// Create the first YUI instance
YUI().use("node", function (Y) {
Y.one( "#yui1" ).on( "click", function () {
Y.log( "Message from YUI instance #1" );
// Create the second YUI instance
YUI().use("node", function (Y) {
Y.one( "#yui2" ).on( "click", function () {
Y.log( "I'm the second YUI instance" );
// Create a third YUI instance
YUI().use("node", function (Y) {
Y.one( "#yui3" ).on( "click", function () {
Y.log( "And this is #3 YUI" );
// Create a separate YUI instance to listen to all instances' logging
YUI().use("console", function (Y) {
// Configure the Console's logSource to Y.Global to make it universal
new Y.Console({
logSource: Y.Global,
style: 'inline',
newestOnTop: false
}).render( "#yconsole" );