/*Supplemental: CSS for the YUI distribution*/
#custom-doc { width: 95%; min-width: 950px; }
#mychart {
padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;
<body class="yui3-skin-sam">
<h3>Unit Tests</h3>
<div id="mychart"></div>
allowRollup: false,
filter: (window.location.search.match(/[?&]filter=([^&]+)/) || [])[1] || 'min'
}).use('charts', 'test', 'console', function (Y)
var ENGINE = "VML",
DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas"),
TestSVGNodes = function(lineStyles, tickStyles, valueLinePath, valueTickPath, catLinePath, catTickPath)
var lineColor = lineStyles.color,
lineWeight = lineStyles.weight,
lineOpacity = lineStyles.alpha,
tickColor = tickStyles.color,
tickWeight = tickStyles.weight,
tickOpacity = tickStyles.alpha;
valueLineNode = valueLinePath.get("node");
valueTickNode = valueTickPath.get("node");
catLineNode = catLinePath.get("node");
catTickNode = catTickPath.get("node");
return ( lineColor == valueLineNode.getAttribute("stroke") &&
parseFloat(lineWeight) === parseFloat(valueLineNode.getAttribute("stroke-width")) &&
parseFloat(lineOpacity) === parseFloat(valueLineNode.getAttribute("stroke-opacity")) &&
lineColor == catLineNode.getAttribute("stroke") &&
parseFloat(lineWeight) === parseFloat(catLineNode.getAttribute("stroke-width")) &&
parseFloat(lineOpacity) === parseFloat(catLineNode.getAttribute("stroke-opacity")) &&
tickColor == valueTickNode.getAttribute("stroke") &&
parseFloat(tickWeight) === parseFloat(valueTickNode.getAttribute("stroke-width")) &&
parseFloat(tickOpacity) === parseFloat(valueTickNode.getAttribute("stroke-opacity")) &&
tickColor == catTickNode.getAttribute("stroke") &&
parseFloat(tickWeight) === parseFloat(catTickNode.getAttribute("stroke-width")) &&
parseFloat(tickOpacity) === parseFloat(catTickNode.getAttribute("stroke-opacity")));
compareVMLColors = function(color, strokeNode, node)
var toHex = Y.Color.toHex,
color = toHex(color);
return (color == toHex(strokeNode.color) || color == toHex(strokeNode.color.value)) ||
(color == toHex(node.strokecolor) || color == toHex(node.strokecolor.value));
compareVMLStrokeWeight = function(weight, strokeNode, node)
weight = parseFloat(weight);
alert(weight + ", " + node.strokeWeight);
alert(weight + ", " + strokeNode.weight);
return weight === parseFloat(strokeNode.weight) || weight === parseFloat(node.strokeWeight);
TestVMLNodes = function(lineStyles, tickStyles, valueLinePath, valueTickPath, catLinePath, catTickPath)
var lineColor = lineStyles.color,
lineWeight = lineStyles.weight,
lineOpacity = lineStyles.alpha,
tickColor = tickStyles.color,
tickWeight = tickStyles.weight,
tickOpacity = tickStyles.alpha;
valueLineStrokeNode = valueLinePath._strokeNode;
valueTickStrokeNode = valueTickPath._strokeNode;
valueLineNode = valueLinePath.get("stroke");
valueTickNode = valueTickPath.get("stroke");
catLineStrokeNode = catLinePath._strokeNode;
catTickStrokeNode = catTickPath._strokeNode;
catLineNode = catLinePath.get("node");
catTickNode = catTickPath.get("node");
return compareVMLColors(lineColor, valueLineStrokeNode, valueLineNode) &&
//compareVMLStrokeWeight(lineWeight, valueLineStrokeNode, valueLineNode) &&
parseFloat(lineOpacity) === parseFloat(valueLineStrokeNode.opacity) &&
compareVMLColors(lineColor, catLineStrokeNode, valueLineNode) &&
//compareVMLStrokeWeight(lineWeight, catLineStrokeNode, catLineNode) &&
parseFloat(lineOpacity) === parseFloat(catLineStrokeNode.opacity) &&
compareVMLColors(tickColor, valueTickStrokeNode, valueTickNode) &&
//compareVMLStrokeWeight(tickWeight, valueTickStrokeNode, valueTickNode) &&
parseFloat(tickOpacity) === parseFloat(valueTickStrokeNode.opacity) &&
compareVMLColors(tickColor, catTickStrokeNode, catTickNode) &&
//compareVMLStrokeWeight(tickWeight, catTickStrokeNode, catTickNode) &&
parseFloat(tickOpacity) === parseFloat(catTickStrokeNode.opacity);
toRGBA = function(val, alpha) {
alpha = (alpha !== undefined) ? alpha : 1;
if (!Y.Color.re_RGB.test(val)) {
val = Y.Color.toHex(val);
if(Y.Color.re_hex.exec(val)) {
val = 'rgba(' + [
parseInt(RegExp.$1, 16),
parseInt(RegExp.$2, 16),
parseInt(RegExp.$3, 16)
].join(',') + ',' + alpha + ')';
return val;
TestCanvasNodes = function(lineStyles, tickStyles, valueLinePath, valueTickPath, catLinePath, catTickPath)
var toHex = Y.Color.toHex,
lineColor = toHex(lineStyles.color),
lineWeight = lineStyles.weight,
lineOpacity = lineStyles.alpha,
tickColor = toHex(tickStyles.color),
tickWeight = tickStyles.weight,
tickOpacity = tickStyles.alpha,
valueLineContext = valueLinePath._context,
valueTickContext = valueTickPath._context,
catLineContext = catLinePath._context,
catTickContext = catTickPath._context,
valueLineColor = valueLineContext.strokeStyle,
valueTickColor = valueTickContext.strokeStyle,
catLineColor = catLineContext.strokeStyle,
catTickColor = catTickContext.strokeStyle;
lineOpacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(lineOpacity) ? lineOpacity : 1;
tickOpacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(tickOpacity) ? tickOpacity : 1;
//Test values line color and alpha
if(valueLineColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || valueLineColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
valueLineColor = valueLineColor.toLowerCase();
valueLineColor = valueLineColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
if(valueLineColor != toRGBA(toHex(lineColor), lineOpacity))
return false;
if(toHex(valueLineColor) != lineColor)
return false;
//Test values ticks color and alpha
if(valueTickColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || valueTickColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
valueTickColor = valueTickColor.toLowerCase();
valueTickColor = valueTickColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
if(valueTickColor != toRGBA(toHex(tickColor), tickOpacity))
return false;
if(toHex(valueTickColor) != tickColor)
return false;
//Test category line color and alpha
if(catLineColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || catLineColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
catLineColor = catLineColor.toLowerCase();
catLineColor = catLineColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
if(catLineColor != toRGBA(toHex(lineColor), lineOpacity))
return false;
if(toHex(catLineColor) != lineColor)
return false;
//Test category ticks color and alpha
if(catTickColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || catTickColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
catTickColor = catTickColor.toLowerCase();
catTickColor = catTickColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
if(catTickColor != toRGBA(toHex(tickColor), tickOpacity))
return false;
if(toHex(catTickColor) != tickColor)
return false;
return lineWeight == valueLineContext.lineWidth &&
lineWeight == catLineContext.lineWidth &&
tickWeight == valueTickContext.lineWidth &&
tickWeight == catTickContext.lineWidth;
if(DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1"))
else if(canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d"))
ENGINE = "Canvas";
AxisTestTemplate = function(cfg, globalCfg)
var i;
cfg.height = cfg.height || 300;
this.attrCfg = cfg;
for(i in globalCfg)
this[i] = globalCfg[i];
Y.extend(AxisTestTemplate, Y.Test.Case, {
setUp: function() {
tearDown: function() {
var AxisMinTestTemplate = function()
AxisMinTestTemplate.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(AxisMinTestTemplate, AxisTestTemplate, {
//Tests a NumericAxis minimum by applying the labelFunction of the axis to the set minimum value to the innerHTML of the first label.
//Tests a NumericAxis maximum (unset) by checking to ensure the last label has a numeric value greater than or equal to the largest value in the data set.
testMin: function()
var chart = this.chart,
setMin = this.setMin,
dataMax = this.dataMax;
this.eventListener = this.chart.on("chartRendered", function(e) {
var axis = chart.getAxisByKey("values"),
majorUnit = axis.get("styles").majorUnit,
count = majorUnit.count - 1,
labels = axis.get("labels"),
min = parseFloat(labels[0].innerHTML),
max = labels[count].innerHTML,
roundingMethod = axis.get("roundingMethod"),
setIntervals = Y.Lang.isNumber(roundingMethod);
Y.assert((max - min) % roundingMethod === 0);
//if the roundingMethod is numeric the axis cannot guarantee that the maximum will be greater than the data maximum
if(!setIntervals || (count * roundingMethod) >= dataMax - setMin)
Y.assert(max >= dataMax);
Y.AxisMinTestTemplate = AxisMinTestTemplate;
var AxisMaxTestTemplate = function()
AxisMaxTestTemplate.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(AxisMaxTestTemplate, AxisTestTemplate, {
//Tests a NumericAxis minimum and maximum by applying the labelFunction of the axis to the set minimum and maximum values and
//then comparing the innerHTML of the first and last labels
testMax: function()
var chart = this.chart,
setMax = this.setMax,
dataMin = this.dataMin;
this.eventListener = this.chart.on("chartRendered", function(e) {
var axis = chart.getAxisByKey("values"),
majorUnit = axis.get("styles").majorUnit,
count = majorUnit.count - 1,
labels = axis.get("labels"),
min = parseFloat(labels[0].innerHTML),
max = labels[count].innerHTML,
roundingMethod = axis.get("roundingMethod"),
setIntervals = Y.Lang.isNumber(roundingMethod);
Y.assert((max - min) % roundingMethod === 0);
//if the roundingMethod is numeric the axis cannot guarantee that the minimum will be less than the data minimum
if(!setIntervals || (count * roundingMethod) >= setMax - dataMin)
Y.assert(min <= dataMin);
Y.AxisMaxTestTemplate = AxisMaxTestTemplate;
var AxisMinAndMaxTestTemplate = function()
testMinAndMax: function()
var chart = this.chart,
setMax = this.setMax,
setMin = this.setMin;
count = majorUnit.count - 1,
labels = axis.get("labels");
Y.assert(labels[0].innerHTML == axis.get("labelFunction").apply(axis, [setMin, axis.get("labelFormat")]));
Y.assert(labels[count].innerHTML == axis.get("labelFunction").apply(axis, [setMax, axis.get("labelFormat")]));
Y.AxisMinAndMaxTestTemplate = AxisMinAndMaxTestTemplate;
function AxisDataProviderTemplate()
testAxesMinAndMax: function()
var chart = this.chart,
maxValues = this.maxValues,
minValues = this.minValues;
catKey = chart.get("categoryKey"),
for(key in axes)
axis = axes[key];
keys = axis.get("keys");
for(seriesKey in keys)
maxValue = maxValues[seriesKey];
minValue = minValues[seriesKey];
Y.AxisDataProviderTemplate = AxisDataProviderTemplate;
function AxisGraphicStylesTemplate()
case "SVG" :
this._testNodes = TestSVGNodes;
case "Canvas" :
this._testNodes = TestCanvasNodes;
case "VML" :
this._testNodes = TestVMLNodes;
testGraphicStyles: function()
var chart = this.chart,
lineStyles = this.lineStyles,
tickStyles = this.tickStyles,
testNodes = this._testNodes;
catAxis = chart.getAxisByKey("category"),
valueLinePath = valueAxis.get("path"),
valueTickPath = valueAxis.get("tickPath"),
catLinePath = catAxis.get("path"),
catTickPath = catAxis.get("tickPath");
Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate = AxisGraphicStylesTemplate;
AxesTests = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Axes Tests",
setUp: function() {
var myDataValues = [
var mychart = new Y.Chart({width:400, height:300, dataProvider:myDataValues, seriesKeys:["values", "revenue"]});
this.chart = mychart;
tearDown: function() {
//Test axes data classes
testRemoveKey: function()
var assert = Y.Assert,
xAxis = this.chart.getCategoryAxis(),
yAxis = this.chart.getAxisByKey("values"),
}, this));
keys = yAxis.get("keyCollection");
testAddKey: function()
var assert = Y.Assert,
yAxis = this.chart.getAxisByKey("values"),
pattern = [3700, 9100, 1100, 1900],
i = 0;
l = 4;
keys = yAxis.get("keyCollection");
testarray = yAxis.getDataByKey("expenses");
for(; i < l; ++i)
assert.areEqual(pattern[i], testarray[i]);
}, this));
AxisAlwaysShowZero = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Axis alwaysShowZero Test",
setUp: function()
var myDataValues = [
this.chart = new Y.Chart({
tearDown: function() {
testAlwaysShowZero: function()
var chart = this.chart;
this.eventListener = this.chart.on("chartRendered", function(e) {
var i = 0,
yAxis = chart.getAxisByKey("values"),
majorUnit = yAxis.get("styles").majorUnit,
count = majorUnit.count,
labels = yAxis.get("labels"),
for(; i < count; ++i)
label = parseFloat(labels[i].innerHTML);
if(label === 0)
Y.assert(label === 0);
AxisAlwaysShowZeroFalse = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Axis alwaysShowZero = false Test",
setUp: function()
var myDataValues = [
axes: {
values: {
alwaysShowZero: false
tearDown: function() {
testAlwaysShowZeroEqualsFalse: function()
var chart = this.chart;
var i = 0,
yAxis = chart.getAxisByKey("values"),
count = majorUnit.count,
labels = yAxis.get("labels"),
for(; i < count; ++i)
label = parseFloat(labels[i].innerHTML);
if(label === 0)
Y.assert(label !== 0);
allPositiveDataProvider = [
allPositiveDataProviderDataMax = 9100,
allPositiveDataProviderDataMin = 50,
positiveAndNegativeDataProvider = [
positiveAndNegativeDataProviderDataMax = 9100,
positiveAndNegativeDataProviderDataMin = -5000,
allNegativeDataProvider = [
allNegativeDataProviderDataMax = -50,
allNegativeDataProviderDataMin = -9100,
decimalDataProvider = [
decimalDataProviderDataMax = 9.1,
decimalDataProviderDataMin = 0.05,
missingDataSmallDataProvider = [
missingDataLargeDataProvider = [
AxisMaxWithDecimalsRoundingMethodNumericTest = new Y.AxisMaxTestTemplate({
axes: {
values: {
roundingMethod: 2,
maximum: 7.5
dataProvider: decimalDataProvider
name: "Axes Max with Decimals Test with roundingMethod=2",
dataMin: decimalDataProviderDataMin,
setMax: 7.5
AxisMaxIntegerDecimalDataRoundingMethodNumericTest= new Y.AxisMaxTestTemplate({
axes: {
values: {
roundingMethod: 2,
maximum: 8
dataProvider: decimalDataProvider
name: "Axes Integer Max with Decimal Data Test with roundingMethod=2",
dataMin: decimalDataProviderDataMin,
setMax: 8
AxisMaxWithPositiveAndNegativeDataRoundingMethodNumericTest = new Y.AxisMaxTestTemplate({
axes: {
values: {
maximum: 1492,
roundingMethod: 1000
dataProvider: positiveAndNegativeDataProvider
name: "Axes Max with Positive and Negative Data Test with roundingMethod=1000",
setMax: 1492,
dataMin: positiveAndNegativeDataProviderDataMin
DualAxesMissingDataSmallTest = new Y.AxisDataProviderTemplate({
axes: {
leftAxis: {
keys: ["expenses"],
type: "numeric",
position: "left"
rightAxis: {
keys: ["revenue"],
type: "numeric",
position: "right"
categoryKey: "date",
dataProvider: missingDataSmallDataProvider
name: "Dual Axes Missing Data (small dataProvider) Test",
maxValues: {
expenses: 9100,
revenue: 2200
minValues: {
expenses: 3700,
revenue: 100
seriesKeys: ["expenses", "revenue"]
DualAxesMissingDataLargeTest = new Y.AxisDataProviderTemplate({
axes: {
leftAxis: {
keys: ["expenses"],
type: "numeric",
position: "left"
rightAxis: {
keys: ["revenue"],
type: "numeric",
position: "right"
categoryKey: "date",
dataProvider: missingDataLargeDataProvider
name: "Dual Axes Missing Data (large dataProvider) Test",
maxValues: {
expenses: 9100,
revenue: 2200
minValues: {
expenses: 3700,
revenue: 100
seriesKeys: ["expenses", "revenue"]
DualAxesMissingDataSmallAlwaysShowZeroFalseTest = new Y.AxisDataProviderTemplate({
axes: {
leftAxis: {
keys: ["expenses"],
type: "numeric",
position: "left",
alwaysShowZero: false
rightAxis: {
keys: ["revenue"],
type: "numeric",
position: "right",
alwaysShowZero: false
categoryKey: "date",
dataProvider: missingDataSmallDataProvider
name: "Dual Axes Missing Data (small dataProvider) Test with alwaysShowZero=false",
maxValues: {
expenses: 9100,
revenue: 2200
minValues: {
expenses: 3700,
revenue: 100
seriesKeys: ["expenses", "revenue"]
DualAxesMissingDataLargeAlwaysShowZeroFalseTest = new Y.AxisDataProviderTemplate({
axes: {
leftAxis: {
keys: ["expenses"],
type: "numeric",
position: "left",
alwaysShowZero: false
rightAxis: {
keys: ["revenue"],
type: "numeric",
position: "right",
alwaysShowZero: false
categoryKey: "date",
dataProvider: missingDataLargeDataProvider
name: "Dual Axes Missing Data (large dataProvider) Test with alwaysShowZero=false",
maxValues: {
expenses: 9100,
revenue: 2200
minValues: {
expenses: 3700,
revenue: 100
seriesKeys: ["expenses", "revenue"]
LeftAndBottomAxisCustomTickAndLinesInsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "bottom",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Left and Bottom Axes with inside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
LeftAndBottomAxisCustomTickAndLinesOutsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "bottom",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Left and Bottom Axes with outside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
LeftAndBottomAxisCustomTickAndLinesCrossTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "bottom",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Left and Bottom Axes with cross ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
RightAndBottomAxisCustomTickAndLinesInsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "bottom",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
values: {
position: "right",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Right and Bottom Axes with inside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
RightAndBottomAxisCustomTickAndLinesOutsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "bottom",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
values: {
position: "right",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Right and Bottom Axes with outside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
RightAndBottomAxisCustomTickAndLinesCrossTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "bottom",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Right and Bottom Axes with cross ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
LeftAndTopAxisCustomTickAndLinesInsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "top",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Left and Top Axes with inside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
LeftAndTopAxisCustomTickAndLinesOutsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "top",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Left and Top Axes with outside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
LeftAndTopAxisCustomTickAndLinesCrossTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "top",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Left and Top Axes with cross ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
RightAndTopAxisCustomTickAndLinesInsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "top",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
values: {
position: "right",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Right and Top Axes with inside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
RightAndTopAxisCustomTickAndLinesOutsideTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "top",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
values: {
position: "right",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Right and Top Axes with outside ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "outside"
RightAndTopAxisCustomTickAndLinesCrossTicks = new Y.AxisGraphicStylesTemplate({
axes: {
category: {
position: "top",
type: "category",
keys: ["category"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
values: {
position: "left",
type: "numeric",
keys: ["expenses", "revenue"],
styles: {
line: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
majorTicks: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "cross"
dataProvider: allPositiveDataProvider
name: "Custom Right and Top Axes with cross ticks",
lineStyles: {
weight: 2,
color: "#ff0000",
alpha: 1
tickStyles: {
weight: 1,
color: "#0000ff",
alpha: 0.5,
display: "inside"
//create the console
var r = new Y.Console({
newestOnTop : false,
style: 'block' // to anchor in the example content
//run the tests