<div class="intro">
<p>DataSource.Text normalizes delimited text data against a given schema into an object with known properties.</p>
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
<p>In order to use DataSchema.Text, input data must be delimited text. Define as your schema's `resultDelimiter` property the string that separates each result, and define as your schema's `fieldDelimiter` property the string that separates each field of each result.</p>
YUI().use("dataschema-text", function(Y) {
var data_in = "notebooks, 100, spiral-bound\\npencils, 300, #2 with erasers\\npens, 500, blue ink",
schema = {
resultDelimiter: "\\n",
fieldDelimiter: ",",
// Or simply: ["product", "quantity", "detail"]
resultFields: [{key:"product"}, {key:"quantity"}, {key:"detail"}]
data_out = Y.DataSchema.Text.apply(schema, data_in));