<style scoped>
/* custom styles for this example */
#demo label {display:block;}
#demo fieldset {margin:1em;}
<div class="intro">
<p>The Number module of the DataType Utility allows you to take a data value and convert it to a number.</p>
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
<p>To convert a data value to a number, simply call the `parse()` function of the DataType.Number class:</p>
YUI().use("datatype-number", function(Y) {
var output = Y.DataType.Number.parse("123123.123");
// output is the number 123123.123
<p>Under the hood, the data value is converted to a number via `+data`, not `parseInt()`. When the resulting value is `NaN`, then null is returned:</p>
YUI().use("datatype-number", function(Y) {
var output = Y.DataType.Number.parse("$100");
// output is null
output = Y.DataType.Number.parse("20 dollars");
// output is null
output = Y.DataType.Number.parse("3,000,000.12");
// output is null (it's the commas)
output = Y.DataType.Number.parse(new Date("Jan 1, 2000"));
// output is 946713600000