app.js revision 8313ec4bff27d9e125eae95c8e80d63cd17f7c3e
YUI.add('controller', function(Y) {
The app framework provides simple MVC-like building blocks (models, model lists,
views, and controllers) for writing single-page JavaScript applications.
@main app
@module app
Provides URL-based routing using HTML5 `pushState()` or the location hash.
This makes it easy to wire up route handlers for different application states
while providing full back/forward navigation support and bookmarkable, shareable
@submodule controller
@class Controller
@uses Base
var HistoryHash = Y.HistoryHash,
Lang = Y.Lang,
QS = Y.QueryString,
YArray = Y.Array,
// Android versions lower than 3.0 are buggy and don't update
// window.location after a pushState() call, so we fall back to hash-based
// history for them.
// See
html5 = Y.HistoryBase.html5 && (! || >= 3),
win =,
location = win.location,
// We have to queue up pushState calls to avoid race conditions, since the
// popstate event doesn't actually provide any info on what URL it's
// associated with.
saveQueue = [],
Fired when the controller is ready to begin dispatching to route handlers.
You shouldn't need to wait for this event unless you plan to implement some
kind of custom dispatching logic. It's used internally in order to avoid
dispatching to an initial route if a browser history change occurs first.
@event ready
@param {Boolean} dispatched `true` if routes have already been dispatched
(most likely due to a history change).
EVT_READY = 'ready';
function Controller() {
Controller.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.Controller = Y.extend(Controller, Y.Base, {
// -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
Whether or not this browser is capable of using HTML5 history.
This property is for informational purposes only. It's not configurable, and
changing it will have no effect.
@property html5
@type Boolean
html5: html5,
Absolute root path from which all routes should be evaluated.
For example, if your controller is running on a page at
`` and you add a route with the path `/`, your
route will never execute, because the path will always be preceded by
`/myapp`. Setting `root` to `/myapp` would cause all routes to be evaluated
relative to that root URL, so the `/` route would then execute when the
user browses to ``.
This property may be overridden in a subclass, set after instantiation, or
passed as a config attribute when instantiating a `Y.Controller`-based
@property root
@type String
@default `''`
root: '',
Array of route objects specifying routes to be created at instantiation
Each item in the array must be an object with the following properties:
* `path`: String or regex representing the path to match. See the docs for
the `route()` method for more details.
* `callback`: Function or a string representing the name of a function on
this controller instance that should be called when the route is
triggered. See the docs for the `route()` method for more details.
This property may be overridden in a subclass or passed as a config
attribute when instantiating a `Y.Controller`-based class, but setting it
after instantiation will have no effect (use the `route()` method instead).
If routes are passed at instantiation time, they will override any routes
set on the prototype.
@property routes
@type Object[]
@default `[]`
routes: [],
// -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
Whether or not `_dispatch()` has been called since this controller was
@property _dispatched
@type Boolean
@default undefined
Whether or not we're currently in the process of dispatching to routes.
@property _dispatching
@type Boolean
@default undefined
Whether or not the `ready` event has fired yet.
@property _ready
@type Boolean
@default undefined
Regex used to match parameter placeholders in route paths.
Subpattern captures:
1. Parameter prefix character. Either a `:` for subpath parameters that
should only match a single level of a path, or `*` for splat parameters
that should match any number of path levels.
2. Parameter name.
@property _regexPathParam
@type RegExp
_regexPathParam: /([:*])([\w-]+)/g,
Regex that matches and captures the query portion of a URL, minus the
preceding `?` character, and discarding the hash portion of the URL if any.
@property _regexUrlQuery
@type RegExp
_regexUrlQuery: /\?([^#]*).*$/,
// -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
initializer: function (config) {
var self = this;
// Set config properties.
config || (config = {});
config.routes && (self.routes = config.routes);
Lang.isValue(config.root) && (self.root = config.root);
// Create routes.
self._routes = [];
YArray.each(self.routes, function (route) {
self.route(route.path, route.callback);
// Set up a history instance or hashchange listener.
if (html5) {
self._history = new Y.HistoryHTML5({force: true});
self._history.after('change', self._afterHistoryChange, self);
} else {
Y.on('hashchange', self._afterHistoryChange, win, self);
// Fire a 'ready' event once we're ready to route. We wait first for all
// subclass initializers to finish, and then an additional 20ms to allow
// the browser to fire an initial `popstate` event if it wants to.
self.publish(EVT_READY, {
defaultFn : self._defReadyFn,
fireOnce : true,
preventable: false
self.once('initializedChange', function () {
setTimeout(function () {, {dispatched: !!self._dispatched});
}, 20);
destructor: function () {
if (html5) {
} else {
Y.detach('hashchange', this._afterHistoryChange, win);
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
Dispatches to the first route handler that matches the current URL, if any.
If `dispatch()` is called before the `ready` event has fired, it will
automatically wait for the `ready` event before dispatching. Otherwise it
will dispatch immediately.
@method dispatch
dispatch: function () {
this.once(EVT_READY, function () {
var hash = this._getHashPath();
this._ready = true;
if (html5 && hash && hash.charAt(0) === '/') {
// This is an HTML5 browser and we have a hash-based path in the
// URL, so we need to upgrade the URL to a non-hash URL. This
// will trigger a `history:change` event, which will in turn
// trigger a dispatch.
this._history.replace(null, {url: this._joinURL(hash)});
} else {
return this;
Returns an array of route objects that match the specified URL path.
This method is called internally to determine which routes match the current
path whenever the URL changes. You may override it if you want to customize
the route matching logic, although this usually shouldn't be necessary.
Each returned route object has the following properties:
* `callback`: A function or a string representing the name of a function
this controller that should be executed when the route is triggered.
* `keys`: An array of strings representing the named parameters defined in
the route's path specification, if any.
* `path`: The route's path specification, which may be either a string or
a regex.
* `regex`: A regular expression version of the route's path specification.
This regex is used to determine whether the route matches a given path.
controller.route('/foo', function () {});
// => [{callback: ..., keys: [], path: '/foo', regex: ...}]
@method match
@param {String} path URL path to match.
@return {Object[]} Array of route objects that match the specified path.
match: function (path) {
return YArray.filter(this._routes, function (route) {
return > -1;
Replaces the current browser history entry with a new one, and dispatches to
the first matching route handler, if any.
Behind the scenes, this method uses HTML5 `pushState()` in browsers that
support it (or the location hash in older browsers and IE) to change the
The specified URL must share the same origin (i.e., protocol, host, and
port) as the current page, or an error will occur.
// Starting URL:
// New URL:
// New URL:
// New URL:
@method replace
@param {String} [url] URL to set. Should be a relative URL. If this
controller's `root` property is set, this URL must be relative to the
root URL. If no URL is specified, the page's current URL will be used.
@see save()
replace: function (url) {
return this._queue(url, true);
Adds a route handler for the specified URL _path_.
The _path_ parameter may be either a string or a regular expression. If it's
a string, it may contain named parameters: `:param` will match any single
part of a URL path (not including `/` characters), and `*param` will match
any number of parts of a URL path (including `/` characters). These named
parameters will be made available as keys on the `req.params` object that's
passed to route handlers.
If the _path_ parameter is a regex, all pattern matches will be made
available as numbered keys on `req.params`, starting with `0` for the full
match, then `1` for the first subpattern match, and so on.
Here's a set of sample routes along with URL paths that they match:
* Route: `/photos/:tag/:page`
* URL: `/photos/kittens/1`, params: `{tag: 'kittens', page: '1'}`
* URL: `/photos/puppies/2`, params: `{tag: 'puppies', page: '2'}`
* Route: `/file/*path`
* URL: `/file/foo/bar/baz.txt`, params: `{path: 'foo/bar/baz.txt'}`
* URL: `/file/foo`, params: `{path: 'foo'}`
If multiple route handlers match a given URL, they will be executed in the
order they were added. The first route that was added will be the first to
be executed.
controller.route('/photos/:tag/:page', function (req, next) {
@method route
@param {String|RegExp} path Path to match. May be a string or a regular
@param {Function|String} callback Callback function to call whenever this
route is triggered. If specified as a string, the named function will be
called on this controller instance.
@param {Object} callback.req Request object containing information about
the request. It contains the following properties.
@param {Array|Object} callback.req.params Captured parameters matched by
the route path specification. If a string path was used and contained
named parameters, then this will be a key/value hash mapping parameter
names to their matched values. If a regex path was used, this will be
an array of subpattern matches starting at index 0 for the full match,
then 1 for the first subpattern match, and so on.
@param {String} callback.req.path The current URL path.
@param {Object} callback.req.query Query hash representing the URL query
string, if any. Parameter names are keys, and are mapped to parameter
@param {Function} Callback to pass control to the next
matching route. If you don't call this function, then no further route
handlers will be executed, even if there are more that match. If you do
call this function, then the next matching route handler (if any) will
be called, and will receive the same `req` object that was passed to
this route (so you can use the request object to pass data along to
subsequent routes).
route: function (path, callback) {
var keys = [];
callback: callback,
keys : keys,
path : path,
regex : this._getRegex(path, keys)
return this;
Saves a new browser history entry and dispatches to the first matching route
handler, if any.
Behind the scenes, this method uses HTML5 `pushState()` in browsers that
support it (or the location hash in older browsers and IE) to change the
URL and create a history entry.
The specified URL must share the same origin (i.e., protocol, host, and
port) as the current page, or an error will occur.
// Starting URL:'/path/');
// New URL:'/path?foo=bar');
// New URL:'/');
// New URL:
@method save
@param {String} [url] URL to set. Should be a relative URL. If this
controller's `root` property is set, this URL must be relative to the
root URL. If no URL is specified, the page's current URL will be used.
@see replace()
save: function (url) {
return this._queue(url);
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
Wrapper around `decodeURIComponent` that also converts `+` chars into
@method _decode
@param {String} string String to decode.
@return {String} Decoded string.
_decode: function (string) {
return decodeURIComponent(string.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
Shifts the topmost `_save()` call off the queue and executes it. Does
nothing if the queue is empty.
@method _dequeue
@see _queue
_dequeue: function () {
var self = this,
// If window.onload hasn't yet fired, wait until it has before
// dequeueing. This will ensure that we don't call pushState() before an
// initial popstate event has fired.
if (!YUI.Env.windowLoaded) {
Y.once('load', function () {
return this;
fn = saveQueue.shift();
return fn ? fn() : this;
Dispatches to the first route handler that matches the specified _path_.
If called before the `ready` event has fired, the dispatch will be aborted.
This ensures normalized behavior between Chrome (which fires a `popstate`
event on every pageview) and other browsers (which do not).
@method _dispatch
@param {String} path URL path.
_dispatch: function (path) {
var self = this,
routes = self.match(path),
self._dispatching = self._dispatched = true;
if (!routes || !routes.length) {
return self;
req = self._getRequest(path);
function next(err) {
var callback, matches, route;
if (err) {
} else if ((route = routes.shift())) {
matches = route.regex.exec(path);
callback = typeof route.callback === 'string' ?
self[route.callback] : route.callback;
// Use named keys for parameter names if the route path contains
// named keys. Otherwise, use numerical match indices.
if (matches.length === route.keys.length + 1) {
req.params = YArray.hash(route.keys, matches.slice(1));
} else {
req.params = matches.concat();
}, req, next);
self._dispatching = false;
return self._dequeue();
Gets the current path from the location hash, or an empty string if the
hash is empty.
@method _getHashPath
@return {String} Current hash path, or an empty string if the hash is empty.
_getHashPath: function () {
return HistoryHash.getHash().replace(this._regexUrlQuery, '');
Gets the current route path.
@method _getPath
@return {String} Current route path.
_getPath: html5 ? function () {
return this._removeRoot(location.pathname);
} : function () {
return this._getHashPath() || this._removeRoot(location.pathname);
Gets the current route query string.
@method _getQuery
@return {String} Current route query string.
_getQuery: html5 ? function () {
} : function () {
var hash = HistoryHash.getHash(),
matches = hash.match(this._regexUrlQuery);
return hash && matches ? matches[1] :;
Creates a regular expression from the given route specification. If _path_
is already a regex, it will be returned unmodified.
@method _getRegex
@param {String|RegExp} path Route path specification.
@param {Array} keys Array reference to which route parameter names will be
@return {RegExp} Route regex.
_getRegex: function (path, keys) {
if (path instanceof RegExp) {
return path;
path = path.replace(this._regexPathParam, function (match, operator, key) {
return operator === '*' ? '(.*?)' : '([^/]*)';
return new RegExp('^' + path + '$');
Gets a request object that can be passed to a route handler.
@method _getRequest
@param {String} path Current path being dispatched.
@return {Object} Request object.
_getRequest: function (path) {
return {
path : path,
query: this._parseQuery(this._getQuery())
Joins the `root` URL to the specified _url_, normalizing leading/trailing
`/` characters.
controller.root = '/foo'
controller._joinURL('bar'); // => '/foo/bar'
controller._joinURL('/bar'); // => '/foo/bar'
controller.root = '/foo/'
controller._joinURL('bar'); // => '/foo/bar'
controller._joinURL('/bar'); // => '/foo/bar'
@method _joinURL
@param {String} url URL to append to the `root` URL.
@return {String} Joined URL.
_joinURL: function (url) {
var root = this.root;
if (url.charAt(0) === '/') {
url = url.substring(1);
return root && root.charAt(root.length - 1) === '/' ?
root + url :
root + '/' + url;
Parses a URL query string into a key/value hash. If `Y.QueryString.parse` is
available, this method will be an alias to that.
@method _parseQuery
@param {String} query Query string to parse.
@return {Object} Hash of key/value pairs for query parameters.
_parseQuery: QS && QS.parse ? QS.parse : function (query) {
var decode = this._decode,
params = query.split('&'),
i = 0,
len = params.length,
result = {},
for (; i < len; ++i) {
param = params[i].split('=');
if (param[0]) {
result[decode(param[0])] = decode(param[1] || '');
return result;
Queues up a `_save()` call to run after all previously-queued calls have
This is necessary because if we make multiple `_save()` calls before the
first call gets dispatched, then both calls will dispatch to the last call's
All arguments passed to `_queue()` will be passed on to `_save()` when the
queued function is executed.
@method _queue
@see _dequeue
_queue: function () {
var args = arguments,
self = this;
saveQueue.push(function () {
if (html5) {
// Wrapped in a timeout to ensure that _save() calls are always
// processed asynchronously. This ensures consistency between
// HTML5- and hash-based history.
setTimeout(function () {
self._save.apply(self, args);
}, 1);
} else {
self._dispatching = true; // otherwise we'll dequeue too quickly
self._save.apply(self, args);
return this;
return !this._dispatching ? this._dequeue() : this;
Removes the `root` URL from the from of _path_ (if it's there) and returns
the result. The returned path will always have a leading `/`.
@method _removeRoot
@param {String} path URL path.
@return {String} Rootless path.
_removeRoot: function (path) {
var root = this.root;
if (root && path.indexOf(root) === 0) {
path = path.substring(root.length);
return path.charAt(0) === '/' ? path : '/' + path;
Saves a history entry using either `pushState()` or the location hash.
@method _save
@param {String} [url] URL for the history entry.
@param {Boolean} [replace=false] If `true`, the current history entry will
be replaced instead of a new one being added.
_save: html5 ? function (url, replace) {
// Force _ready to true to ensure that the history change is handled
// even if _save is called before the `ready` event fires.
this._ready = true;
this._history[replace ? 'replace' : 'add'](null, {
url: typeof url === 'string' ? this._joinURL(url) : url
return this;
} : function (url, replace) {
this._ready = true;
if (typeof url === 'string' && url.charAt(0) !== '/') {
url = '/' + url;
HistoryHash[replace ? 'replaceHash' : 'setHash'](url);
return this;
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
Handles `history:change` and `hashchange` events.
@method _afterHistoryChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterHistoryChange: function (e) {
var self = this;
if (self._ready) {
// -- Default Event Handlers -----------------------------------------------
Default handler for the `ready` event.
@method _defReadyFn
@param {EventFacade} e
_defReadyFn: function (e) {
this._ready = true;
}, {
NAME: 'controller'
}, '@VERSION@' ,{optional:['querystring-parse'], requires:['array-extras', 'base-build', 'history']});
YUI.add('model', function(Y) {
Attribute-based data model with APIs for getting, setting, validating, and
syncing attribute values, as well as events for being notified of model changes.
In most cases, you'll want to create your own subclass of `Y.Model` and
customize it to meet your needs. In particular, the `sync()` and `validate()`
methods are meant to be overridden by custom implementations. You may also want
to override the `parse()` method to parse non-generic server responses.
@submodule model
@class Model
@uses Base
var GlobalEnv = YUI.namespace('Env.Model'),
Lang = Y.Lang,
YArray = Y.Array,
YObject = Y.Object,
Fired when one or more attributes on this model are changed.
@event change
@param {Object} changed Hash of change information for each attribute that
changed. Each item in the hash has the following properties:
@param {mixed} changed.newVal New value of the attribute.
@param {mixed} changed.prevVal Previous value of the attribute.
@param {String|null} changed.src Source of the change event, if any.
EVT_CHANGE = 'change',
Fired when an error occurs, such as when the model doesn't validate or when
a server response can't be parsed.
@event error
@param {mixed} error Error message, object, or exception generated by the
error. Calling `toString()` on this should result in a meaningful error
@param {String} src Source of the error. May be one of the following (or any
custom error source defined by a Model subclass):
* `parse`: An error parsing a JSON response.
* `validate`: The model failed to validate.
EVT_ERROR = 'error';
function Model() {
Model.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.Model = Y.extend(Model, Y.Base, {
// -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
Hash of attributes that have changed since the last time this model was
@property changed
@type Object
@default {}
Name of the attribute to use as the unique id (or primary key) for this
The default is `id`, but if your persistence layer uses a different name for
the primary key (such as `_id` or `uid`), you can specify that here.
The built-in `id` attribute will always be an alias for whatever attribute
name you specify here, so getting and setting `id` will always behave the
same as getting and setting your custom id attribute.
@property idAttribute
@type String
@default `'id'`
idAttribute: 'id',
Hash of attributes that were changed in the last `change` event. Each item
in this hash is an object with the following properties:
* `newVal`: The new value of the attribute after it changed.
* `prevVal`: The old value of the attribute before it changed.
* `src`: The source of the change, or `null` if no source was specified.
@property lastChange
@type Object
@default {}
Array of `ModelList` instances that contain this model.
When a model is in one or more lists, the model's events will bubble up to
those lists. You can subscribe to a model event on a list to be notified
when any model in the list fires that event.
This property is updated automatically when this model is added to or
removed from a `ModelList` instance. You shouldn't alter it manually. When
working with models in a list, you should always add and remove models using
the list's `add()` and `remove()` methods.
@example Subscribing to model events on a list:
// Assuming `list` is an existing Y.ModelList instance.
list.on('*:change', function (e) {
// This function will be called whenever any model in the list
// fires a `change` event.
// `` will refer to the model instance that fired the
// event.
@property lists
@type ModelList[]
@default `[]`
// -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
initializer: function (config) {
this.changed = {};
this.lastChange = {};
this.lists = [];
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
Destroys this model instance and removes it from its containing lists, if
If `options['delete']` is `true`, then this method also delegates to the
`sync()` method to delete the model from the persistence layer, which is an
asynchronous action. Provide a _callback_ function to be notified of success
or failure.
@method destroy
@param {Object} [options] Sync options. It's up to the custom sync
implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if
@param {Boolean} [options.delete=false] If `true`, the model will be
deleted via the sync layer in addition to the instance being destroyed.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
destroy: function (options, callback) {
var self = this;
// Allow callback as only arg.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
function finish(err) {
if (!err) {
YArray.each(self.lists, function (list) {
list.remove(self, options);
callback && callback.apply(null, arguments);
if (options && options['delete']) {
this.sync('delete', options, finish);
} else {
return this;
Returns a clientId string that's unique among all models on the current page
(even models in other YUI instances). Uniqueness across pageviews is
@method generateClientId
@return {String} Unique clientId.
generateClientId: function () {
GlobalEnv.lastId || (GlobalEnv.lastId = 0);
return this.constructor.NAME + '_' + (GlobalEnv.lastId += 1);
Returns the value of the specified attribute.
If the attribute's value is an object, _name_ may use dot notation to
specify the path to a specific property within the object, and the value of
that property will be returned.
// Set the 'foo' attribute to an object.
myModel.set('foo', {
bar: {
baz: 'quux'
// Get the value of 'foo'.
// => {bar: {baz: 'quux'}}
// Get the value of ''.
// => 'quux'
@method get
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@return {mixed} Attribute value, or `undefined` if the attribute doesn't
// get() is defined by Y.Attribute.
Returns an HTML-escaped version of the value of the specified string
attribute. The value is escaped using `Y.Escape.html()`.
@method getAsHTML
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@return {String} HTML-escaped attribute value.
getAsHTML: function (name) {
var value = this.get(name);
return Y.Escape.html(Lang.isValue(value) ? String(value) : '');
Returns a URL-encoded version of the value of the specified string
attribute. The value is encoded using the native `encodeURIComponent()`
@method getAsURL
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@return {String} URL-encoded attribute value.
getAsURL: function (name) {
var value = this.get(name);
return encodeURIComponent(Lang.isValue(value) ? String(value) : '');
Returns `true` if any attribute of this model has been changed since the
model was last saved.
New models (models for which `isNew()` returns `true`) are implicitly
considered to be "modified" until the first time they're saved.
@method isModified
@return {Boolean} `true` if this model has changed since it was last saved,
`false` otherwise.
isModified: function () {
return this.isNew() || !YObject.isEmpty(this.changed);
Returns `true` if this model is "new", meaning it hasn't been saved since it
was created.
Newness is determined by checking whether the model's `id` attribute has
been set. An empty id is assumed to indicate a new model, whereas a
non-empty id indicates a model that was either loaded or has been saved
since it was created.
@method isNew
@return {Boolean} `true` if this model is new, `false` otherwise.
isNew: function () {
return !Lang.isValue(this.get('id'));
Loads this model from the server.
This method delegates to the `sync()` method to perform the actual load
operation, which is an asynchronous action. Specify a _callback_ function to
be notified of success or failure.
If the load operation succeeds and one or more of the loaded attributes
differ from this model's current attributes, a `change` event will be fired.
@method load
@param {Object} [options] Options to be passed to `sync()` and to `set()`
when setting the loaded attributes. It's up to the custom sync
implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
@param {mixed} callback.response The server's response. This value will
be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
return an attribute hash.
load: function (options, callback) {
var self = this;
// Allow callback as only arg.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
this.sync('read', options, function (err, response) {
if (!err) {
self.setAttrs(self.parse(response), options);
self.changed = {};
callback && callback.apply(null, arguments);
return this;
Called to parse the _response_ when the model is loaded from the server.
This method receives a server _response_ and is expected to return an
attribute hash.
The default implementation assumes that _response_ is either an attribute
hash or a JSON string that can be parsed into an attribute hash. If
_response_ is a JSON string and either `Y.JSON` or the native `JSON` object
are available, it will be parsed automatically. If a parse error occurs, an
`error` event will be fired and the model will not be updated.
You may override this method to implement custom parsing logic if necessary.
@method parse
@param {mixed} response Server response.
@return {Object} Attribute hash.
parse: function (response) {
if (typeof response === 'string') {
try {
return Y.JSON.parse(response);
} catch (ex) {, {
error : ex,
response: response,
src : 'parse'
return null;
return response;
Saves this model to the server.
This method delegates to the `sync()` method to perform the actual save
operation, which is an asynchronous action. Specify a _callback_ function to
be notified of success or failure.
If the save operation succeeds and one or more of the attributes returned in
the server's response differ from this model's current attributes, a
`change` event will be fired.
@method save
@param {Object} [options] Options to be passed to `sync()` and to `set()`
when setting synced attributes. It's up to the custom sync implementation
to determine what options it supports or requires, if any.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
@param {mixed} callback.response The server's response. This value will
be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
return an attribute hash.
save: function (options, callback) {
var self = this;
// Allow callback as only arg.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
this.sync(this.isNew() ? 'create' : 'update', options, function (err, response) {
if (!err) {
if (response) {
self.setAttrs(self.parse(response), options);
self.changed = {};
callback && callback.apply(null, arguments);
return this;
Sets the value of a single attribute. If model validation fails, the
attribute will not be set and an `error` event will be fired.
Use `setAttrs()` to set multiple attributes at once.
model.set('foo', 'bar');
@method set
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@param {any} value Value to set.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`change` event(s) for these attributes.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `change` event will
be fired.
set: function (name, value, options) {
var attributes = {};
attributes[name] = value;
return this.setAttrs(attributes, options);
Sets the values of multiple attributes at once. If model validation fails,
the attributes will not be set and an `error` event will be fired.
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'quux'
@method setAttrs
@param {Object} attributes Hash of attribute names and values to set.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`change` event(s) for these attributes.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `change` event will
be fired.
setAttrs: function (attributes, options) {
var idAttribute = this.idAttribute,
changed, e, key, lastChange, transaction;
if (!this._validate(attributes)) {
return this;
options || (options = {});
transaction = options._transaction = {};
// When a custom id attribute is in use, always keep the default `id`
// attribute in sync.
if (idAttribute !== 'id') {
// So we don't modify someone else's object.
attributes = Y.merge(attributes);
if (YObject.owns(attributes, idAttribute)) { = attributes[idAttribute];
} else if (YObject.owns(attributes, 'id')) {
attributes[idAttribute] =;
for (key in attributes) {
if (YObject.owns(attributes, key)) {
this._setAttr(key, attributes[key], options);
if (!YObject.isEmpty(transaction)) {
changed = this.changed;
lastChange = this.lastChange = {};
for (key in transaction) {
if (YObject.owns(transaction, key)) {
e = transaction[key];
changed[key] = e.newVal;
lastChange[key] = {
newVal : e.newVal,
prevVal: e.prevVal,
src : e.src || null
if (!options.silent) {
// Lazy publish for the change event.
if (!this._changeEvent) {
this._changeEvent = this.publish(EVT_CHANGE, {
preventable: false
}, {changed: lastChange});
return this;
Override this method to provide a custom persistence implementation for this
model. The default just calls the callback without actually doing anything.
This method is called internally by `load()`, `save()`, and `destroy()`.
@method sync
@param {String} action Sync action to perform. May be one of the following:
* `create`: Store a newly-created model for the first time.
* `delete`: Delete an existing model.
* 'read' : Load an existing model.
* `update`: Update an existing model.
@param {Object} [options] Sync options. It's up to the custom sync
implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
@param {mixed} [callback.response] The server's response. This value will
be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
return an attribute hash.
sync: function (/* action, options, callback */) {
var callback = YArray(arguments, 0, true).pop();
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
Returns a copy of this model's attributes that can be passed to
`Y.JSON.stringify()` or used for other nefarious purposes.
The `clientId` attribute is not included in the returned object.
If you've specified a custom attribute name in the `idAttribute` property,
the default `id` attribute will not be included in the returned object.
@method toJSON
@return {Object} Copy of this model's attributes.
toJSON: function () {
var attrs = this.getAttrs();
delete attrs.clientId;
delete attrs.destroyed;
delete attrs.initialized;
if (this.idAttribute !== 'id') {
return attrs;
Reverts the last change to the model.
If an _attrNames_ array is provided, then only the named attributes will be
reverted (and only if they were modified in the previous change). If no
_attrNames_ array is provided, then all changed attributes will be reverted
to their previous values.
Note that only one level of undo is available: from the current state to the
previous state. If `undo()` is called when no previous state is available,
it will simply do nothing.
@method undo
@param {Array} [attrNames] Array of specific attribute names to revert. If
not specified, all attributes modified in the last change will be
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
change event(s) for these attributes.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `change` event will
be fired.
undo: function (attrNames, options) {
var lastChange = this.lastChange,
idAttribute = this.idAttribute,
toUndo = {},
attrNames || (attrNames = YObject.keys(lastChange));
YArray.each(attrNames, function (name) {
if (YObject.owns(lastChange, name)) {
// Don't generate a double change for custom id attributes.
name = name === idAttribute ? 'id' : name;
needUndo = true;
toUndo[name] = lastChange[name].prevVal;
return needUndo ? this.setAttrs(toUndo, options) : this;
Override this method to provide custom validation logic for this model.
While attribute-specific validators can be used to validate individual
attributes, this method gives you a hook to validate a hash of attributes
when multiple attributes are changed at once. This method is called
automatically before `set`, `setAttrs`, and `save` take action.
A call to `validate` that doesn't return anything will be treated as a
success. If the `validate` method returns a value, it will be treated as a
failure, and the returned value (which may be a string or an object
containing information about the failure) will be passed along to the
`error` event.
@method validate
@param {Object} attributes Attribute hash containing changed attributes.
@return {mixed} Any return value other than `undefined` or `null` will be
treated as a validation failure.
validate: function (/* attributes */) {},
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
Duckpunches the `addAttr` method provided by `Y.Attribute` to keep the
`id` attribute’s value and a custom id attribute’s (if provided) value
in sync when adding the attributes to the model instance object.
Marked as protected to hide it from Model's public API docs, even though
this is a public method in Attribute.
@method addAttr
@param {String} name The name of the attribute.
@param {Object} config An object with attribute configuration property/value
pairs, specifying the configuration for the attribute.
@param {boolean} lazy (optional) Whether or not to add this attribute lazily
(on the first call to get/set).
@return {Object} A reference to the host object.
addAttr: function (name, config, lazy) {
var idAttribute = this.idAttribute,
idAttrCfg, id;
if (idAttribute && name === idAttribute) {
idAttrCfg = this._isLazyAttr('id') || this._getAttrCfg('id');
id = config.value === config.defaultValue ? null : config.value;
if (!Lang.isValue(id)) {
// Hunt for the id value.
id = idAttrCfg.value === idAttrCfg.defaultValue ? null : idAttrCfg.value;
if (!Lang.isValue(id)) {
// No id value provided on construction, check defaults.
id = Lang.isValue(config.defaultValue) ?
config.defaultValue :
config.value = id;
// Make sure `id` is in sync.
if (idAttrCfg.value !== id) {
idAttrCfg.value = id;
if (this._isLazyAttr('id')) {
this._state.add('id', 'lazy', idAttrCfg);
} else {
this._state.add('id', 'value', id);
return Model.superclass.addAttr.apply(this, arguments);
Calls the public, overridable `validate()` method and fires an `error` event
if validation fails.
@method _validate
@param {Object} attributes Attribute hash.
@return {Boolean} `true` if validation succeeded, `false` otherwise.
_validate: function (attributes) {
var error = this.validate(attributes);
if (Lang.isValue(error)) {
// Validation failed. Fire an error., {
attributes: attributes,
error : error,
src : 'validate'
return false;
return true;
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
Duckpunches the `_defAttrChangeFn()` provided by `Y.Attribute` so we can
have a single global notification when a change event occurs.
@method _defAttrChangeFn
@param {EventFacade} e
_defAttrChangeFn: function (e) {
var attrName = e.attrName;
if (!this._setAttrVal(attrName, e.subAttrName, e.prevVal, e.newVal)) {
// Prevent "after" listeners from being invoked since nothing changed.
} else {
e.newVal = this.get(attrName);
if (e._transaction) {
e._transaction[attrName] = e;
}, {
NAME: 'model',
A client-only identifier for this model.
Like the `id` attribute, `clientId` may be used to retrieve model
instances from lists. Unlike the `id` attribute, `clientId` is
automatically generated, and is only intended to be used on the client
during the current pageview.
@attribute clientId
@type String
clientId: {
valueFn : 'generateClientId',
readOnly: true
A unique identifier for this model. Among other things, this id may be
used to retrieve model instances from lists, so it should be unique.
If the id is empty, this model instance is assumed to represent a new
item that hasn't yet been saved.
If you would prefer to use a custom attribute as this model's id instead
of using the `id` attribute (for example, maybe you'd rather use `_id`
or `uid` as the primary id), you may set the `idAttribute` property to
the name of your custom id attribute. The `id` attribute will then
act as an alias for your custom attribute.
@attribute id
@type String|Number|null
@default `null`
id: {value: null}
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['base-build', 'escape', 'json-parse']});
YUI.add('model-list', function(Y) {
Provides an API for managing an ordered list of Model instances.
In addition to providing convenient `add`, `create`, `refresh`, and `remove`
methods for managing the models in the list, ModelLists are also bubble targets
for events on the model instances they contain. This means, for example, that
you can add several models to a list, and then subscribe to the `*:change` event
on the list to be notified whenever any model in the list changes.
ModelLists also maintain sort order efficiently as models are added and removed,
based on a custom `comparator` function you may define (if no comparator is
defined, models are sorted in insertion order).
@submodule model-list
@class ModelList
@uses ArrayList
@uses Base
var Lang = Y.Lang,
YArray = Y.Array,
Fired when a model is added to the list.
Listen to the `on` phase of this event to be notified before a model is
added to the list. Calling `e.preventDefault()` during the `on` phase will
prevent the model from being added.
Listen to the `after` phase of this event to be notified after a model has
been added to the list.
@event add
@param {Model} model The model being added.
@param {int} index The index at which the model will be added.
@preventable _defAddFn
EVT_ADD = 'add',
Fired when the list is completely refreshed via the `refresh()` method or
sorted via the `sort()` method.
Listen to the `on` phase of this event to be notified before the list is
refreshed. Calling `e.preventDefault()` during the `on` phase will prevent
the list from being refreshed.
Listen to the `after` phase of this event to be notified after the list has
been refreshed.
@event refresh
@param {Model[]} models Array of the list's new models after the refresh.
@param {String} src Source of the event. May be either `'refresh'` or
@preventable _defRefreshFn
EVT_REFRESH = 'refresh',
Fired when a model is removed from the list.
Listen to the `on` phase of this event to be notified before a model is
removed from the list. Calling `e.preventDefault()` during the `on` phase
will prevent the model from being removed.
Listen to the `after` phase of this event to be notified after a model has
been removed from the list.
@event remove
@param {Model} model The model being removed.
@param {int} index The index of the model being removed.
@preventable _defRemoveFn
EVT_REMOVE = 'remove';
function ModelList() {
ModelList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.ModelList = Y.extend(ModelList, Y.Base, {
// -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
The `Model` class or subclass of the models in this list.
This property is `null` by default, and is intended to be overridden in a
subclass or specified as a config property at instantiation time. It will be
used to create model instances automatically based on attribute hashes
passed to the `add()`, `create()`, and `refresh()` methods.
@property model
@type Model
@default `null`
model: null,
// -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
initializer: function (config) {
config || (config = {});
var model = this.model = config.model || this.model;
this.publish(EVT_ADD, {defaultFn: this._defAddFn});
this.publish(EVT_REFRESH, {defaultFn: this._defRefreshFn});
this.publish(EVT_REMOVE, {defaultFn: this._defRemoveFn});
if (model) {
this.after('*:idChange', this._afterIdChange);
} else {
destructor: function () {
YArray.each(this._items, this._detachList, this);
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
Adds the specified model or array of models to this list.
// Add a single model instance.
list.add(new Model({foo: 'bar'}));
// Add a single model, creating a new instance automatically.
list.add({foo: 'bar'});
// Add multiple models, creating new instances automatically.
{foo: 'bar'},
{baz: 'quux'}
@method add
@param {Model|Model[]|Object|Object[]} models Models to add. May be existing
model instances or hashes of model attributes, in which case new model
instances will be created from the hashes.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`add` event(s) for the added models.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `add` event(s) will
be fired.
@return {Model|Model[]} Added model or array of added models.
add: function (models, options) {
if (Lang.isArray(models)) {
return, function (model) {
return this._add(model, options);
}, this);
} else {
return this._add(models, options);
Define this method to provide a function that takes a model as a parameter
and returns a value by which that model should be sorted relative to other
models in this list.
By default, no comparator is defined, meaning that models will not be sorted
(they'll be stored in the order they're added).
var list = new Y.ModelList({model: Y.Model});
list.comparator = function (model) {
return model.get('id'); // Sort models by id.
@method comparator
@param {Model} model Model being sorted.
@return {Number|String} Value by which the model should be sorted relative
to other models in this list.
// comparator is not defined by default
Creates or updates the specified model on the server, then adds it to this
list if the server indicates success.
@method create
@param {Model|Object} model Model to create. May be an existing model
instance or a hash of model attributes, in which case a new model instance
will be created from the hash.
@param {Object} [options] Options to be passed to the model's `sync()` and
`set()` methods and mixed into the `add` event when the model is added
to the list.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `add` event(s) will
be fired.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
@param {mixed} callback.response The server's response.
@return {Model} Created model.
create: function (model, options, callback) {
var self = this;
// Allow callback as second arg.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
if (!(model instanceof Y.Model)) {
model = new this.model(model);
return, function (err) {
if (!err) {
self.add(model, options);
callback && callback.apply(null, arguments);
Returns the model with the specified _clientId_, or `null` if not found.
@method getByClientId
@param {String} clientId Client id.
@return {Model} Model, or `null` if not found.
getByClientId: function (clientId) {
return this._clientIdMap[clientId] || null;
Returns the model with the specified _id_, or `null` if not found.
Note that models aren't expected to have an id until they're saved, so if
you're working with unsaved models, it may be safer to call
@method getById
@param {String} id Model id.
@return {Model} Model, or `null` if not found.
getById: function (id) {
return this._idMap[id] || null;
Calls the named method on every model in the list. Any arguments provided
after _name_ will be passed on to the invoked method.
@method invoke
@param {String} name Name of the method to call on each model.
@param {any} *args Zero or more arguments to pass to the invoked method.
@return {Array} Array of return values, indexed according to the index of
the model on which the method was called.
invoke: function (name /*, *args */) {
var args = [this._items, name].concat(YArray(arguments, 1, true));
return YArray.invoke.apply(YArray, args);
Returns the model at the specified _index_.
@method item
@param {int} index Index of the model to fetch.
@return {Model} The model at the specified index, or `undefined` if there
isn't a model there.
// item() is inherited from ArrayList.
Loads this list of models from the server.
This method delegates to the `sync()` method to perform the actual load
operation, which is an asynchronous action. Specify a _callback_ function to
be notified of success or failure.
If the load operation succeeds, a `refresh` event will be fired.
@method load
@param {Object} [options] Options to be passed to `sync()` and to
`refresh()` when adding the loaded models. It's up to the custom sync
implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
@param {mixed} callback.response The server's response. This value will
be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
return an array of model attribute hashes.
load: function (options, callback) {
var self = this;
// Allow callback as only arg.
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
this.sync('read', options, function (err, response) {
if (!err) {
self.refresh(self.parse(response), options);
callback && callback.apply(null, arguments);
return this;
Executes the specified function on each model in this list and returns an
array of the function's collected return values.
@method map
@param {Function} fn Function to execute on each model.
@param {Model} fn.model Current model being iterated.
@param {int} fn.index Index of the current model in the list.
@param {Model[]} fn.models Array of models being iterated.
@param {Object} [thisObj] `this` object to use when calling _fn_.
@return {Array} Array of return values from _fn_.
map: function (fn, thisObj) {
return, fn, thisObj);
Called to parse the _response_ when the list is loaded from the server.
This method receives a server _response_ and is expected to return an array
of model attribute hashes.
The default implementation assumes that _response_ is either an array of
attribute hashes or a JSON string that can be parsed into an array of
attribute hashes. If _response_ is a JSON string and either `Y.JSON` or the
native `JSON` object are available, it will be parsed automatically. If a
parse error occurs, an `error` event will be fired and the model will not be
You may override this method to implement custom parsing logic if necessary.
@method parse
@param {mixed} response Server response.
@return {Object[]} Array of model attribute hashes.
parse: function (response) {
if (typeof response === 'string') {
try {
return Y.JSON.parse(response) || [];
} catch (ex) {
Y.error('Failed to parse JSON response.');
return null;
return response || [];
Completely replaces all models in the list with those specified, and fires a
single `refresh` event.
Use `refresh` when you want to add or remove a large number of items at once
without firing `add` or `remove` events for each one.
@method refresh
@param {Model[]|Object[]} models Models to add. May be existing model
instances or hashes of model attributes, in which case new model instances
will be created from the hashes.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`refresh` event.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `refresh` event will
be fired.
refresh: function (models, options) {
options || (options = {});
var facade = Y.merge(options, {
src : 'refresh',
models:, function (model) {
return model instanceof Y.Model ? model :
new this.model(model);
}, this)
options.silent ? this._defRefreshFn(facade) :, facade);
return this;
Removes the specified model or array of models from this list.
@method remove
@param {Model|Model[]} models Models to remove.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`remove` event(s) for the removed models.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `remove` event(s)
will be fired.
@return {Model|Model[]} Removed model or array of removed models.
remove: function (models, options) {
if (Lang.isArray(models)) {
return, function (model) {
return this._remove(model, options);
}, this);
} else {
return this._remove(models, options);
Forcibly re-sorts the list.
Usually it shouldn't be necessary to call this method since the list
maintains its sort order when items are added and removed, but if you change
the `comparator` function after items are already in the list, you'll need
to re-sort.
@method sort
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`refresh` event.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `refresh` event will
be fired.
sort: function (options) {
var comparator = this.comparator,
models = this._items.concat(),
if (!comparator) {
return this;
options || (options = {});
models.sort(function (a, b) {
var aValue = comparator(a),
bValue = comparator(b);
return aValue < bValue ? -1 : (aValue > bValue ? 1 : 0);
facade = Y.merge(options, {
models: models,
src : 'sort'
options.silent ? this._defRefreshFn(facade) :, facade);
return this;
Override this method to provide a custom persistence implementation for this
list. The default method just calls the callback without actually doing
This method is called internally by `load()`.
@method sync
@param {String} action Sync action to perform. May be one of the following:
* `create`: Store a list of newly-created models for the first time.
* `delete`: Delete a list of existing models.
* 'read' : Load a list of existing models.
* `update`: Update a list of existing models.
Currently, model lists only make use of the `read` action, but other
actions may be used in future versions.
@param {Object} [options] Sync options. It's up to the custom sync
implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any.
@param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
@param {Error} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
@param {mixed} [callback.response] The server's response. This value will
be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
return an array of model attribute hashes.
sync: function (/* action, options, callback */) {
var callback = YArray(arguments, 0, true).pop();
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
Returns an array containing the models in this list.
@method toArray
@return {Array} Array containing the models in this list.
toArray: function () {
return this._items.concat();
Returns an array containing attribute hashes for each model in this list,
suitable for being passed to `Y.JSON.stringify()`.
Under the hood, this method calls `toJSON()` on each model in the list and
pushes the results into an array.
@method toJSON
@return {Object[]} Array of model attribute hashes.
@see Model.toJSON()
toJSON: function () {
return (model) {
return model.toJSON();
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
Adds the specified _model_ if it isn't already in this list.
@method _add
@param {Model|Object} model Model or object to add.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`add` event for the added model.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `add` event will be
@return {Model} The added model.
_add: function (model, options) {
var facade;
options || (options = {});
if (!(model instanceof Y.Model)) {
model = new this.model(model);
if (this._clientIdMap[model.get('clientId')]) {
Y.error('Model already in list.');
facade = Y.merge(options, {
index: this._findIndex(model),
model: model
options.silent ? this._defAddFn(facade) :, facade);
return model;
Adds this list as a bubble target for the specified model's events.
@method _attachList
@param {Model} model Model to attach to this list.
_attachList: function (model) {
// Attach this list and make it a bubble target for the model.
Clears all internal state and the internal list of models, returning this
list to an empty state. Automatically detaches all models in the list.
@method _clear
_clear: function () {
YArray.each(this._items, this._detachList, this);
this._clientIdMap = {};
this._idMap = {};
this._items = [];
Removes this list as a bubble target for the specified model's events.
@method _detachList
@param {Model} model Model to detach.
_detachList: function (model) {
var index = YArray.indexOf(model.lists, this);
if (index > -1) {
model.lists.splice(index, 1);
Returns the index at which the given _model_ should be inserted to maintain
the sort order of the list.
@method _findIndex
@param {Model} model The model being inserted.
@return {int} Index at which the model should be inserted.
_findIndex: function (model) {
var comparator = this.comparator,
items = this._items,
max = items.length - 1,
min = 0,
item, middle, needle;
if (!comparator || !items.length) { return items.length; }
needle = comparator(model);
// Perform an iterative binary search to determine the correct position
// based on the return value of the `comparator` function.
while (min < max) {
middle = (min + max) / 2;
item = items[middle];
if (item && comparator(item) < needle) {
min = middle + 1;
} else {
max = middle;
return min;
Removes the specified _model_ if it's in this list.
@method _remove
@param {Model} model Model to remove.
@param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the
`remove` event for the removed model.
@param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `remove` event will
be fired.
@return {Model} Removed model.
_remove: function (model, options) {
var index = this.indexOf(model),
options || (options = {});
if (index === -1) {
Y.error('Model not in list.');
facade = Y.merge(options, {
index: index,
model: model
options.silent ? this._defRemoveFn(facade) :, facade);
return model;
// -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
Updates the model maps when a model's `id` attribute changes.
@method _afterIdChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterIdChange: function (e) {
e.prevVal && delete this._idMap[e.prevVal];
e.newVal && (this._idMap[e.newVal] =;
// -- Default Event Handlers -----------------------------------------------
Default event handler for `add` events.
@method _defAddFn
@param {EventFacade} e
_defAddFn: function (e) {
var model = e.model,
id = model.get('id');
this._clientIdMap[model.get('clientId')] = model;
if (id) {
this._idMap[id] = model;
this._items.splice(e.index, 0, model);
Default event handler for `refresh` events.
@method _defRefreshFn
@param {EventFacade} e
_defRefreshFn: function (e) {
// When fired from the `sort` method, we don't need to clear the list or
// add any models, since the existing models are sorted in place.
if (e.src === 'sort') {
this._items = e.models.concat();
if (e.models.length) {
this.add(e.models, {silent: true});
Default event handler for `remove` events.
@method _defRemoveFn
@param {EventFacade} e
_defRemoveFn: function (e) {
var model = e.model,
id = model.get('id');
delete this._clientIdMap[model.get('clientId')];
if (id) {
delete this._idMap[id];
this._items.splice(e.index, 1);
}, {
NAME: 'modelList'
Y.augment(ModelList, Y.ArrayList);
Returns an array containing the values of the specified attribute from each
model in this list.
@method get
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@return {Array} Array of attribute values.
@see Model.get()
Returns an array containing the HTML-escaped versions of the values of the
specified string attributes from each model in this list. The values are escaped
using `Y.Escape.html()`.
@method getAsHTML
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@return {String[]} Array of HTML-escaped attribute values.
@see Model.getAsHTML()
Returns an array containing the URL-encoded versions of the values of the
specified string attributes from each model in this list. The values are encoded
using the native `encodeURIComponent()` function.
@method getAsURL
@param {String} name Attribute name or object property path.
@return {String[]} Array of URL-encoded attribute values.
@see Model.getAsURL()
Y.ArrayList.addMethod(ModelList.prototype, [
'get', 'getAsHTML', 'getAsURL'
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['array-extras', 'array-invoke', 'arraylist', 'base-build', 'json-parse', 'model']});
YUI.add('view', function(Y) {
Represents a logical piece of an application's user interface, and provides a
lightweight, overridable API for rendering content and handling delegated DOM
events on a container element.
The View class imposes little structure and provides only minimal functionality
of its own: it's basically just an overridable API interface that helps you
implement custom views.
@submodule view
@class View
@uses Base
function View() {
View.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.View = Y.extend(View, Y.Base, {
// -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
Container node into which this view's content will be rendered.
The container node serves as the host for all DOM events attached by the
view. Delegation is used to handle events on children of the container,
allowing the container's contents to be re-rendered at any time without
losing event subscriptions.
The default container is a simple `<div>`, but you can override this in a
subclass, or by passing in a custom `container` config value at
instantiation time.
When `container` is overridden by a subclass or passed as a config option at
instantiation time, it may be provided as an HTML string, a DOM element, or
a `Y.Node` instance. During initialization, this view's `create()` method
will be called to convert the container into a `Y.Node` instance if it isn't
one already.
The container is not added to the page automatically. This allows you to
have full control over how and when your view is actually rendered to the
@property container
@type HTMLElement|Node|String
@default `"<div/>"`
container: '<div/>',
Hash of CSS selectors mapped to events to delegate to elements matching
those selectors.
CSS selectors are relative to the `container` element. Events are attached
to the container, and delegation is used so that subscribers are only
notified of events that occur on elements inside the container that match
the specified selectors. This allows the container's contents to be
re-rendered as needed without losing event subscriptions.
Event handlers can be specified either as functions or as strings that map
to function names on this view instance or its prototype.
The `this` object in event handlers will refer to this view instance. If
you'd prefer `this` to be something else, use `Y.bind()` to bind a custom
`this` object.
var view = new Y.View({
events: {
// Call `this.toggle()` whenever the element with the id
// "toggle-button" is clicked.
'#toggle-button': {click: 'toggle'},
// Call `this.hoverOn()` when the mouse moves over any element
// with the "hoverable" class, and `this.hoverOff()` when the
// mouse moves out of any element with the "hoverable" class.
'.hoverable': {
mouseover: 'hoverOn',
mouseout : 'hoverOff'
@property events
@type Object
@default `{}`
events: {},
Model instance associated with this view instance.
This is entirely optional. There's no requirement that views be associated
with models, but if you do intend to associate your view with a model, then
specifying that model instance at instantiation time will cause a reference
to be stored here for convenience.
@property model
@type Model
@default undefined
ModelList instance associated with this view instance.
This is entirely optional. There's no requirement that views be associated
with model lists, but if you do intend to associate your view with a model
list, then specifying that list instance at instantiation time will cause a
reference to be stored here for convenience.
@property modelList
@type ModelList
@default undefined
Template for this view.
This is a convenience property that has no default behavior of its own. It's
only provided as a convention to allow you to store whatever you consider to
be a template, whether that's an HTML string, a `Y.Node` instance, a
Mustache template, or anything else your little heart desires.
How this template gets used is entirely up to you and your custom `render()`
@property template
@type any
@default `''`
template: '',
// -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
initializer: function (config) {
config || (config = {});
this.container = this.create(config.container || this.container);
// Use config properties if present; otherwise default to prototype
// properties.
config.model && (this.model = config.model);
config.modelList && (this.modelList = config.modelList);
config.template && (this.template = config.template);
// Merge events from the config into events in ``, then
// attach the events to the container node. = ?
Y.merge(, :;
destructor: function () {
// Remove the container from the DOM and purge all event listeners.
this.container && this.container.remove(true);
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
Attaches delegated event handlers to this view's `container` element. This
method is called internally to subscribe to events configured in the
`events` property or config attribute when the view is initialized.
You may override this method to customize the event attaching logic.
@method attachEvents
@param {Object} events Hash of events to attach. See the docs for the
`events` property for details on the format.
attachEvents: function (events) {
var container = this.container,
owns = Y.Object.owns,
handler, handlers, name, selector;
for (selector in events) {
if (!owns(events, selector)) { continue; }
handlers = events[selector];
for (name in handlers) {
if (!owns(handlers, name)) { continue; }
handler = handlers[name];
if (typeof handler === 'string') {
handler = this[handler];
container.delegate(name, handler, selector, this);
Creates and returns this view's `container` node from the specified HTML
string, DOM element, or existing `Y.Node` instance. This method is called
internally when the view is initialized.
By default, the created node is _not_ added to the DOM automatically.
You may override this method to customize how the container node is created
(such as by rendering it from a template). Your method should return a
`Y.Node` instance.
@method create
@param {HTMLElement|Node|String} container HTML string, DOM element, or
`Y.Node` instance to use as the container node.
@return {Node} Node instance of the created container node.
create: function (container) {
return typeof container === 'string' ?
Y.Node.create(container) :;
Removes this view's `container` element from the DOM (if it's in the DOM),
but doesn't destroy it or any event listeners attached to it.
@method remove
remove: function () {
this.container && this.container.remove();
return this;
Renders the view.
This method is a noop by default. Override it in your subclass to provide a
custom implementation that renders this view's content and appends it to the
`container` element. Ideally your `render` method should also return `this`
as the end to allow chaining, but that's up to you.
Since there's no default renderer, you're free to render your view however
you see fit, whether that means manipulating the DOM directly, dumping
strings into `innerHTML`, or using a template language of some kind.
For basic templating needs, `Y.Node.create()` and `Y.Lang.sub()` may
suffice, but there are no restrictions on what tools or techniques you can
use to render your view. All you need to do is append something to the
`container` element at some point, and optionally append the `container`
to the DOM if it's not there already.
@method render
render: function () {
return this;
}, {
NAME: 'view'
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['base-build', 'node-event-delegate']});
YUI.add('app', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{use:['controller', 'model', 'model-list', 'view']});