<style scoped>
/* custom styles for this example */
#demo .output {margin-bottom:1em; padding:10px; border:1px solid #D9D9D9;}
<div class="intro">
<p>The XML module of the DataType Utility allows you to take an XML document and convert it to a string.</p>
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
<p>To output an XML document as a string, simply call the <code>format()</code> function of the DataType.XML class:</p>
YUI().use("datatype-xml", function(Y) {
var xmlString =
'<myroot>' +
'<item type="foo">' +
'<name>Abc</name>' +
'<rank>1</rank>' +
'</item>' +
'<item type="bar">' +
'<name>Def</name>' +
'<rank>2</rank>' +
'</item>' +
'<item type="bat">' +
'<name>Ghhi</name>' +
'<rank>3</rank>' +
'</item>' +
var myXMLDoc = Y.DataType.XML.parse(xmlString);