#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation
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Converts doxygen style comments in SQL script to COMMENT ON statements.
import sys;
import re;
def errorMsg(sMsg):
sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % (sMsg,));
return 1;
class SqlDox(object):
Class for parsing relevant comments out of a pgsql file
and emit COMMENT ON statements from it.
def __init__(self, oFile, sFilename):
self.oFile = oFile;
self.sFilename = sFilename;
self.iLine = 0; # The current input line number.
self.sComment = None; # The current comment.
self.fCommentComplete = False; # Indicates that the comment has ended.
self.sCommentSqlObj = None; # SQL object indicated by the comment (@table).
self.sOuterSqlObj = None; # Like 'table yyyy' or 'type zzzz'.
self.sPrevSqlObj = None; # Like 'table xxxx'.
def error(self, sMsg):
return errorMsg('%s(%d): %s' % (self.sFilename, self.iLine, sMsg,));
def dprint(self, sMsg):
sys.stderr.write('debug: %s\n' % (sMsg,));
return True;
def resetComment(self):
self.sComment = None;
self.fCommentComplete = False;
self.sCommentSqlObj = None;
def quoteSqlString(self, s):
return s.replace("'", "''");
def commitComment2(self, sSqlObj):
if self.sComment is not None and sSqlObj is not None:
print("COMMENT ON %s IS\n '%s';\n\n" % (sSqlObj, self.quoteSqlString(self.sComment.strip())));
return True;
def commitComment(self):
return self.commitComment2(self.sCommentSqlObj);
def process(self):
for sLine in self.oFile:
self.iLine += 1;
sLine = sLine.strip();
self.dprint('line %d: %s\n' % (self.iLine, sLine));
if sLine.startswith('--'):
if sLine.startswith('--- '):
# New comment.
# The first list may have a @table, @type or similar that we're interested in.
sLine = sLine.lstrip('- ');
if sLine.startswith('@table '):
self.sCommentSqlObj = 'TABLE ' + (sLine[7:]).rstrip();
self.sComment = '';
elif sLine.startswith('@type '):
self.sCommentSqlObj = 'TYPE ' + (sLine[6:]).rstrip();
self.sComment = '';
elif sLine.startswith('@todo') \
or sLine.startswith('@file') \
or sLine.startswith('@page') \
or sLine.startswith('@name') \
or sLine.startswith('@{') \
or sLine.startswith('@}'):
# Ignore.
elif sLine.startswith('@'):
return self.error('Unknown tag: %s' % (sLine,));
self.sComment = sLine;
elif (sLine.startswith('-- ') or sLine == '--') \
and self.sComment is not None and self.fCommentComplete is False:
# Append line to comment.
if sLine == '--':
sLine = '';
sLine = (sLine[3:]);
if self.sComment == '':
self.sComment = sLine;
self.sComment += "\n" + sLine;
elif sLine.startswith('--< '):
# Comment that starts on the same line as the object it describes.
sLine = (sLine[4:]).rstrip();
# => Later/never.
# Not a comment that interests us. So, complete any open
# comment and commit it if we know which SQL object it
# applies to.
self.fCommentComplete = True;
if self.sCommentSqlObj is not None:
# Not a comment. As above, we complete and optionally commit
# any open comment.
self.fCommentComplete = True;
if self.sCommentSqlObj is not None:
# Check for SQL (very fuzzy and bad).
asWords = sLine.split(' ');
if len(asWords) >= 3 \
and asWords[0] == 'CREATE':
# CREATE statement.
sType = asWords[1];
sName = asWords[2];
if sType == 'UNIQUE' and sName == 'INDEX' and len(asWords) >= 4:
sType = asWords[2];
sName = asWords[3];
if sType in ('TABLE', 'TYPE', 'INDEX', 'VIEW'):
self.sOuterSqlObj = sType + ' ' + sName;
self.sPrevSqlObj = self.sOuterSqlObj;
self.dprint('%s' % (self.sOuterSqlObj,));
elif len(asWords) >= 1 \
and self.sOuterSqlObj is not None \
and self.sOuterSqlObj.startswith('TABLE ') \
and re.search("^(as|al|bm|c|enm|f|i|l|s|ts|uid|uuid)[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$", asWords[0]) is not None:
# Possibly a column name.
self.sPrevSqlObj = 'COLUMN ' + self.sOuterSqlObj[6:] + '.' + asWords[0];
self.dprint('column? %s' % (self.sPrevSqlObj));
# Check for semicolon.
if sLine.find(");") >= 0:
self.sOuterSqlObj = None;
return 0;
def usage():
sys.stderr.write('usage: gen-sql-comments.py <filename.pgsql>\n'
'The output goes to stdout.\n');
return 0;
def main(asArgs):
# Parse the argument. :-)
sInput = None;
if (len(asArgs) != 2):
sys.stderr.write('syntax error: expected exactly 1 argument, a psql file\n');
return 2;
sInput = asArgs[1];
# Do the job, outputting to standard output.
oFile = open(sInput, 'r');
return errorMsg("failed to open '%s' for reading" % (sInput,));
me = SqlDox(oFile, sInput);
return me.process();