# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
Test Manager - Database object cache.
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__version__ = "$Revision$"
# Validation Kit imports.
from testmanager.core.base import ModelLogicBase;
class DatabaseObjCache(ModelLogicBase):
Database object cache.
This is mainly for reports and test results where we wish to get further
information on a data series or similar. The cache should reduce database
lookups as well as pyhon memory footprint.
Note! Dependecies are imported when needed to avoid potential cylic dependency issues.
## @name Cache object types.
## @{
ksObjType_TestResultStrTab_idStrName = 0;
ksObjType_BuildCategory_idBuildCategory = 1;
ksObjType_TestBox_idTestBox = 2;
ksObjType_TestBox_idGenTestBox = 3;
ksObjType_TestCase_idTestCase = 4;
ksObjType_TestCase_idGenTestCase = 5;
ksObjType_TestCaseArgs_idTestCaseArgs = 6;
ksObjType_TestCaseArgs_idGenTestCaseArgs = 7;
ksObjType_VcsRevision_sRepository_iRevision = 8;
ksObjType_End = 9;
## @}
def __init__(self, oDb, tsNow = None, sPeriodBack = None, cHoursBack = None):
ModelLogicBase.__init__(self, oDb);
self.tsNow = tsNow;
self.sPeriodBack = sPeriodBack;
if sPeriodBack is None and cHoursBack is not None:
self.sPeriodBack = '%u hours' % cHoursBack;
self._adCache = (
dict(), dict(), dict(), dict(),
dict(), dict(), dict(), dict(),
assert(len(self._adCache) == self.ksObjType_End);
def _handleDbException(self):
""" Deals with database exceptions. """
#return False;
def getTestResultString(self, idStrName):
""" Gets a string from the TestResultStrTab. """
sRet = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestResultStrTab_idStrName].get(idStrName);
if sRet is None:
# Load cache entry.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT sValue FROM TestResultStrTab WHERE idStr = %s', (idStrName,));
sRet = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestResultStrTab_idStrName][idStrName] = sRet
return sRet;
def getBuildCategory(self, idBuildCategory):
""" Gets the corresponding BuildCategoryData object. """
oRet = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_BuildCategory_idBuildCategory].get(idBuildCategory);
if oRet is None:
# Load cache entry.
from testmanager.core.build import BuildCategoryData;
oRet = BuildCategoryData();
try: oRet.initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idBuildCategory);
except: self._handleDbException();
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_BuildCategory_idBuildCategory][idBuildCategory] = oRet;
return oRet;
def getTestBox(self, idTestBox):
""" Gets the corresponding TestBoxData object. """
oRet = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestBox_idTestBox].get(idTestBox);
if oRet is None:
# Load cache entry.
from testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxData;
oRet = TestBoxData();
try: oRet.initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestBox, self.tsNow, self.sPeriodBack);
except: self._handleDbException();
else: self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestBox_idGenTestBox][oRet.idGenTestBox] = oRet;
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestBox_idTestBox][idTestBox] = oRet;
return oRet;
def getTestCase(self, idTestCase):
""" Gets the corresponding TestCaseData object. """
oRet = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestCase_idTestCase].get(idTestCase);
if oRet is None:
# Load cache entry.
from testmanager.core.testcase import TestCaseData;
oRet = TestCaseData();
try: oRet.initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestCase, self.tsNow, self.sPeriodBack);
except: self._handleDbException();
else: self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestCase_idGenTestCase][oRet.idGenTestCase] = oRet;
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestCase_idTestCase][idTestCase] = oRet;
return oRet;
def getTestCaseArgs(self, idTestCaseArgs):
""" Gets the corresponding TestCaseArgsData object. """
oRet = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestCaseArgs_idTestCaseArgs].get(idTestCaseArgs);
if oRet is None:
# Load cache entry.
from testmanager.core.testcaseargs import TestCaseArgsData;
oRet = TestCaseArgsData();
try: oRet.initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, idTestCaseArgs, self.tsNow, self.sPeriodBack);
except: self._handleDbException();
else: self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestCaseArgs_idGenTestCaseArgs][oRet.idGenTestCaseArgs] = oRet;
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_TestCaseArgs_idTestCaseArgs][idTestCaseArgs] = oRet;
return oRet;
def preloadVcsRevInfo(self, sRepository, aiRevisions):
Preloads VCS revision information.
ASSUMES aiRevisions does not contain duplicate keys.
from testmanager.core.vcsrevisions import VcsRevisionData;
dRepo = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_VcsRevision_sRepository_iRevision].get(sRepository);
if dRepo is None:
dRepo = dict();
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_VcsRevision_sRepository_iRevision][sRepository] = dRepo;
aiFiltered = aiRevisions;
aiFiltered = [];
for iRevision in aiRevisions:
if iRevision not in dRepo:
if len(aiFiltered) > 0:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM VcsRevisions\n'
'WHERE sRepository = %s\n'
' AND iRevision IN (' + ','.join([str(i) for i in aiFiltered]) + ')'
, ( sRepository, ));
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
oInfo = VcsRevisionData().initFromDbRow(aoRow);
dRepo[oInfo.iRevision] = oInfo;
return True;
def getVcsRevInfo(self, sRepository, iRevision):
Gets the corresponding VcsRevisionData object.
May return a default (all NULLs) VcsRevisionData object if the revision
information isn't available in the database yet.
dRepo = self._adCache[self.ksObjType_VcsRevision_sRepository_iRevision].get(sRepository);
if dRepo is not None:
oRet = dRepo.get(iRevision);
dRepo = dict();
self._adCache[self.ksObjType_VcsRevision_sRepository_iRevision][sRepository] = dRepo;
oRet = None;
if oRet is None:
from testmanager.core.vcsrevisions import VcsRevisionLogic;
oRet = VcsRevisionLogic(self._oDb).tryFetch(sRepository, iRevision);
if oRet is None:
from testmanager.core.vcsrevisions import VcsRevisionData;
oRet = VcsRevisionData();
dRepo[iRevision] = oRet;
return oRet;