YUI().use('yql', 'node', 'anim', 'dd', 'dd-plugin', 'dd-drop-plugin', 'slider', 'stylesheet', 'event-delegate', function(Y) {
//Get a reference to the wrapper to use later and add a loading class to it.
var wrapper = Y.one('#yui-main .yui-g ul').addClass('loading');
//Set it's height to the height of the viewport so we can scroll it.
wrapper.setStyle('height', (wrapper.get('winHeight') - 50 )+ 'px');
Y.on('windowresize', function() { wrapper.setStyle('height', (wrapper.get('winHeight') - 50 )+ 'px'); });
//Make the YQL query.
Y.YQL('SELECT * FROM flickr.photos.search(100) WHERE (text="yuiconf") AND (safe_search = 1) AND (media = "photos") AND (api_key = "1895311ec0d2e23431a6407f3e8dffcc")', function(e) {
if (e.query && e.query.results) {
var photos = e.query.results.photo;
//Walk the returned photos array
Y.each(photos, function(v, k) {
//Create our URL
var url = 'http:/'+'/static.flickr.com/' + v.server + '/' + v.id + '_' + v.secret + '_m.jpg',
//Create the image and the LI
li = Y.Node.create('<li class="loading"><img src="' + url + '" title="' + v.title + '"></li>'),
//Get the image from the LI
img = li.get('firstChild');
//Append the li to the wrapper
//This little hack moves the tall images to the bottom of the list
//So they float better ;)
img.on('load', function() {
//Is the height longer than the width?
var c = ((this.get('height') > this.get('width')) ? 'tall' : 'wide');
if (c === 'tall') {
//Move it to the end of the list.
//Get all the newly added li's
wrapper.all('li').each(function(node) {
//Plugin the Drag plugin
this.plug(Y.Plugin.Drag, {
offsetNode: false
//Plug the Proxy into the DD object
this.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {
resizeFrame: false,
moveOnEnd: false,
borderStyle: 'none'
//Create and render the slider
var sl = new Y.Slider({
length: '200px', value: 40, max: 70, min: 5
//Listen for the change
sl.after('valueChange',function (e) {
//Insert a dynamic stylesheet rule:
var sheet = new Y.StyleSheet('image_slider');
sheet.set('#yui-main .yui-g ul li', {
width: (e.newVal / 2) + '%'
//Remove the DDM as a bubble target..
//Remove the wrappers loading class
//Listen for all mouseup's on the document (selecting/deselecting images)
Y.delegate('mouseup', function(e) {
if (!e.shiftKey) {
//No shift key - remove all selected images
//Check if the target is an image and select it.
if (e.target.test('#yui-main .yui-g ul li img')) {
}, document, '*');
//Listen for all clicks on the '#photoList li' selector
Y.delegate('click', function(e) {
//Prevent the click
//Remove all the selected items
//Add the selected class to the one that one clicked
//The "All Photos" link was clicked
if (e.currentTarget.hasClass('all')) {
//Remove all the hidden classes
} else {
//Another "album" was clicked, get it's id
var c = e.currentTarget.get('id');
//Hide all items by adding the hidden class
//Now, find all the items with the class name the same as the album id
//and remove the hidden class
wrapper.all('li.' + c).removeClass('hidden');
}, document, '#photoList li');
//Stop the drag with the escape key
Y.one(document).on('keyup', function(e) {
//The escape key was pressed
if ((e.keyCode === 27) || (e.charCode === 27)) {
//We have an active Drag
if (Y.DD.DDM.activeDrag) {
//Stop the drag
//On the drag:mouseDown add the selected class
Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:mouseDown', function(e) {
var img = e.target.get('node').one('img');
//If it's a gesture event, then we need to act differently
if (Y.DD.Drag.START_EVENT.indexOf('gesture') === 0) {
if (img.hasClass('selected')) {
} else {
} else {
//On drag start, get all the selected elements
//Add the count to the proxy element and offset it to the cursor.
Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:start', function(e) {
var img = e.target.get('node').one('img').addClass('selected');
//How many items are selected
var count = wrapper.all('img.selected').size();
//Set the style on the proxy node
height: '25px', width: '25px'
}).set('innerHTML', '<span>' + count + '</span>');
//Offset the dragNode
e.target.deltaXY = [25, 5];
//We dropped on a drop target
Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:drophit', function(e) {
//get the images that are selected.
var imgs = wrapper.all('img.selected'),
//The xy position of the item we dropped on
toXY = e.drop.get('node').getXY();
imgs.each(function(node) {
//Clone the image, position it on top of the original and animate it to the drop target
var n = node.cloneNode().set('id', '').setStyle('position', 'absolute');
new Y.Anim({
node: n,
to: {
height: 20, width: 20, opacity: 0,
top: toXY[1], left: toXY[0]
from: {
width: node.get('offsetWidth'),
height: node.get('offsetHeight')
duration: .5
//Update the count
var count = wrapper.all('li.' + e.drop.get('node').get('id')).size();
e.drop.get('node').one('span').set('innerHTML', '(' + count + ')');
//Add drop support to the albums
Y.all('#photoList li').each(function(node) {
if (!node.hasClass('all')) {
//make all albums Drop Targets except the all photos.