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#mychart {
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max-width: 800px;
<div class="intro">
<p>This example shows how to create a `Chart` with multiple series.</p>
<div class="example">
<h3>Creating a chart `Chart` with multiple series.</h3>
<p>Often times, you will want to plot multiple sets of data, or series, across the same category or range axis in a chart. This can be accomplished by changing your `dataProvider` source appropriately.</p>
YUI().use('charts', function (Y)
var myDataValues = [
{category:"5/1/2010", miscellaneous:2000, expenses:3700, revenue:2200},
{category:"5/2/2010", miscellaneous:50, expenses:9100, revenue:100},
{category:"5/3/2010", miscellaneous:400, expenses:1100, revenue:1500},
{category:"5/4/2010", miscellaneous:200, expenses:1900, revenue:2800},
{category:"5/5/2010", miscellaneous:5000, expenses:5000, revenue:2650}
var mychart = new Y.Chart({dataProvider:myDataValues, render:"#mychart"});
<p>The only difference between the above code and the previous example is that the `dataProvider` array has more records.</p>
<p>The chart application will plot all records that match it's `categoryKey` attribute along the category axis.
All other records will be plotted as series against the value axis. By default a chart's `categoryKey` is "category". This can be changed, if
necessary, to match the format of your `dataProvider` array. For example, if the key value for your dates was "date", you would need to change
the chart's `categoryKey` to "date".</p>
YUI().use('charts', function (Y)
var myDataValues = [
{date:"5/1/2010", miscellaneous:2000, expenses:3700, revenue:2200},
{date:"5/2/2010", miscellaneous:50, expenses:9100, revenue:100},
{date:"5/3/2010", miscellaneous:400, expenses:1100, revenue:1500},
{date:"5/4/2010", miscellaneous:200, expenses:1900, revenue:2800},
{date:"5/5/2010", miscellaneous:5000, expenses:5000, revenue:2650}
var mychart = new Y.Chart({dataProvider:myDataValues, render:"#mychart", categoryKey:"date"});
<p>By default, all remaining key values in your object literals will plot as series data on the chart. If you want to restrict the data that plots on a chart,
you can do so by setting the `seriesKeys` attribute. The below line of code would only display the expenses and revenue.</p>
var mychart = new Y.Chart({
seriesKeys:["expenses", "revenue"]