# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
Test Manager - Test Case Arguments Variations.
__copyright__ = \
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
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The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
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__version__ = "$Revision$"
# Standard python imports.
import unittest;
import sys;
# Validation Kit imports.
from common import utils;
from testmanager.core.base import ModelDataBase, ModelDataBaseTestCase, ModelLogicBase, TMExceptionBase;
from testmanager.core.testcase import TestCaseData, TestCaseDependencyLogic, TestCaseGlobalRsrcDepLogic;
# Python 3 hacks:
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
long = int; # pylint: disable=W0622,C0103
class TestCaseArgsData(ModelDataBase):
Test case argument variation.
ksIdAttr = 'idTestCaseArgs';
ksIdGenAttr = 'idGenTestCaseArgs';
ksParam_idTestCase = 'TestCaseArgs_idTestCase';
ksParam_idTestCaseArgs = 'TestCaseArgs_idTestCaseArgs';
ksParam_tsEffective = 'TestCaseArgs_tsEffective';
ksParam_tsExpire = 'TestCaseArgs_tsExpire';
ksParam_uidAuthor = 'TestCaseArgs_uidAuthor';
ksParam_idGenTestCaseArgs = 'TestCaseArgs_idGenTestCaseArgs';
ksParam_sArgs = 'TestCaseArgs_sArgs';
ksParam_cSecTimeout = 'TestCaseArgs_cSecTimeout';
ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr = 'TestCaseArgs_sTestBoxReqExpr';
ksParam_sBuildReqExpr = 'TestCaseArgs_sBuildReqExpr';
ksParam_cGangMembers = 'TestCaseArgs_cGangMembers';
kasAllowNullAttributes = [ 'idTestCase', 'idTestCaseArgs', 'tsEffective', 'tsExpire', 'uidAuthor', 'idGenTestCaseArgs',
'cSecTimeout', 'sTestBoxReqExpr', 'sBuildReqExpr', ];
def __init__(self):
# Initialize with defaults.
# See the database for explanations of each of these fields.
self.idTestCase = None;
self.idTestCaseArgs = None;
self.tsEffective = None;
self.tsExpire = None;
self.uidAuthor = None;
self.idGenTestCaseArgs = None;
self.sArgs = '';
self.cSecTimeout = None;
self.sTestBoxReqExpr = None;
self.sBuildReqExpr = None;
self.cGangMembers = 1;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Re-initializes the object from a SELECT * FROM TestCaseArgs row.
Returns self. Raises exception if aoRow is None.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('TestBoxStatus not found.');
self.idTestCase = aoRow[0];
self.idTestCaseArgs = aoRow[1];
self.tsEffective = aoRow[2];
self.tsExpire = aoRow[3];
self.uidAuthor = aoRow[4];
self.idGenTestCaseArgs = aoRow[5];
self.sArgs = aoRow[6];
self.cSecTimeout = aoRow[7];
self.sTestBoxReqExpr = aoRow[8];
self.sBuildReqExpr = aoRow[9];
self.cGangMembers = aoRow[10];
return self;
def initFromDbWithId(self, oDb, idTestCaseArgs, tsNow = None, sPeriodBack = None):
Initialize from the database.
'SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestCaseArgs\n'
'WHERE idTestCaseArgs = %s\n'
, ( idTestCaseArgs,), tsNow, sPeriodBack));
aoRow = oDb.fetchOne()
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('idTestCaseArgs=%s not found (tsNow=%s sPeriodBack=%s)'
% (idTestCaseArgs, tsNow, sPeriodBack,));
return self.initFromDbRow(aoRow);
def initFromDbWithGenId(self, oDb, idGenTestCaseArgs):
Initialize from the database, given the generation ID of a row.
oDb.execute('SELECT * FROM TestCaseArgs WHERE idGenTestCaseArgs = %s', (idGenTestCaseArgs,));
return self.initFromDbRow(oDb.fetchOne());
def initFromValues(self, sArgs, cSecTimeout = None, sTestBoxReqExpr = None, sBuildReqExpr = None, # pylint: disable=R0913
cGangMembers = 1, idTestCase = None, idTestCaseArgs = None, tsEffective = None, tsExpire = None,
uidAuthor = None, idGenTestCaseArgs = None):
Reinitialize from values.
Returns self.
self.idTestCase = idTestCase;
self.idTestCaseArgs = idTestCaseArgs;
self.tsEffective = tsEffective;
self.tsExpire = tsExpire;
self.uidAuthor = uidAuthor;
self.idGenTestCaseArgs = idGenTestCaseArgs;
self.sArgs = sArgs;
self.cSecTimeout = utils.parseIntervalSeconds(cSecTimeout);
self.sTestBoxReqExpr = sTestBoxReqExpr;
self.sBuildReqExpr = sBuildReqExpr;
self.cGangMembers = cGangMembers;
return self;
def getAttributeParamNullValues(self, sAttr):
aoNilValues = ModelDataBase.getAttributeParamNullValues(self, sAttr);
if sAttr == 'cSecTimeout':
aoNilValues.insert(0, ''); # Prettier NULL value for cSecTimeout.
elif sAttr == 'sArgs':
aoNilValues = []; # No NULL value here, thank you.
return aoNilValues;
def _validateAndConvertAttribute(self, sAttr, sParam, oValue, aoNilValues, fAllowNull, oDb):
if sAttr == 'cSecTimeout' and oValue not in aoNilValues: # Allow human readable interval formats.
return utils.parseIntervalSeconds(oValue);
(oValue, sError) = ModelDataBase._validateAndConvertAttribute(self, sAttr, sParam, oValue, aoNilValues, fAllowNull, oDb);
if sError is None:
if sAttr == 'sTestBoxReqExpr':
sError = TestCaseData.validateTestBoxReqExpr(oValue);
elif sAttr == 'sBuildReqExpr':
sError = TestCaseData.validateBuildReqExpr(oValue);
return (oValue, sError);
class TestCaseArgsDataEx(TestCaseArgsData):
Complete data set.
def __init__(self):
self.oTestCase = None;
self.aoTestCasePreReqs = [];
self.aoGlobalRsrc = [];
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
raise TMExceptionBase('Do not call me: %s' % (aoRow,))
def initFromDbWithId(self, oDb, idTestCaseArgs, tsNow = None, sPeriodBack = None):
_ = oDb; _ = idTestCaseArgs; _ = tsNow; _ = sPeriodBack;
raise Exception('Not supported.');
def initFromDbWithGenId(self, oDb, idGenTestCaseArgs):
_ = oDb; _ = idGenTestCaseArgs;
raise Exception('Use initFromDbWithGenIdEx...');
def initFromDbWithGenIdEx(self, oDb, idGenTestCaseArgs, tsConfigEff = None, tsRsrcEff = None):
Initialize from the database, given the ID of a row.
oDb.execute('SELECT *, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM TestCaseArgs WHERE idGenTestCaseArgs = %s', (idGenTestCaseArgs,));
aoRow = oDb.fetchOne();
TestCaseArgsData.initFromDbRow(self, aoRow);
tsNow = aoRow[11];
if tsConfigEff is None: tsConfigEff = tsNow;
if tsRsrcEff is None: tsRsrcEff = tsNow;
self.oTestCase = TestCaseData().initFromDbWithId(oDb, self.idTestCase, tsConfigEff);
self.aoTestCasePreReqs = TestCaseDependencyLogic(oDb).getTestCaseDeps(self.idTestCase, tsConfigEff);
self.aoGlobalRsrc = TestCaseGlobalRsrcDepLogic(oDb).getTestCaseDeps(self.idTestCase, tsRsrcEff);
return self;
def convertFromParamNull(self):
raise TMExceptionBase('Not implemented');
def convertToParamNull(self):
raise TMExceptionBase('Not implemented');
def isEqual(self, oOther):
raise TMExceptionBase('Not implemented');
def matchesTestBoxProps(self, oTestBoxData):
Checks if the all of the testbox related test requirements matches the
given testbox.
Returns True or False according to the expression, None on exception or
non-boolean expression result.
return TestCaseData.matchesTestBoxPropsEx(oTestBoxData, self.oTestCase.sTestBoxReqExpr) \
and TestCaseData.matchesTestBoxPropsEx(oTestBoxData, self.sTestBoxReqExpr);
def matchesBuildProps(self, oBuildDataEx):
Checks if the all of the build related test requirements matches the
given build.
Returns True or False according to the expression, None on exception or
non-boolean expression result.
return TestCaseData.matchesBuildPropsEx(oBuildDataEx, self.oTestCase.sBuildReqExpr) \
and TestCaseData.matchesBuildPropsEx(oBuildDataEx, self.sBuildReqExpr);
class TestCaseArgsLogic(ModelLogicBase):
TestCaseArgs database logic.
def __init__(self, oDb):
ModelLogicBase.__init__(self, oDb);
def areResourcesFree(self, oDataEx):
Checks if all global resources are currently still in existance and free.
Returns True/False. May raise exception on database error.
# Create a set of global resource IDs.
if len(oDataEx.aoGlobalRsrc) == 0:
return True;
asIdRsrcs = [str(oDep.idGlobalRsrc) for oDep, _ in oDataEx.aoGlobalRsrc];
# A record in the resource status table means it's allocated.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(*)\n'
'FROM GlobalResourceStatuses\n'
'WHERE GlobalResourceStatuses.idGlobalRsrc IN (' + ', '.join(asIdRsrcs) + ')\n');
if self._oDb.fetchOne()[0] == 0:
# Check for disabled or deleted resources (we cannot allocate them).
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(*)\n'
'FROM GlobalResources\n'
'WHERE GlobalResources.idGlobalRsrc IN (' + ', '.join(asIdRsrcs) + ')\n'
' AND GlobalResources.tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
' AND GlobalResources.fEnabled = TRUE\n');
if self._oDb.fetchOne()[0] == len(oDataEx.aoGlobalRsrc):
return True;
return False;
def getAll(self):
"""Get list of objects of type TestCaseArgsData"""
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestCaseArgs\n'
'WHERE tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP')
aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
aoRet = []
for aoRow in aaoRows:
return aoRet
def getTestCaseArgs(self, idTestCase, tsNow = None, aiWhiteList = None):
"""Get list of testcase's arguments variations"""
if aiWhiteList is None:
if tsNow is None:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestCaseArgs\n'
'WHERE idTestCase = %s\n'
' AND tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
'ORDER BY TestCaseArgs.idTestCaseArgs\n'
, (idTestCase,));
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestCaseArgs\n'
'WHERE idTestCase = %s\n'
' AND tsExpire > %s\n'
' AND tsEffective <= %s\n'
'ORDER BY TestCaseArgs.idTestCaseArgs\n'
, (idTestCase, tsNow, tsNow));
sWhiteList = ','.join((str(x) for x in aiWhiteList));
if tsNow is None:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestCaseArgs\n'
'WHERE idTestCase = %s\n'
' AND tsExpire = \'infinity\'::TIMESTAMP\n'
' AND idTestCaseArgs IN (' + sWhiteList + ')\n'
'ORDER BY TestCaseArgs.idTestCaseArgs\n'
, (idTestCase,));
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestCaseArgs\n'
'WHERE idTestCase = %s\n'
' AND tsExpire > %s\n'
' AND tsEffective <= %s\n'
' AND idTestCaseArgs IN (' + sWhiteList + ')\n'
'ORDER BY TestCaseArgs.idTestCaseArgs\n'
, (idTestCase, tsNow, tsNow));
aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
aoRet = []
for aoRow in aaoRows:
return aoRet
def addTestCaseArgs(self, oTestCaseArgsData):
"""Add Test Case Args record into DB"""
# Unit testing.
# pylint: disable=C0111
class TestCaseArgsDataTestCase(ModelDataBaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.aoSamples = [TestCaseArgsData(),];
if __name__ == '__main__':
# not reached.