<link href="{{componentAssets}}/anim.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div class="intro">
<p>This demonstrates how to use the <code>reverse</code> attribute to change the behavior of the animation.</p>
<p> Click the icon in the header to toggle the element's <code>height</code>.</p>
<div class="example">
<h2>Setting up the HTML</h2>
<p>First we add some HTML to animate.</p>
<h2>Using the NodeFX Plugin</h2>
<p>For this example, we will use <code>Node</code>'s <code>fx</code> plugin to animate the element. The plugin adds the anim instance to the <code>Node</code> instance, pre-configuring it to use the Node instance as the <code>Anim</code>'s node. The <code>plug</code> method accepts a class to construct and an optional config to pass to the constructor.</p>
<p>Setting the <code>from</code> attribute to the expanded height of the element allows us to toggle the effect using the <code>reverse</code> attribute, which we will see below (<code>from</code> uses current value when omitted).</p>
var module = Y.one('#demo');
// add fx plugin to module body
var content = module.one('.yui3-bd').plug(Y.Plugin.NodeFX, {
from: { height: 0 },
to: {
height: function(node) { // dynamic in case of change
return node.get('scrollHeight'); // get expanded height (offsetHeight may be zero)
easing: Y.Easing.easeOut,
from: { height: 0 },
duration: 0.5
<h2>Creating the Control Element</h2>
<p>Because our behavior only works when JS is available, let's go ahead and add our control element using JS as well.</p>
// use dynamic control for dynamic behavior
var control = Y.Node.create(
'<a title="show/hide content" class="yui3-toggle">' +
'<em>toggle</em>' +
// append dynamic control to header section
<h2>Toggling Animation Behavior</h2>
<p>Before calling <code>run</code> in our <code>click</code> handler, we will use the <code>reverse</code> attribute toggle the direction of the animation depending on whether its opening or closing.</p>
var onClick = function(e) {
content.fx.set('reverse', !content.fx.get('reverse')); // toggle reverse
<h2>Running the Animation</h2>
<p>Finally we add an event handler to run the animation.</p>
module.one('.yui3-toggle').on('click', onClick);
<h2>Complete Example Source</h2>