<div id="speeddate">
<h1>Communicating With Attribute Events On Speed Dates</h1>
<div id="john">
<button type="button" class="hi">Hi, I'm John</button>
<span class="interests disabled">
I enjoy:
<label><input type="checkbox" class="interest" value="Sunsets" disabled="disabled"> Sunsets</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" class="interest" value="Reading Specifications" disabled="disabled"> Reading Specifications</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" class="interest" value="Saving Whales" disabled="disabled"> Saving Whales</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" class="interest" value="Knitting" disabled="disabled"> Knitting</label>
<div class="shirt"></div>
<div id="jane">
<button type="button" class="hi" disabled="disabled">Hey, I'm Jane</button>
<button type="button" class="movingOn" disabled="disabled">I'm Moving On...</button> <span class="reconsider disabled">(unless he likes whales, and avoids knitting <em class="message"></em>)</span>
<div class="shirt"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Get a new instance of YUI and
// load it with the required set of modules
YUI().use("collection", "event", "node", "attribute", "substitute", function(Y) {
// Setup custom class which we want to add managed attribute support to
function SpeedDater(cfg) {
// When constructed, setup the initial attributes for the instance, by calling the addAttrs method.
var attrs = {
name : {
personality : {
available : {
interests : {
value : []
this.addAttrs(attrs, cfg);
// The HTML template representing the SpeedDater name tag.
SpeedDater.NAMETAG = '<div class="sd-nametag"> \
<div class="sd-hd">Hello!</div> \
<div class="sd-bd"> \
<p>I\'m <span class="sd-name">{name}</span> and my PersonalityQuotientIndex is <span class="sd-personality">{personality}</span></p> \
<p>I enjoy <span class="sd-interests">{interests}</span>.</p> \
</div> \
<div class="sd-ft sd-availability">{available}</div> \
// Method used to render the visual representation of a SpeedDater object's state (in this case as a name tag)
SpeedDater.prototype.applyNameTag = function(where) {
var tokens = {
name: this.get("name"),
available: (this.get("available")) ? "" : "Sorry, moving on",
personality: this.get("personality"),
interests: (this.get("interests").length == 0) ? "absolutely nothing" : this.get("interests").join(", ")
// Method used to attach attribute change event listeners, so that the SpeedDater instance
// will react to changes in attribute state, and update what's rendered on the page
SpeedDater.prototype.listenForChanges = function() {
// Sync up the UI for "available", after the value of the "available" attribute has changed:
this.after("availableChange", function(e) {
var taken = (e.newVal) ? "" : "Oh, is that the time?";
this.nameTag.one(".sd-availability").set("innerHTML", taken);
// Sync up the UI for "name", after the value of the "name" attribute has changed:
this.after("nameChange", function(e) {
var name = e.newVal;
this.nameTag.one(".sd-name").set("innerHTML", name);
// Sync up the UI for "personality", after the value of the "personality" attribute has changed:
this.after("personalityChange", function(e) {
var personality = e.newVal;
var personalityEl = this.nameTag.one(".sd-personality");
personalityEl.set("innerHTML", personality);
if (personality > 90) {
// Sync up the UI for "interests", after the value of the "interests" attribute has changed:
this.after("interestsChange", function(e) {
var interests = (e.newVal.length == 0) ? "absolutely nothing" : this.get("interests").join(", ");
this.nameTag.one(".sd-interests").set("innerHTML", interests);
// Augment custom class with Attribute
Y.augment(SpeedDater, Y.Attribute);
var john, jane;
Y.on("click", function() {
if (!john) {
john = new SpeedDater({
name: "John",
personality: 78
john.applyNameTag("#john .shirt");
Y.one("#jane .hi").set("disabled", false);
}, "#john .hi");
Y.on("click", function() {
if (!jane) {
jane = new SpeedDater({
name: "Jane",
personality: 82,
interests: ["Popcorn", "Saving Whales"]
jane.applyNameTag("#jane .shirt");
// Update Jane's interests state, after John's interests state changes...
john.after("interestsChange", function(e) {
var janesInterests = jane.get("interests"),
johnsInterests = e.newVal,
readingSpecs = "Reading Specifications";
// If it turns out that John enjoys reading specs, then Jane can admit it too...
if (Y.Array.indexOf(johnsInterests, readingSpecs) !== -1) {
if(Y.Array.indexOf(janesInterests, readingSpecs) == -1) {
} else {
janesInterests = Y.Array.reject(janesInterests, function(item){return (item == readingSpecs);});
jane.set("interests", janesInterests);
jane.set("available", true);
// We can also listen before an attribute changes its value, and decide if we want to
// allow the state change to occur or not. Invoking e.preventDefault() stops the state from
// being updated.
// In this case, Jane can change her mind about making herself unavailable, if John likes
// saving whales, as long as he doesn't dig knitting too.
jane.on("availableChange", function(e) {
var johnsInterests = john.get("interests");
var janeAvailable = e.newVal;
if (janeAvailable === false && Y.Array.indexOf(johnsInterests, "Saving Whales") !== -1 && Y.Array.indexOf(johnsInterests, "Knitting") == -1 ) {
// Reconsider..
setMessage("... which he does");
}, "#jane .hi");
Y.on("click", function() {
jane.set("available", false);
}, "#jane .movingOn");
// A delegate DOM event listener which will update John's interests, based on the checkbox state, whenever
// a checkbox is clicked.
Y.delegate("click", function() {
var interests = [];
Y.Node.all("#john input[type=checkbox].interest").each(function(checkbox) {
if (checkbox.get("checked")) {
john.set("interests", interests);
}, "#john", "input[type=checkbox].interest");
// Example helpers...
function enableExampleUI() {
Y.all("#jane button").set("disabled", false);
Y.all("#john button").set("disabled", false);
Y.all("#john input").set("disabled", false);
Y.one("#john .interests").removeClass("disabled");
Y.one("#jane .reconsider").removeClass("disabled");
function setMessage(msg) {
Y.one("#jane .message").set("innerHTML", msg);