#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
VirtualBox Validation Kit - OS/2 install tests.
__copyright__ = \
Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Oracle Corporation
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
(CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# Standard Python imports.
import os
import sys
# Only the main script needs to modify the path.
try: __file__
except: __file__ = sys.argv[0]
g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
# Validation Kit imports.
from testdriver import vbox
from testdriver import base
from testdriver import reporter
from testdriver import vboxcon
class tdGuestOsInstOs2(vbox.TestDriver):
OS/2 unattended installation.
- Create new VM that corresponds specified installation ISO image
- Create HDD that corresponds to OS type that will be installed
- Set VM boot order: HDD, Floppy, ISO
- Start VM: sinse there is no OS installed on HDD, VM will booted from floppy
- After first reboot VM will continue installation from HDD automatically
- Wait for incomming TCP connection (guest should initiate such a
connection in case installation has been completed successfully)
ksSataController = 'SATA Controller'
ksIdeController = 'IDE Controller'
# VM parameters required to run ISO image.
# Format: (cBytesHdd, sKind)
kaoVmParams = {
'acp2-txs.iso': ( 2*1024*1024*1024, 'OS2', ksIdeController ),
'mcp2-txs.iso': ( 2*1024*1024*1024, 'OS2', ksIdeController ),
def __init__(self):
Reinitialize child class instance.
self.sVmName = 'TestVM'
self.sHddName = 'TestHdd.vdi'
self.sIso = None
self.sFloppy = None
self.sIsoPathBase = os.path.join(self.sResourcePath, '4.2', 'isos')
self.oVM = None
self.fEnableIOAPIC = True
self.cCpus = 1
self.fEnableNestedPaging = True
self.fEnablePAE = False
self.asExtraData = []
# Overridden methods.
def showUsage(self):
Extend usage info
rc = vbox.TestDriver.showUsage(self)
reporter.log(' --install-iso <ISO file name>')
reporter.log(' --cpus <# CPUs>')
reporter.log(' --no-ioapic')
reporter.log(' --no-nested-paging')
reporter.log(' --pae')
reporter.log(' --set-extradata <key>:value')
reporter.log(' Set VM extra data. This command line option might be used multiple times.')
return rc
def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg):
Extend standard options set
if asArgs[iArg] == '--install-iso':
iArg += 1
if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--install-iso" option requires an argument')
self.sIso = asArgs[iArg]
elif asArgs[iArg] == '--cpus':
iArg += 1
if iArg >= len(asArgs): raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpus" option requires an argument')
self.cCpus = int(asArgs[iArg])
elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-ioapic':
self.fEnableIOAPIC = False
elif asArgs[iArg] == '--no-nested-paging':
self.fEnableNestedPaging = False
elif asArgs[iArg] == '--pae':
self.fEnablePAE = True
elif asArgs[iArg] == '--extra-mem':
self.fEnablePAE = True
elif asArgs[iArg] == '--set-extradata':
iArg = self.requireMoreArgs(1, asArgs, iArg)
return vbox.TestDriver.parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg)
return iArg + 1
def actionConfig(self):
Configure pre-conditions.
if not self.importVBoxApi():
return False
assert self.sIso is not None
if self.sIso not in self.kaoVmParams:
reporter.log('Error: unknown ISO image specified: %s' % self.sIso)
return False
# Get VM params specific to ISO image
cBytesHdd, sKind, sController = self.kaoVmParams[self.sIso]
# Create VM itself
eNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT
self.sIso = os.path.join(self.sIsoPathBase, self.sIso)
assert os.path.isfile(self.sIso)
self.sFloppy = os.path.join(self.sIsoPathBase, os.path.splitext(self.sIso)[0] + '.img')
self.oVM = self.createTestVM(self.sVmName, 1, sKind = sKind, sDvdImage = self.sIso, cCpus = self.cCpus,
sFloppy = self.sFloppy, eNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType)
assert self.oVM is not None
oSession = self.openSession(self.oVM)
# Create HDD
sHddPath = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, self.sHddName)
fRc = True
if sController == self.ksSataController:
fRc = oSession.setStorageControllerType(vboxcon.StorageControllerType_IntelAhci, sController)
fRc = fRc and oSession.createAndAttachHd(sHddPath, cb = cBytesHdd,
sController = sController, iPort = 0, fImmutable=False)
if sController == self.ksSataController:
fRc = fRc and oSession.setStorageControllerPortCount(sController, 1)
# Set proper boot order
fRc = fRc and oSession.setBootOrder(1, vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk)
fRc = fRc and oSession.setBootOrder(2, vboxcon.DeviceType_Floppy)
# Enable HW virt
fRc = fRc and oSession.enableVirtEx(True)
# Enable I/O APIC
fRc = fRc and oSession.enableIoApic(self.fEnableIOAPIC)
# Enable Nested Paging
fRc = fRc and oSession.enableNestedPaging(self.fEnableNestedPaging)
# Enable PAE
fRc = fRc and oSession.enablePae(self.fEnablePAE)
# Remote desktop
# Set extra data
if self.asExtraData != []:
for sExtraData in self.asExtraData:
sKey, sValue = sExtraData.split(':')
except ValueError:
raise base.InvalidOption('Invalid extradata specified: %s' % sExtraData)
reporter.log('Set extradata: %s => %s' % (sKey, sValue))
fRc = fRc and oSession.setExtraData(sKey, sValue)
fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings()
fRc = oSession.close()
assert fRc is True
return vbox.TestDriver.actionConfig(self)
def actionExecute(self):
Execute the testcase itself.
return self.testDoInstallGuestOs()
# Test execution helpers.
def testDoInstallGuestOs(self):
Install guest OS and wait for result
reporter.testStart('Installing %s' % (os.path.basename(self.sIso),))
cMsTimeout = 40*60000;
if not reporter.isLocal(): ## @todo need to figure a better way of handling timeouts on the testboxes ...
cMsTimeout = 180 * 60000; # will be adjusted down.
oSession, _ = self.startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp(self.sVmName, fCdWait = False, cMsTimeout = cMsTimeout)
if oSession is not None:
# Wait until guest reported success
reporter.log('Guest reported success')
fRc = self.terminateVmBySession(oSession)
return fRc is True
reporter.error('Installation of %s has failed' % (self.sIso,))
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':