# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
Test Manager - User DB records management.
__copyright__ = \
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation
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__version__ = "$Revision$"
# Standard python imports.
import unittest;
# Validation Kit imports.
from testmanager import config;
from testmanager.core.base import ModelDataBase, ModelLogicBase, ModelDataBaseTestCase, TMExceptionBase;
class UserAccountData(ModelDataBase):
User account data
ksIdAttr = 'uid';
ksParam_uid = 'UserAccount_uid'
ksParam_tsExpire = 'UserAccount_tsExpire'
ksParam_tsEffective = 'UserAccount_tsEffective'
ksParam_uidAuthor = 'UserAccount_uidAuthor'
ksParam_sLoginName = 'UserAccount_sLoginName'
ksParam_sUsername = 'UserAccount_sUsername'
ksParam_sEmail = 'UserAccount_sEmail'
ksParam_sFullName = 'UserAccount_sFullName'
kasAllowNullAttributes = ['uid', 'tsEffective', 'tsExpire', 'uidAuthor'];
def __init__(self):
"""Init parameters"""
self.uid = None;
self.tsEffective = None;
self.tsExpire = None;
self.uidAuthor = None;
self.sUsername = None;
self.sEmail = None;
self.sFullName = None;
self.sLoginName = None;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Init from database table row
Returns self. Raises exception of the row is None.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('User not found.');
self.uid = aoRow[0];
self.tsEffective = aoRow[1];
self.tsExpire = aoRow[2];
self.uidAuthor = aoRow[3];
self.sUsername = aoRow[4];
self.sEmail = aoRow[5];
self.sFullName = aoRow[6];
self.sLoginName = aoRow[7];
return self;
def initFromDbWithId(self, oDb, uid, tsNow = None, sPeriodBack = None):
Initialize the object from the database.
'SELECT *\n'
'FROM Users\n'
'WHERE uid = %s\n'
, ( uid, ), tsNow, sPeriodBack));
aoRow = oDb.fetchOne()
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('uid=%s not found (tsNow=%s sPeriodBack=%s)' % (uid, tsNow, sPeriodBack,));
return self.initFromDbRow(aoRow);
def _validateAndConvertAttribute(self, sAttr, sParam, oValue, aoNilValues, fAllowNull, oDb):
# Custom handling of the email field.
if sAttr == 'sEmail':
return ModelDataBase.validateEmail(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
# Automatically lowercase the login name if we're supposed to do case
# insensitive matching. (The feature assumes lower case in DB.)
if sAttr == 'sLoginName' and oValue is not None and config.g_kfLoginNameCaseInsensitive:
oValue = oValue.lower();
return ModelDataBase._validateAndConvertAttribute(self, sAttr, sParam, oValue, aoNilValues, fAllowNull, oDb);
class UserAccountLogic(ModelLogicBase):
SystemLog logic.
def fetchForListing(self, iStart, cMaxRows, tsNow):
Fetches user accounts.
Returns an array (list) of UserAccountData items, empty list if none.
Raises exception on error.
if tsNow is None:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM Users\n'
'WHERE tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
'ORDER BY sUsername DESC\n'
'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s\n'
, (cMaxRows, iStart,));
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM Users\n'
'WHERE tsExpire > %s\n'
' AND tsEffective <= %s\n'
'ORDER BY sUsername DESC\n'
'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s\n'
, (tsNow, tsNow, cMaxRows, iStart,));
aoRows = [];
for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):
return aoRows;
def addEntry(self, oData, uidAuthor, fCommit = False):
Add user account entry to the DB.
(uidAuthor, oData.sUsername, oData.sEmail, oData.sFullName, oData.sLoginName,));
return True;
def editEntry(self, oData, uidAuthor, fCommit = False):
Modify user account.
(uidAuthor, oData.uid, oData.sUsername, oData.sEmail, oData.sFullName, oData.sLoginName,));
return True;
def removeEntry(self, uidAuthor, uid, fCascade = False, fCommit = False):
Delete user account
self._oDb.callProc('UserAccountLogic_delEntry', (uidAuthor, uid));
_ = fCascade;
return True;
def _getByField(self, sField, sValue):
Get user account record by its field value
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM Users\n'
'WHERE tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
' AND ' + sField + ' = %s'
, (sValue,))
aRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
if len(aRows) not in (0, 1):
raise TMExceptionBase('Found more than one user account with the same credentials. Database structure is corrupted.')
return aRows[0]
except IndexError:
return []
def getById(self, idUserId):
Get user account information by ID.
return self._getByField('uid', idUserId)
def tryFetchAccountByLoginName(self, sLoginName):
Try get user account information by login name.
Returns UserAccountData if found, None if not.
Raises exception on DB error.
if config.g_kfLoginNameCaseInsensitive:
sLoginName = sLoginName.lower();
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM Users\n'
'WHERE sLoginName = %s\n'
' AND tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
, (sLoginName, ));
if self._oDb.getRowCount() != 1:
if self._oDb.getRowCount() != 0:
raise self._oDb.integrityException('%u rows in Users with sLoginName="%s"'
% (self._oDb.getRowCount(), sLoginName));
return None;
return UserAccountData().initFromDbRow(self._oDb.fetchOne());
def resolveChangeLogAuthors(self, aoEntries):
Given an array of ChangeLogEntry instances, set sAuthor to whatever
uidAuthor resolves to.
Returns aoEntries.
Raises exception on DB error.
ahCache = dict();
for oEntry in aoEntries:
oEntry.sAuthor = ahCache.get(oEntry.uidAuthor, None);
if oEntry.sAuthor is None and oEntry.uidAuthor is not None:
oUser = UserAccountData().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, oEntry.uidAuthor, oEntry.tsEffective);
ahCache[oEntry.uidAuthor] = oUser.sUsername;
oEntry.sAuthor = oUser.sUsername;
return aoEntries;
# Unit testing.
# pylint: disable=C0111
class UserAccountDataTestCase(ModelDataBaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.aoSamples = [UserAccountData(),];
if __name__ == '__main__':
# not reached.