/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VirtualBox Main - Guest session handling.
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#include "GuestSessionWrap.h"
#include "EventImpl.h"
#include "GuestCtrlImplPrivate.h"
#include "GuestProcessImpl.h"
#include "GuestDirectoryImpl.h"
#include "GuestFileImpl.h"
#include "GuestFsObjInfoImpl.h"
#include <iprt/isofs.h> /* For UpdateAdditions. */
class Guest;
* Abstract base class for a lenghtly per-session operation which
* runs in a Main worker thread.
class GuestSessionTask
GuestSessionTask(GuestSession *pSession);
virtual ~GuestSessionTask(void);
virtual int Run(void) = 0;
virtual int RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr<Progress> &pProgress) = 0;
int getGuestProperty(const ComObjPtr<Guest> &pGuest,
const Utf8Str &strPath, Utf8Str &strValue);
int setProgress(ULONG uPercent);
int setProgressSuccess(void);
HRESULT setProgressErrorMsg(HRESULT hr, const Utf8Str &strMsg);
Utf8Str mDesc;
GuestSession *mSession;
/** Progress object for getting updated when running
* asynchronously. Optional. */
ComObjPtr<Progress> mProgress;
* Task for opening a guest session.
class SessionTaskOpen : public GuestSessionTask
SessionTaskOpen(GuestSession *pSession,
uint32_t uFlags,
uint32_t uTimeoutMS);
virtual ~SessionTaskOpen(void);
int Run(int *pGuestRc);
int RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr<Progress> &pProgress);
static int taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser);
/** Session creation flags. */
uint32_t mFlags;
/** Session creation timeout (in ms). */
uint32_t mTimeoutMS;
* Task for copying files from host to the guest.
class SessionTaskCopyTo : public GuestSessionTask
SessionTaskCopyTo(GuestSession *pSession,
const Utf8Str &strSource, const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags);
SessionTaskCopyTo(GuestSession *pSession,
PRTFILE pSourceFile, size_t cbSourceOffset, uint64_t cbSourceSize,
const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags);
virtual ~SessionTaskCopyTo(void);
int Run(void);
int RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr<Progress> &pProgress);
static int taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser);
Utf8Str mSource;
PRTFILE mSourceFile;
size_t mSourceOffset;
uint64_t mSourceSize;
Utf8Str mDest;
uint32_t mCopyFileFlags;
* Task for copying files from guest to the host.
class SessionTaskCopyFrom : public GuestSessionTask
SessionTaskCopyFrom(GuestSession *pSession,
const Utf8Str &strSource, const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags);
virtual ~SessionTaskCopyFrom(void);
int Run(void);
int RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr<Progress> &pProgress);
static int taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser);
Utf8Str mSource;
Utf8Str mDest;
uint32_t mFlags;
* Task for automatically updating the Guest Additions on the guest.
class SessionTaskUpdateAdditions : public GuestSessionTask
SessionTaskUpdateAdditions(GuestSession *pSession,
const Utf8Str &strSource, const ProcessArguments &aArguments,
uint32_t uFlags);
virtual ~SessionTaskUpdateAdditions(void);
int Run(void);
int RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr<Progress> &pProgress);
static int taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser);
* Suported OS types for automatic updating.
enum eOSType
eOSType_Unknown = 0,
eOSType_Windows = 1,
eOSType_Linux = 2,
eOSType_Solaris = 3
* Structure representing a file to
* get off the .ISO, copied to the guest.
struct InstallerFile
InstallerFile(const Utf8Str &aSource,
const Utf8Str &aDest,
uint32_t aFlags = 0)
: strSource(aSource),
fFlags(aFlags) { }
InstallerFile(const Utf8Str &aSource,
const Utf8Str &aDest,
uint32_t aFlags,
GuestProcessStartupInfo startupInfo)
: strSource(aSource),
mProcInfo.mCommand = strDest;
if (mProcInfo.mName.isEmpty())
mProcInfo.mName = strDest;
/** Source file on .ISO. */
Utf8Str strSource;
/** Destination file on the guest. */
Utf8Str strDest;
/** File flags. */
uint32_t fFlags;
/** Optional arguments if this file needs to be
* executed. */
GuestProcessStartupInfo mProcInfo;
int i_addProcessArguments(ProcessArguments &aArgumentsDest,
const ProcessArguments &aArgumentsSource);
int i_copyFileToGuest(GuestSession *pSession, PRTISOFSFILE pISO,
Utf8Str const &strFileSource, const Utf8Str &strFileDest,
bool fOptional, uint32_t *pcbSize);
int i_runFileOnGuest(GuestSession *pSession, GuestProcessStartupInfo &procInfo);
/** Files to handle. */
std::vector<InstallerFile> mFiles;
/** The (optionally) specified Guest Additions .ISO on the host
* which will be used for the updating process. */
Utf8Str mSource;
/** (Optional) installer command line arguments. */
ProcessArguments mArguments;
/** Update flags. */
uint32_t mFlags;
* Guest session implementation.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE GuestSession :
public GuestSessionWrap,
public GuestBase
/** @name COM and internal init/term/mapping cruft.
* @{ */
int init(Guest *pGuest, const GuestSessionStartupInfo &ssInfo, const GuestCredentials &guestCreds);
void uninit(void);
HRESULT FinalConstruct(void);
void FinalRelease(void);
/** @} */
/** Wrapped @name IGuestSession properties.
* @{ */
HRESULT getUser(com::Utf8Str &aUser);
HRESULT getDomain(com::Utf8Str &aDomain);
HRESULT getName(com::Utf8Str &aName);
HRESULT getTimeout(ULONG *aTimeout);
HRESULT setTimeout(ULONG aTimeout);
HRESULT getProtocolVersion(ULONG *aProtocolVersion);
HRESULT getStatus(GuestSessionStatus_T *aStatus);
HRESULT getEnvironment(std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aEnvironment);
HRESULT setEnvironment(const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aEnvironment);
HRESULT getProcesses(std::vector<ComPtr<IGuestProcess> > &aProcesses);
HRESULT getDirectories(std::vector<ComPtr<IGuestDirectory> > &aDirectories);
HRESULT getFiles(std::vector<ComPtr<IGuestFile> > &aFiles);
HRESULT getEventSource(ComPtr<IEventSource> &aEventSource);
/** @} */
/** Wrapped @name IGuestSession methods.
* @{ */
HRESULT close();
HRESULT copyFrom(const com::Utf8Str &aSource,
const com::Utf8Str &aDest,
const std::vector<CopyFileFlag_T> &aFlags,
ComPtr<IProgress> &aProgress);
HRESULT copyTo(const com::Utf8Str &aSource,
const com::Utf8Str &aDest,
const std::vector<CopyFileFlag_T> &aFlags,
ComPtr<IProgress> &aProgress);
HRESULT directoryCreate(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
ULONG aMode,
const std::vector<DirectoryCreateFlag_T> &aFlags);
HRESULT directoryCreateTemp(const com::Utf8Str &aTemplateName,
ULONG aMode,
const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
BOOL aSecure,
com::Utf8Str &aDirectory);
HRESULT directoryExists(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
BOOL *aExists);
HRESULT directoryOpen(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
const com::Utf8Str &aFilter,
const std::vector<DirectoryOpenFlag_T> &aFlags,
ComPtr<IGuestDirectory> &aDirectory);
HRESULT directoryQueryInfo(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
ComPtr<IGuestFsObjInfo> &aInfo);
HRESULT directoryRemove(const com::Utf8Str &aPath);
HRESULT directoryRemoveRecursive(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
const std::vector<DirectoryRemoveRecFlag_T> &aFlags,
ComPtr<IProgress> &aProgress);
HRESULT directoryRename(const com::Utf8Str &aSource,
const com::Utf8Str &aDest,
const std::vector<PathRenameFlag_T> &aFlags);
HRESULT directorySetACL(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
const com::Utf8Str &aAcl);
HRESULT environmentClear();
HRESULT environmentGet(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
com::Utf8Str &aValue);
HRESULT environmentSet(const com::Utf8Str &aName,
const com::Utf8Str &aValue);
HRESULT environmentUnset(const com::Utf8Str &aName);
HRESULT fileCreateTemp(const com::Utf8Str &aTemplateName,
ULONG aMode,
const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
BOOL aSecure,
ComPtr<IGuestFile> &aFile);
HRESULT fileExists(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
BOOL *aExists);
HRESULT fileRemove(const com::Utf8Str &aPath);
HRESULT fileOpen(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
const com::Utf8Str &aOpenMode,
const com::Utf8Str &aDisposition,
ULONG aCreationMode,
ComPtr<IGuestFile> &aFile);
HRESULT fileOpenEx(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
const com::Utf8Str &aOpenMode,
const com::Utf8Str &aDisposition,
const com::Utf8Str &aSharingMode,
ULONG aCreationMode,
LONG64 aOffset,
ComPtr<IGuestFile> &aFile);
HRESULT fileQueryInfo(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
ComPtr<IGuestFsObjInfo> &aInfo);
HRESULT fileQuerySize(const com::Utf8Str &aPath,
LONG64 *aSize);
HRESULT fileRename(const com::Utf8Str &aSource,
const com::Utf8Str &aDest,
const std::vector<PathRenameFlag_T> &aFlags);
HRESULT fileSetACL(const com::Utf8Str &aFile,
const com::Utf8Str &aAcl);
HRESULT processCreate(const com::Utf8Str &aCommand,
const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aArguments,
const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aEnvironment,
const std::vector<ProcessCreateFlag_T> &aFlags,
ULONG aTimeoutMS,
ComPtr<IGuestProcess> &aGuestProcess);
HRESULT processCreateEx(const com::Utf8Str &aCommand,
const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aArguments,
const std::vector<com::Utf8Str> &aEnvironment,
const std::vector<ProcessCreateFlag_T> &aFlags,
ULONG aTimeoutMS,
ProcessPriority_T aPriority,
const std::vector<LONG> &aAffinity,
ComPtr<IGuestProcess> &aGuestProcess);
HRESULT processGet(ULONG aPid,
ComPtr<IGuestProcess> &aGuestProcess);
HRESULT symlinkCreate(const com::Utf8Str &aSource,
const com::Utf8Str &aTarget,
SymlinkType_T aType);
HRESULT symlinkExists(const com::Utf8Str &aSymlink,
BOOL *aExists);
HRESULT symlinkRead(const com::Utf8Str &aSymlink,
const std::vector<SymlinkReadFlag_T> &aFlags,
com::Utf8Str &aTarget);
HRESULT symlinkRemoveDirectory(const com::Utf8Str &aPath);
HRESULT symlinkRemoveFile(const com::Utf8Str &aFile);
HRESULT waitFor(ULONG aWaitFor,
ULONG aTimeoutMS,
GuestSessionWaitResult_T *aReason);
HRESULT waitForArray(const std::vector<GuestSessionWaitForFlag_T> &aWaitFor,
ULONG aTimeoutMS,
GuestSessionWaitResult_T *aReason);
/** @} */
/** Map of guest directories. The key specifies the internal directory ID. */
typedef std::map <uint32_t, ComObjPtr<GuestDirectory> > SessionDirectories;
/** Map of guest files. The key specifies the internal file ID. */
typedef std::map <uint32_t, ComObjPtr<GuestFile> > SessionFiles;
/** Map of guest processes. The key specifies the internal process number.
* To retrieve the process' guest PID use the Id() method of the IProcess interface. */
typedef std::map <uint32_t, ComObjPtr<GuestProcess> > SessionProcesses;
/** @name Public internal methods.
* @{ */
int i_closeSession(uint32_t uFlags, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, int *pGuestRc);
inline bool i_directoryExists(uint32_t uDirID, ComObjPtr<GuestDirectory> *pDir);
int i_directoryRemoveFromList(GuestDirectory *pDirectory);
int i_directoryRemoveInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, uint32_t uFlags, int *pGuestRc);
int i_directoryCreateInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, uint32_t uMode, uint32_t uFlags, int *pGuestRc);
int i_objectCreateTempInternal(const Utf8Str &strTemplate, const Utf8Str &strPath, bool fDirectory,
Utf8Str &strName, int *pGuestRc);
int i_directoryOpenInternal(const GuestDirectoryOpenInfo &openInfo,
ComObjPtr<GuestDirectory> &pDirectory, int *pGuestRc);
int i_directoryQueryInfoInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, GuestFsObjData &objData, int *pGuestRc);
inline bool i_fileExists(uint32_t uFileID, ComObjPtr<GuestFile> *pFile);
int i_fileRemoveFromList(GuestFile *pFile);
int i_fileRemoveInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, int *pGuestRc);
int i_fileOpenInternal(const GuestFileOpenInfo &openInfo, ComObjPtr<GuestFile> &pFile, int *pGuestRc);
int i_fileQueryInfoInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, GuestFsObjData &objData, int *pGuestRc);
int i_fileQuerySizeInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, int64_t *pllSize, int *pGuestRc);
int i_fsQueryInfoInternal(const Utf8Str &strPath, GuestFsObjData &objData, int *pGuestRc);
const GuestCredentials &i_getCredentials(void);
const GuestEnvironment &i_getEnvironment(void);
EventSource *i_getEventSource(void) { return mEventSource; }
Utf8Str i_getName(void);
ULONG i_getId(void) { return mData.mSession.mID; }
static Utf8Str i_guestErrorToString(int guestRc);
HRESULT i_isReadyExternal(void);
int i_onRemove(void);
int i_startSessionInternal(int *pGuestRc);
int i_startSessionAsync(void);
static DECLCALLBACK(int)
i_startSessionThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser);
Guest *i_getParent(void) { return mParent; }
uint32_t i_getProtocolVersion(void) { return mData.mProtocolVersion; }
int i_pathRenameInternal(const Utf8Str &strSource, const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags,
int *pGuestRc);
int i_processRemoveFromList(GuestProcess *pProcess);
int i_processCreateExInteral(GuestProcessStartupInfo &procInfo, ComObjPtr<GuestProcess> &pProgress);
inline bool i_processExists(uint32_t uProcessID, ComObjPtr<GuestProcess> *pProcess);
inline int i_processGetByPID(ULONG uPID, ComObjPtr<GuestProcess> *pProcess);
int i_sendCommand(uint32_t uFunction, uint32_t uParms, PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms);
static HRESULT i_setErrorExternal(VirtualBoxBase *pInterface, int guestRc);
int i_setSessionStatus(GuestSessionStatus_T sessionStatus, int sessionRc);
int i_signalWaiters(GuestSessionWaitResult_T enmWaitResult, int rc /*= VINF_SUCCESS */);
int i_startTaskAsync(const Utf8Str &strTaskDesc, GuestSessionTask *pTask,
ComObjPtr<Progress> &pProgress);
int i_queryInfo(void);
int i_waitFor(uint32_t fWaitFlags, ULONG uTimeoutMS, GuestSessionWaitResult_T &waitResult, int *pGuestRc);
int i_waitForStatusChange(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t fWaitFlags, uint32_t uTimeoutMS,
GuestSessionStatus_T *pSessionStatus, int *pGuestRc);
/** @} */
/** Pointer to the parent (Guest). */
Guest *mParent;
* The session's event source. This source is used for
* serving the internal listener as well as all other
* external listeners that may register to it.
* Note: This can safely be used without holding any locks.
* An AutoCaller suffices to prevent it being destroy while in use and
* internally there is a lock providing the necessary serialization.
const ComObjPtr<EventSource> mEventSource;
struct Data
/** The session credentials. */
GuestCredentials mCredentials;
/** The session's startup info. */
GuestSessionStartupInfo mSession;
/** The session's current status. */
GuestSessionStatus_T mStatus;
/** The session's environment block. Can be
* overwritten/extended by ProcessCreate(Ex). */
GuestEnvironment mEnvironment;
/** Directory objects bound to this session. */
SessionDirectories mDirectories;
/** File objects bound to this session. */
SessionFiles mFiles;
/** Process objects bound to this session. */
SessionProcesses mProcesses;
/** Guest control protocol version to be used.
* Guest Additions < VBox 4.3 have version 1,
* any newer version will have version 2. */
uint32_t mProtocolVersion;
/** Session timeout (in ms). */
uint32_t mTimeout;
/** Total number of session objects (processes,
* files, ...). */
uint32_t mNumObjects;
/** The last returned session status
* returned from the guest side. */
int mRC;
} mData;
#endif /* !____H_GUESTSESSIONIMPL */