<style scoped>
/* custom styles for this example */
#demo input, #demo label {display:block;}
#demo fieldset {margin:1em;}
#demo textarea {width:40em;height:8em;}
<div class="intro">
<p>The XML module of the DataType Utility allows you to take a string and convert it to an XML document.</p>
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
<p>To convert a string to an XML document, simply call the <code>parse()</code> function of the DataType.XML class:</p>
YUI().use("datatype-xml", function(Y) {
var output = Y.DataType.XML.parse("<myroot><item type='foo'><name>Abc</name><rank>1</rank></item><item type='bar'><name>Def</name><rank>2</rank></item><item type='bat'><name>Ghi</name><rank>3</rank></item></myroot>");
// output is an XML document