<div class="intro component">
The DataType Utility provides type-conversion and string-formatting
convenience methods for numbers, dates, and XML documents.
<strong>Note:</strong> In evolving the internationalization
infrastructure, we have deprecated <code>config.locale</code>,
<code>config.dateFormat</code>, and <code>DataType.Date.Locale</code>.
These properties will be removed beginning with the 3.5.0 release.
<h2 id="using">Using the DataType utility</h2>
<h3 id="dates">Dates</h3>
<h4 id="formattingdates">Formatting dates</h4>
<code>DataType.Date.format()</code> will output dates as strings formatted
using <code>strftime</code> tokens. Some of the formats are localizable, so
be sure to specify the <code>lang</code> property of the YUI instance's
config object.
YUI({lang:"ko-KR"}).use("datatype-date", function(Y) {
// display the current date and time in localized format
alert(Y.DataType.Date.format(new Date(), {format:"%x %X"}));
<a name="addDateFormat"></a>The module has support for a large number of
languages built in. If you need a language that's not supported, you can
register the necessary localized data yourself using facilities of the <a
href="../intl">Internationalization utility</a>. The resource bundle you
provide needs to have properties corresponding to the locale-sensitive <a
href="{{apiDocs}}/classes/DataType.Date.html#method_format"> strftime format
<li><b>a:</b> list of abbreviated weekday names, from Sunday to Saturday
<li><b>A:</b> list of full weekday names, from Sunday to Saturday
<li><b>b:</b> list of abbreviated month names, from January to December
<li><b>B:</b> list of full month names, from January to December
<li><b>c:</b> preferred date and time representation
<li><b>p:</b> list of strings corresponding to "AM" and "PM"
<li><b>P:</b> same as "p", but lower case
<li><b>x:</b> preferred date representation without the time
<li><b>X:</b> preferred time representation without the date
YUI().use("intl", "datatype-date-format", function(Y) {
// provide data for Punjabi in India
Y.Intl.add("datatype-date-format", "pa-IN", {
"c":"%a, %Y %b %d %l:%M:%S %p %Z",
"X":"%l:%M:%S %p"
// switch to Punjabi
Y.Intl.setLang("datatype-date-format", "pa-IN");
// now dates are formatted in Punjabi
alert(Y.DataType.Date.format(new Date(), {format:"%A %x %X"}));
<h4 id="parsingdates">Parsing dates</h4>
<code>DataType.Date.parse()</code> accepts any value supported by the
JavaScript <code>Date()</code> constructor and converts it to a Date
object. Invalid values will return null.
var date1 = Y.DataType.Date.parse("December 17, 1995 03:24:00");
var date2 = Y.DataType.Date.parse(1995,11,17);
var date3 = Y.DataType.Date.parse(1995,11,17,3,24,0);
var date4 = Y.DataType.Date.parse(948548583);
<h3 id="numbers">Numbers</h3>
<h4 id="formattingnumbers">Formatting numbers</h4>
JavaScript Number values can be formatted with a variety options into
string values using <code>DataType.Number.format()</code>.
prefix: "€",
thousandsSeparator: ".",
decimalSeparator: ",",
decimalPlaces: 2,
suffix: " (EUR)"
<h4 id="parsingnumbers">Parsing numbers</h4>
String values can be converted into Number objects with
var number = Y.DataType.Number.parse("123123");
<h3 id="xml">XML</h3>
<h4 id="formattingxml">Formatting XML</h4>
<code>DataType.XML.format()</code> will accept an XML document and return
its string representation. Note that browsers may slightly differ in the
exact string that is returned.
var myString = Y.DataType.XML.format(myXMLDocument);
<h4 id="parsingxml">Parsing XML</h4>
<code>DataType.XML.parse()</code> will accept a string representation of
XML and return an XML document object. Note that browsers differ in their
handling of invalid syntax but will in general return an XML document even
under error conditions.
var myXMLDocument = Y.DataType.XML.parse("<myroot><item type='foo'><name>Abc</name><rank>1</rank></item><item type='bar'><name>Def</name><rank>2</rank></item><item type='bat'><name>Ghhi</name><rank>3</rank></item></myroot>");
<h3 id="parsers">Y.Parsers shortcuts</h3>
The functions <code>DataType.Date.parse()</code> and
<code>DataType.Number.parse()</code> are registered with the
<code>Parsers</code> object for seamless integration with the DataSchema
Utility. For dynamic type enforcing when data is being normalized against a
schema, simply point to the appropriate function using the built-in
shortcut in your schema definition. Parsing your data in this manner is
essential if your numerical or date data comes over the wire as JSON, since
all the values will be strings.
YUI().use("datatype", "dataschema", function(Y) {
var data_in = {
{"string":"aardvark", "number":"1", "date":"Jan 1, 2001"},
{"string":"bat", "number":"2", "date":"Feb 2, 2002"},
{"string":"camel", "number":"3", "date":"March 3, 2003"}
schema = {
resultListLocator: "results",
resultFields: [
"string", // needs no parsing
{key:"number", parser: "number"}, // converts string values to numbers
{key:"date", parser: "date"}] // converts string values to dates
data_out = Y.DataSchema.JSON.apply(schema, data_in);