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POPFILE.C -- Popup Editor File Functions
(c) Charles Petzold, 1992
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static OPENFILENAME ofn ;
void PopFileInitialize (HWND hwnd)
static char *szFilter[] = { "Text Files (*.TXT)", "*.txt",
"ASCII Files (*.ASC)", "*.asc",
"All Files (*.*)", "*.*",
"" } ;
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME) ;
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd ;
ofn.hInstance = NULL ;
ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter [0] ;
ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL ;
ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0 ;
ofn.nFilterIndex = 0 ;
ofn.lpstrFile = NULL ; // Set in Open and Close functions
ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH ;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL ; // Set in Open and Close functions
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT ;
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL ;
ofn.lpstrTitle = NULL ;
ofn.Flags = 0 ; // Set in Open and Close functions
ofn.nFileOffset = 0 ;
ofn.nFileExtension = 0 ;
ofn.lpstrDefExt = "txt" ;
ofn.lCustData = 0L ;
ofn.lpfnHook = NULL ;
ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL ;
BOOL PopFileOpenDlg (HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpstrFileName, LPSTR lpstrTitleName)
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd ;
ofn.lpstrFile = lpstrFileName ;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = lpstrTitleName ;
return GetOpenFileName (&ofn) ;
BOOL PopFileSaveDlg (HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpstrFileName, LPSTR lpstrTitleName)
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd ;
ofn.lpstrFile = lpstrFileName ;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = lpstrTitleName ;
return GetSaveFileName (&ofn) ;
static long PopFileLength (int hFile)
long lCurrentPos = _llseek (hFile, 0L, 1) ;
long lFileLength = _llseek (hFile, 0L, 2) ;
_llseek (hFile, lCurrentPos, 0) ;
return lFileLength ;
BOOL PopFileRead (HWND hwndEdit, LPSTR lpstrFileName)
long lLength ;
HANDLE hBuffer ;
int hFile ;
LPSTR lpstrBuffer ;
if (-1 == (hFile = _lopen (lpstrFileName, OF_READ | OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)))
return FALSE ;
if ((lLength = PopFileLength (hFile)) >= 32000)
_lclose (hFile) ;
return FALSE ;
if (NULL == (hBuffer = GlobalAlloc (GHND, lLength + 1)))
_lclose (hFile) ;
return FALSE ;
lpstrBuffer = GlobalLock (hBuffer) ;
_lread (hFile, lpstrBuffer, (WORD) lLength) ;
_lclose (hFile) ;
lpstrBuffer [(WORD) lLength] = '\0' ;
SetWindowText (hwndEdit, lpstrBuffer) ;
GlobalUnlock (hBuffer) ;
GlobalFree (hBuffer) ;
return TRUE ;
BOOL PopFileWrite (HWND hwndEdit, LPSTR lpstrFileName)
HANDLE hBuffer ;
int hFile ;
LPSTR lpstrBuffer ;
WORD wLength ;
if (-1 == (hFile = _lopen (lpstrFileName, OF_WRITE | OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE)))
if (-1 == (hFile = _lcreat (lpstrFileName, 0)))
return FALSE ;
wLength = GetWindowTextLength (hwndEdit) ;
hBuffer = (HANDLE) SendMessage (hwndEdit, EM_GETHANDLE, 0, 0L) ;
lpstrBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalLock (hBuffer) ;
if (wLength != _lwrite (hFile, lpstrBuffer, wLength))
_lclose (hFile) ;
return FALSE ;
_lclose (hFile) ;
LocalUnlock (hBuffer) ;
return TRUE ;