd-draggable" title="Drag to set value" tabindex="0" role="slider" aria-valuenow="30" aria-valuemin="-220" aria-valuemax="220" aria-valuetext="30" aria-labelledby="[custom YUI gen id for screen reader]"></div>
<h3>Instantiating the Dial</h3>
The only markup required to instantiate a `Dial` is an HTML tag into which the widget will be rendered.
<div id="demo"></div>
<p>`Dial` extends the `Widget` class, following the same pattern
as any widget constructor, accepting a configuration object to
set the initial configuration for the widget.</p>
<p>Some commonly used configuration attributes are shown below.</p>
YUI().use('dial', function(Y) {
var dial = new Y.Dial({
value: 30,
After creating and configuring the new `Dial`,
Call the `render` method on your `Dial` object, passing it
the `selector` of a container object.
This renders it in the container and makes it usable.
var dial = new Y.Dial();
<p>The following configuration attributes are provided to define default values for each Dial widget:</p>
<td>Minimum input value allowed</td>
<td>Maximum input value allowed</td>
<td>Diameter of the dial control in pixels</td>
<td>The diameter of the center button. This value is a percentage of the diameter of the Dial widget.</td>
<td>The diameter of the marker that follows the angle of the handle as it is dragged. This value is a percentage of the diameter of the Dial widget.</td>
<td>The diameter of the handle that sets the Dial value. This value is a percentage of the diameter of the Dial widget.</td>
<td>The initial value which will set the UI display</td>
<td>Value is incremented/decremented by this value on arrow key press.</td>
<td>Value is incremented/decremented by this value on page up/down key press.</td>
<td>One revolution of the dial adds/subtracts this many value units.</td>
<td>Number of digits to the right of decimal point to retain in the value.</td>
<td>Display text strings are isolated in object literals and are handled through YUI's Internationalization utility.
See the examples for ways to replace these strings.
<td>`{label:'My label', resetStr:'Reset', tooltipHandle:'Drag to set value'}`</td>
<td>This is the distance from the center of the dial to the center of the marker and handle when at rest. This value is a percentage of the radius of the Dial widget.</td>
<h4>Setting and Constraining the Dial Value</h4>
<h5>Setting and Getting Dial Values</h5>
<p>Like any input element, the most important thing about a Dial is its `value`.
`value` is managed as an attribute.</p>
// Specify value at construction
var dial = new Y.Dial({
value : 50
// Get and set the value as an attribute
var val = dial.get('value');
dial.set('value',val + 10);
<h5>Constraining Dial Values</h5>
<p>A Dial's `value` is constrained between the configured `min` and `max` attribute values.
Values outside this range are treated as the closer of `min` or `max`.</p>
<p>Configuring values for `max` and `min` that are respectively larger or smaller than the configured
`stepsPerRevolution` or `-stepsPerRevolution` can be used to configure a Dial to allow the user to drag the handle more than 360°.
By this means, a `Dial` can be configured to "go around and around," allowing a very large range of values.</p>
YUI().use("dial", function(Y) {
var dial = new Y.Dial({
value: 30,
<h5>Sync the UI If the Dial Was Rendered off the DOM</h5>
<p>If a Dial is rendered off the DOM, you must call the Dial's `syncUI()` method after attaching it to the DOM
in order for the handle to be placed correctly.
When off DOM, the dimensional information necessary to place the handle is unavailable.</p>
<p>The core structural CSS for the Dial is shown below. Widths and heights of elements
are computed based on the "diameter" configuration property.</p>
/* VML implementation for IE */
v\:fill {
behavior: url(#default#VML);
display: inline-block;
zoom: 1; *display: inline; /* IE < 8: fake inline-block */
.yui3-dial-ring-vml v\:oval,
.yui3-dial-center-button-vml v\:oval
.yui3-dial-center-button-vml v\:oval {
.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-dial-hidden {