/** @file
* VirtualBox COM class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#include "MediumAttachmentWrap.h"
class ATL_NO_VTABLE MediumAttachment :
public MediumAttachmentWrap
HRESULT FinalConstruct();
void FinalRelease();
// public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
HRESULT init(Machine *aParent,
Medium *aMedium,
const Bstr &aControllerName,
LONG aPort,
LONG aDevice,
DeviceType_T aType,
bool fImplicit,
bool fPassthrough,
bool fTempEject,
bool fNonRotational,
bool fDiscard,
bool fHotPluggable,
const Utf8Str &strBandwidthGroup);
HRESULT initCopy(Machine *aParent, MediumAttachment *aThat);
void uninit();
// public internal methods
void i_rollback();
void i_commit();
// unsafe public methods for internal purposes only (ensure there is
// a caller and a read lock before calling them!)
bool i_isImplicit() const;
void i_setImplicit(bool aImplicit);
const ComObjPtr<Medium>& i_getMedium() const;
const Bstr i_getControllerName() const;
LONG i_getPort() const;
LONG i_getDevice() const;
DeviceType_T i_getType() const;
bool i_getPassthrough() const;
bool i_getTempEject() const;
bool i_getNonRotational() const;
bool i_getDiscard() const;
Utf8Str& i_getBandwidthGroup() const;
bool i_getHotPluggable() const;
bool i_matches(CBSTR aControllerName, LONG aPort, LONG aDevice);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateMedium(const ComObjPtr<Medium> &aMedium);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updatePassthrough(bool aPassthrough);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateTempEject(bool aTempEject);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateNonRotational(bool aNonRotational);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateDiscard(bool aDiscard);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateEjected();
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateBandwidthGroup(const Utf8Str &aBandwidthGroup);
void i_updateParentMachine(Machine * const pMachine);
/** Must be called from under this object's write lock. */
void i_updateHotPluggable(bool aHotPluggable);
/** Get a unique and somewhat descriptive name for logging. */
const char* i_getLogName(void) const { return mLogName.c_str(); }
// Wrapped IMediumAttachment properties
HRESULT getMedium(ComPtr<IMedium> &aHardDisk);
HRESULT getController(com::Utf8Str &aController);
HRESULT getPort(LONG *aPort);
HRESULT getDevice(LONG *aDevice);
HRESULT getType(DeviceType_T *aType);
HRESULT getPassthrough(BOOL *aPassthrough);
HRESULT getTemporaryEject(BOOL *aTemporaryEject);
HRESULT getIsEjected(BOOL *aEjected);
HRESULT getDiscard(BOOL *aDiscard);
HRESULT getNonRotational(BOOL *aNonRotational);
HRESULT getBandwidthGroup(ComPtr<IBandwidthGroup> &aBandwidthGroup);
HRESULT getHotPluggable(BOOL *aHotPluggable);
struct Data;
Data *m;
Utf8Str mLogName; /**< For logging purposes */
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