#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
VirtualBox Validation Kit - Unit Tests.
__copyright__ = \
Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Oracle Corporation
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
(CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# Standard Python imports.
import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess
import shutil
# Only the main script needs to modify the path.
try: __file__
except: __file__ = sys.argv[0];
g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
# Validation Kit imports.
from common import utils;
from testdriver import vbox
from testdriver import reporter
class tdUnitTest1(vbox.TestDriver):
Unit Tests.
## The temporary exclude list.
## @note This shall be empty before we release 4.3!
kdTestCasesBuggyPerOs = {
'darwin': {
'testcase/tstRTR0DbgKrnlInfoDriver': '', # Busted testcase, probably. (VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND)
'solaris': {
'testcase/tstIntNet-1': '', # Fails opening rge0, probably a generic issue figuring which nic to use.
'testcase/tstIprtList': '', # Crashes in the multithreaded test, I think.
'testcase/tstRTCritSect': '', # Fairness/whatever issue here.
'testcase/tstRTR0DbgKrnlInfoDriver': '', # Doesn't even load R0.
'testcase/tstRTR0MemUserKernelDriver': '', # Failes when kernel to kernel buffers.
'testcase/tstRTSemRW': '', # line 338: RTSemRWReleaseRead(hSemRW): got VERR_ACCESS_DENIED
'testcase/tstRTStrAlloc': '', # VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY!
'testcase/tstRTFileGetSize-1': '', # VERR_DEV_IO_ERROR on /dev/null!
'win': {
'testcase/tstFile': '', # ??
'testcase/tstIntNet-1': '', # possibly same issue as solaris.
'testcase/tstMouseImpl': '', # STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
'testcase/tstRTR0ThreadPreemptionDriver': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTPath': '<4.3.51r89894',
'testcase/tstRTPipe': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTR0MemUserKernelDriver': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTR0SemMutexDriver': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTStrAlloc': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTStrFormat': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTSystemQueryOsInfo': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTTemp': '', # ??
'testcase/tstRTTime': '', # ??
'testcase/tstTime-2': '', # Total time differs too much! ... delta=-10859859
'testcase/tstUtf8': '', # ??
'testcase/tstVMMR0CallHost-2': '', # STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW
'testcase/tstX86-1': '', # Fails on win.x86.
'tscpasswd': '', # ??
'tstVMREQ': '', # ?? Same as darwin.x86?
kdTestCasesBuggy = {
'testcase/tstGuestPropSvc': '', # GET_NOTIFICATION fails on testboxlin5.de.oracle.com and others.
'testcase/tstRTProcCreateEx': '', # Seen failing on wei01-b6ka-9.de.oracle.com.
'testcase/tstTimer': '', # Sometimes fails on linux, not important atm.
## The permanent exclude list.
# @note Stripped extensions!
kdTestCasesBlackList = {
'testcase/tstClipboardX11Smoke': '',
'testcase/tstFileLock': '',
'testcase/tstDisasm-2': '', # without parameters it will disassembler 1GB starting from 0
'testcase/tstFileAppendWin-1': '',
'testcase/tstDir': '', # useless without parameters
'testcase/tstDir-2': '', # useless without parameters
'testcase/tstGlobalConfig': '',
'testcase/tstHostHardwareLinux': '', # must be killed with CTRL-C
'testcase/tstHttp': '', # Talks to outside servers.
'testcase/tstRTHttp': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstLdr-2': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstLdr-3': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstLdr': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstLdrLoad': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstMove': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstRTR0Timer': '', # loads 'tstRTR0Timer.r0'
'testcase/tstRTR0ThreadDriver': '', # loads 'tstRTR0Thread.r0'
'testcase/tstRunTestcases': '', # that's a script like this one
'testcase/tstRTReqPool': '', # fails sometimes, testcase buggy
'testcase/tstRTS3': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstSDL': '', # graphics test
'testcase/tstSupLoadModule': '', # Needs parameters and vboxdrv access. Covered elsewhere.
'testcase/tstSeamlessX11': '', # graphics test
'testcase/tstTime-3': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstVBoxControl': '', # works only inside a guest
'testcase/tstVDCopy': '', # parameters required
'tstAnimate': '', # parameters required
'tstAPI': '', # user interaction required
'tstCollector': '', # takes forever
'testcase/tstHeadless': '', # parameters required
'tstHeadless': '', # parameters required
'tstMicroRC': '', # required by tstMicro
'tstVBoxDbg': '', # interactive test
'testcase/tstTestServMgr': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, does not work
'tstTestServMgr': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, does not work
'tstPDMAsyncCompletion': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstXptDump': '', # parameters required
'tstXptDump': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstnsIFileEnumerator': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, does not work
'tstnsIFileEnumerator': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, does not work
'testcase/tstSimpleTypeLib': '', # parameters required
'tstSimpleTypeLib': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstTestAtoms': '', # additional test file (words.txt) required
'tstTestAtoms': '', # additional test file (words.txt) required
'testcase/tstXptLink': '', # parameters required
'tstXptLink': '', # parameters required
'tstXPCOMCGlue': '', # user interaction required
'testcase/tstXPCOMCGlue': '', # user interaction required
'testcase/tstCAPIGlue': '', # user interaction required
'testcase/tstTestCallTemplates': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, segfaults
'tstTestCallTemplates': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, segfaults
'testcase/tstRTFilesystem': '', # parameters required
'testcase/tstRTDvm': '', # parameters required
# later
# slow stuff
'testcase/tstAvl': '', # SLOW!
'testcase/tstRTAvl': '', # SLOW! (new name)
'testcase/tstVD': '', # 8GB fixed-sized vmdk
# failed or hang
'testcase/tstCryptoPkcs7Verify': '', # hang
'tstOVF': '', # hang (only ancient version, now in new place)
'testcase/tstRTLockValidator': '', # Lock validation is not enabled for critical sections
'testcase/tstGuestControlSvc': '', # failed: line 288: testHost(&svcTable): expected VINF_SUCCESS, got VERR_NOT_FOUND
'testcase/tstRTMemEf': '', # failed w/o error message
'testcase/tstSupSem': '', # failed: SRE Timeout Accuracy (ms) : FAILED (1 errors)
'testcase/tstCryptoPkcs7Sign': '',# failed: 29330:error:02001002:lib(2):func(1):reason(2):NA:0:fopen('server.pem': '','r')
'testcase/tstCompressionBenchmark': '', # failed: error: RTZipBlockCompress failed
# for 'RTZipBlock/LZJB' (#4): VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
'testcase/tstLdr-4': '', # failed: Failed to get bits for '/home/vbox/test/tmp/bin/testcase/tstLdrObjR0.r0'/0,
# rc=VERR_SYMBOL_VALUE_TOO_BIG. aborting test
'tstPDMAsyncCompletionStress': '', # VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (cbSize = 0)
'tstMicro': '', # doesn't work on solaris, fix later if we care.
'tstVMM-HwAccm': '', # failed: Only checked AMD-V on linux
'tstVMM-HM': '', # failed: Only checked AMD-V on linux
'tstVMMFork': '', # failed: xtracker 6171
'tstTestFactory': '', # some strange xpcom18a4 test, does not work
'testcase/tstRTSemXRoads': '', # sporadically failed: Traffic - 8 threads per direction, 10 sec : FAILED (8 errors)
'tstVBoxAPILinux': '', # creates VirtualBox directories for root user because of sudo (should be in vbox)
'testcase/tstVMStructDTrace': '', # This is a D-script generator.
'tstVMStructRC': '', # This is a C-code generator.
'tstDeviceStructSizeRC': '', # This is a C-code generator.
'testcase/tstTSC': '', # Doesn't test anything and might fail with HT or/and too many cores.
'testcase/tstOpenUSBDev': '', # Not a useful testcase.
# Suffix exclude list.
kasSuffixBlackList = [
## The exclude list.
# @note Stripped extensions!
kasHardened = [
"testcase/tstR0ThreadPreemptionDriver", # VBox 4.3
'testcase/tstRTTime', 'testcase/tstTime', # GIP test case.
## Argument lists
kdArguments = {
'testcase/tstbntest': [ '-out', os.devnull, ], # Very noisy.
## Status code translations.
## @{
kdExitCodeNames = {
kdExitCodeNamesWin = {
-1073741515: 'STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND',
-1073741502: 'STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED',
## @}
def __init__(self):
Reinitialize child class instance.
self.oTestVmSet = None;
self.sVBoxInstallRoot = None
self.cSkipped = 0
self.cPassed = 0
self.cFailed = 0
self.sUnitTestsPathBase = None
self.sExeSuff = '.exe' if utils.getHostOs() in [ 'win', 'dos', 'os2' ] else '';
self.aiVBoxVer = (4, 3, 0, 0);
# For testing testcase logic.
self.fDryRun = False;
def _detectPaths(self):
Internal worker for actionVerify and actionExecute that detects paths.
This sets sVBoxInstallRoot and sUnitTestsPathBase and returns True/False.
# We need a VBox install (/ build) to test.
if False:
if not self.importVBoxApi():
reporter.error('Unabled to import the VBox Python API.')
return False
if self.oBuild is None:
reporter.error('Unabled to detect the VBox build.');
return False;
# Where are the files installed?
# Solaris requires special handling because of it's multi arch subdirs.
self.sVBoxInstallRoot = self.oBuild.sInstallPath
if not self.oBuild.isDevBuild() and utils.getHostOs() == 'solaris':
sArchDir = utils.getHostArch();
if sArchDir == 'x86': sArchDir = 'i386';
self.sVBoxInstallRoot = os.path.join(self.sVBoxInstallRoot, sArchDir);
# Add the installation root to the PATH on windows so we can get DLLs from it.
if utils.getHostOs() == 'win':
sPathName = 'PATH';
if not sPathName in os.environ:
sPathName = 'Path';
sPath = os.environ.get(sPathName, '.');
if len(sPath) > 0 and sPath[-1] != ';':
sPath += ';';
os.environ[sPathName] = sPath + self.sVBoxInstallRoot + ';';
# The unittests are generally not installed, so look for them.
sBinOrDist = 'dist' if utils.getHostOs() in [ 'darwin', ] else 'bin';
asCandidates = [
os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, sBinOrDist + '.' + utils.getHostArch()),
os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, sBinOrDist, utils.getHostArch()),
os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, sBinOrDist),
if utils.getHostOs() == 'darwin':
for i in range(1, len(asCandidates)):
asCandidates[i] = os.path.join(asCandidates[i], 'VirtualBox.app', 'Contents', 'MacOS');
for sCandidat in asCandidates:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sCandidat, 'testcase', 'tstVMStructSize' + self.sExeSuff)):
self.sUnitTestsPathBase = sCandidat;
return True;
reporter.error('Unable to find unit test dir. Candidates: %s' % (asCandidates,))
return False;
# Overridden methods.
def actionVerify(self):
return self._detectPaths();
def actionExecute(self):
if self.sUnitTestsPathBase is None and self._detectPaths():
return False;
self.testRunUnitTestsSet(r'^tst*', 'testcase')
self.testRunUnitTestsSet(r'^tst*', '.')
reporter.log('*** PASSED: %d' % self.cPassed)
reporter.log('*** FAILED: %d' % self.cFailed)
reporter.log('*** SKIPPED: %d' % self.cSkipped)
reporter.log('*** TOTAL: %d' % (self.cPassed + self.cFailed + self.cSkipped))
return self.cFailed == 0
# Test execution helpers.
def _figureVersion(self):
""" Tries to figure which VBox version this is, setting self.aiVBoxVer. """
sVer = utils.processOutputChecked(['VBoxManage', '--version'])
sVer = sVer.strip();
sVer = re.sub(r'_BETA.*r', '.', sVer);
sVer = re.sub(r'_ALPHA.*r', '.', sVer);
sVer = re.sub(r'_RC.*r', '.', sVer);
sVer = sVer.replace('r', '.');
self.aiVBoxVer = [int(sComp) for sComp in sVer.split('.')];
reporter.log('VBox version: %s' % (self.aiVBoxVer,));
return False;
return True;
def _compareVersion(self, aiVer):
Compares the give version string with the vbox version string,
returning a result similar to C strcmp(). aiVer is on the right side.
cComponents = min(len(self.aiVBoxVer), len(aiVer));
for i in range(cComponents):
if self.aiVBoxVer[i] < aiVer[i]:
return -1;
if self.aiVBoxVer[i] > aiVer[i]:
return 1;
return len(self.aiVBoxVer) - len(aiVer);
def _isExcluded(self, sTest, dExclList):
""" Checks if the testcase is excluded or not. """
if sTest in dExclList:
sFullExpr = dExclList[sTest].replace(' ', '').strip();
if sFullExpr == '':
return True;
# Consider each exclusion expression. These are generally ranges,
# either open ended or closed: "<4.3.51r12345", ">=4.3.0 && <=4.3.4".
asExprs = sFullExpr.split(';');
for sExpr in asExprs:
# Split it on the and operator and process each sub expression.
fResult = True;
for sSubExpr in sExpr.split('&&'):
# Split out the comparison operator and the version value.
if sSubExpr.startswith('<=') or sSubExpr.startswith('>='):
sOp = sSubExpr[:2];
sValue = sSubExpr[2:];
elif sSubExpr.startswith('<') or sSubExpr.startswith('>') or sSubExpr.startswith('='):
sOp = sSubExpr[:1];
sValue = sSubExpr[1:];
sOp = sValue = '';
# Convert the version value, making sure we've got a valid one.
try: aiValue = [int(sComp) for sComp in sValue.replace('r', '.').split('.')];
except: aiValue = ();
if len(aiValue) == 0 or len(aiValue) > 4:
reporter.error('Invalid exclusion expression for %s: "%s" [%s]' % (sTest, sSubExpr, dExclList[sTest]));
return True;
# Do the compare.
iCmp = self._compareVersion(aiValue);
if sOp == '>=' and iCmp < 0:
fResult = False;
elif sOp == '>' and iCmp <= 0:
fResult = False;
elif sOp == '<' and iCmp >= 0:
fResult = False;
elif sOp == '>=' and iCmp < 0:
fResult = False;
reporter.log2('iCmp=%s; %s %s %s -> %s' % (iCmp, self.aiVBoxVer, sOp, aiValue, fResult));
# Did the expression match?
if fResult:
return True;
return False;
def _sudoExecuteSync(self, asArgs):
Executes a sudo child process synchronously.
Returns True if the process executed successfully and returned 0,
otherwise False is returned.
reporter.log('Executing [sudo]: %s' % (asArgs, ));
iRc = utils.sudoProcessCall(asArgs, shell = False, close_fds = False);
return False;
reporter.log('Exit code [sudo]: %s (%s)' % (iRc, asArgs));
return iRc is 0;
def _hardenedMkDir(self, sPath):
Creates the directory specified sPath (including parents).
reporter.log('_hardenedMkDir: %s' % (sPath,));
if utils.getHostOs() in [ 'win', 'os2' ]:
os.makedirs(sPath, 0755);
fRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(['/bin/mkdir', '-p', '-m', '0755', sPath]);
if fRc is not True:
raise Exception('Failed to create dir "%s".' % (sPath,));
return True;
def _hardenedCopyFile(self, sSrc, sDst, iMode):
Copies a file.
reporter.log('_hardenedCopyFile: %s -> %s (mode: %o)' % (sSrc, sDst, iMode,));
if utils.getHostOs() in [ 'win', 'os2' ]:
shutil.copyfile(sSrc, sDst);
os.chmod(sDst, iMode);
fRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(['/bin/cp', sSrc, sDst]);
if fRc is not True:
raise Exception('Failed to copy "%s" to "%s".' % (sSrc, sDst,));
fRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(['/bin/chmod', '%o' % (iMode,), sDst]);
if fRc is not True:
raise Exception('Failed to chmod "%s".' % (sDst,));
return True;
def _hardenedDeleteFile(self, sPath):
Deletes a file.
reporter.log('_hardenedDeleteFile: %s' % (sPath,));
if os.path.exists(sPath):
if utils.getHostOs() in [ 'win', 'os2' ]:
fRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(['/bin/rm', sPath]);
if fRc is not True:
raise Exception('Failed to remove "%s".' % (sPath,));
return True;
def _hardenedRemoveDir(self, sPath):
Removes a directory.
reporter.log('_hardenedRemoveDir: %s' % (sPath,));
if os.path.exists(sPath):
if utils.getHostOs() in [ 'win', 'os2' ]:
fRc = self._sudoExecuteSync(['/bin/rmdir', sPath]);
if fRc is not True:
raise Exception('Failed to remove "%s".' % (sPath,));
return True;
def _executeTestCase(self, sName, sFullPath, sTestCaseSubDir, oDevNull): # pylint: disable=R0914
Executes a test case.
fSkipped = False;
# If hardening is enabled, some test cases and their dependencies
# needs to be copied to and execute from the sVBoxInstallRoot
# directory in order to work. They also have to be executed as
# root, i.e. via sudo.
fHardened = False;
asFilesToRemove = []; # Stuff to clean up.
asDirsToRemove = []; # Ditto.
if sName in self.kasHardened \
and self.sUnitTestsPathBase != self.sVBoxInstallRoot:
sDstDir = os.path.join(self.sVBoxInstallRoot, sTestCaseSubDir);
if not os.path.exists(sDstDir):
sDst = os.path.join(sDstDir, os.path.basename(sFullPath));
self._hardenedCopyFile(sFullPath, sDst, 0755);
# Copy any associated .dll/.so/.dylib.
for sSuff in [ '.dll', '.so', '.dylib' ]:
sSrc = os.path.splitext(sFullPath)[0] + sSuff;
if os.path.exists(sSrc):
sDst = os.path.join(sDstDir, os.path.basename(sSrc));
self._hardenedCopyFile(sSrc, sDst, 0644);
# Copy any associated .r0, .rc and .gc modules.
offDriver = sFullPath.rfind('Driver')
if offDriver > 0:
for sSuff in [ '.r0', 'RC.rc', 'RC.gc' ]:
sSrc = sFullPath[:offDriver] + sSuff;
if os.path.exists(sSrc):
sDst = os.path.join(sDstDir, os.path.basename(sSrc));
self._hardenedCopyFile(sSrc, sDst, 0644);
sFullPath = os.path.join(sDstDir, os.path.basename(sFullPath));
fHardened = True;
# Set up arguments and environment.
asArgs = [sFullPath,]
if sName in self.kdArguments:
os.environ['IPRT_TEST_OMIT_TOP_TEST'] = '1';
os.environ['IPRT_TEST_FILE'] = sXmlFile = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'result.xml');
if os.path.exists(sXmlFile):
try: os.unlink(sXmlFile);
except: self._hardenedDeleteFile(sXmlFile);
# Execute the test case.
# Windows is confusing output. Trying a few things to get rid of this.
# First, flush both stderr and stdout before running the child. Second,
# assign the child stderr to stdout. If this doesn't help, we'll have
# to capture the child output.
reporter.log('*** Executing %s%s...' % (asArgs, ' [hardened]' if fHardened else ''));
try: sys.stdout.flush();
except: pass;
try: sys.stderr.flush();
except: pass;
if not self.fDryRun:
if fHardened:
oChild = utils.sudoProcessPopen(asArgs, stdin = oDevNull, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stdout);
oChild = subprocess.Popen( asArgs, stdin = oDevNull, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stdout);
if sName in [ 'tstAsmStructsRC', # 32-bit, may fail to start on 64-bit linux. Just ignore.
fSkipped = True;
iRc = 1023;
oChild = None;
if oChild is not None:
self.pidFileAdd(oChild.pid, fSudo = fHardened);
iRc = oChild.wait();
iRc = 0;
# Clean up
for sPath in asFilesToRemove:
for sPath in asDirsToRemove:
# Report.
if os.path.exists(sXmlFile):
if fHardened:
if iRc == 0:
reporter.log('*** %s: exit code %d' % (sFullPath, iRc));
self.cPassed += 1
reporter.log('*** %s: exit code %d (RTEXITCODE_SKIPPED)' % (sFullPath, iRc));
fSkipped = True;
self.cSkipped += 1;
elif fSkipped:
reporter.log('*** %s: exit code %d (Skipped)' % (sFullPath, iRc));
self.cSkipped += 1;
sName = self.kdExitCodeNames.get(iRc, '');
if iRc in self.kdExitCodeNamesWin and utils.getHostOs() == 'win':
sName = self.kdExitCodeNamesWin[iRc];
if sName != '':
sName = ' (%s)' % (sName);
if iRc != 1:
reporter.testFailure('Exit status: %d%s' % (iRc, sName));
reporter.log( '!*! %s: exit code %d%s' % (sFullPath, iRc, sName));
reporter.error('!*! %s: exit code %d%s' % (sFullPath, iRc, sName));
self.cFailed += 1
return fSkipped;
def testRunUnitTestsSet(self, sTestCasePattern, sTestCaseSubDir):
Run subset of the unit tests set.
# Open /dev/null for use as stdin further down.
oDevNull = open(os.path.devnull, 'w+');
oDevNull = None;
# Determin the host OS specific exclusion lists.
dTestCasesBuggyForHostOs = self.kdTestCasesBuggyPerOs.get(utils.getHostOs(), []);
# Process the file list and run everything looking like a testcase.
for sFilename in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.sUnitTestsPathBase, sTestCaseSubDir))):
# Separate base and suffix and morph the base into something we
# can use for reporting and array lookups.
sName, sSuffix = os.path.splitext(sFilename);
if sTestCaseSubDir != '.':
sName = sTestCaseSubDir + '/' + sName;
# Basic exclusion.
if not re.match(sTestCasePattern, sFilename) \
or sSuffix in self.kasSuffixBlackList:
reporter.log('"%s" is not a test case.' % (sFilename,))
# Check if the testcase is black listed or buggy before executing it.
if self._isExcluded(sName, self.kdTestCasesBlackList):
# (No testStart/Done or accounting here!)
reporter.log('%s: SKIPPED (blacklisted)' % (sName,));
elif self._isExcluded(sName, self.kdTestCasesBuggy):
reporter.log('%s: Skipping, buggy in general.' % (sName,));
reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True);
self.cSkipped += 1;
elif self._isExcluded(sName, dTestCasesBuggyForHostOs):
reporter.log('%s: Skipping, buggy on %s.' % (sName, utils.getHostOs(),));
reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True);
self.cSkipped += 1;
sFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.sUnitTestsPathBase, os.path.join(sTestCaseSubDir, sFilename)));
fSkipped = self._executeTestCase(sName, sFullPath, sTestCaseSubDir, oDevNull);
self.cFailed += 1;
fSkipped = False;
if __name__ == '__main__':