/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
* All rights reserved
* See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
#include "server_dispatch.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "cr_error.h"
#include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
static const CRmatrix identity_matrix = {
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
* Clip the rectangle q against the given image window.
static void
crServerViewportClipToWindow( const CRrecti *imagewindow, CRrecti *q)
if (q->x1 < imagewindow->x1) q->x1 = imagewindow->x1;
if (q->x1 > imagewindow->x2) q->x1 = imagewindow->x2;
if (q->x2 > imagewindow->x2) q->x2 = imagewindow->x2;
if (q->x2 < imagewindow->x1) q->x2 = imagewindow->x1;
if (q->y1 < imagewindow->y1) q->y1 = imagewindow->y1;
if (q->y1 > imagewindow->y2) q->y1 = imagewindow->y2;
if (q->y2 > imagewindow->y2) q->y2 = imagewindow->y2;
if (q->y2 < imagewindow->y1) q->y2 = imagewindow->y1;
* Translate the rectangle q from the image window space to the outputwindow
* space.
static void
crServerConvertToOutput( const CRrecti *imagewindow,
const CRrecti *outputwindow,
CRrecti *q )
q->x1 = q->x1 - imagewindow->x1 + outputwindow->x1;
q->x2 = q->x2 - imagewindow->x2 + outputwindow->x2;
q->y1 = q->y1 - imagewindow->y1 + outputwindow->y1;
q->y2 = q->y2 - imagewindow->y2 + outputwindow->y2;
* Compute clipped image window, scissor, viewport and base projection
* info for each tile in the mural.
* Need to call this when either the viewport or mural is changed.
crServerComputeViewportBounds(const CRViewportState *v, CRMuralInfo *mural)
#if 0
static GLuint serialNo = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < mural->numExtents; i++) {
CRExtent *extent = &mural->extents[i];
CRrecti q;
/* If the scissor is disabled set it to the whole output.
** We might as well use the actual scissorTest rather than
** scissorValid - it never gets reset anyway.
if (!v->scissorTest)
extent->scissorBox = extent->outputwindow;
q.x1 = v->scissorX;
q.x2 = v->scissorX + v->scissorW;
q.y1 = v->scissorY;
q.y2 = v->scissorY + v->scissorH;
crServerViewportClipToWindow(&(extent->imagewindow), &q);
&(extent->outputwindow), &q);
extent->scissorBox = q;
/* if the viewport is not valid,
** set it to the entire output.
if (!v->viewportValid)
extent->clippedImagewindow = extent->imagewindow;
extent->viewport = extent->outputwindow;
q.x1 = v->viewportX;
q.x2 = v->viewportX + v->viewportW;
q.y1 = v->viewportY;
q.y2 = v->viewportY + v->viewportH;
/* This is where the viewport gets clamped to the max size. */
crServerViewportClipToWindow(&(extent->imagewindow), &q);
extent->clippedImagewindow = q;
&(extent->outputwindow), &q);
extent->viewport = q;
** Now, compute the base projection.
if (extent->clippedImagewindow.x1 == extent->clippedImagewindow.x2 ||
extent->clippedImagewindow.y1 == extent->clippedImagewindow.y2) {
/* zero-area extent, use identity matrix (doesn't really matter) */
extent->baseProjection = identity_matrix;
const int vpx = v->viewportX;
const int vpy = v->viewportY;
const int vpw = v->viewportW;
const int vph = v->viewportH;
GLfloat xscale, yscale;
GLfloat xtrans, ytrans;
CRrectf p;
* We need to take account of the current viewport parameters,
* and they are passed to this function as x, y, w, h.
* In the default case (from main.c) we pass the the
* full muralsize of 0, 0, width, height
p.x1 = (GLfloat) (extent->clippedImagewindow.x1 - vpx) / vpw;
p.y1 = (GLfloat) (extent->clippedImagewindow.y1 - vpy) / vph;
p.x2 = (GLfloat) (extent->clippedImagewindow.x2 - vpx) / vpw;
p.y2 = (GLfloat) (extent->clippedImagewindow.y2 - vpy) / vph;
/* XXX not sure this clamping is really need anymore
if (p.x1 < 0.0) {
p.x1 = 0.0;
if (p.x2 > 1.0) p.x2 = 1.0;
if (p.y1 < 0.0) {
p.y1 = 0.0;
if (p.y2 > 1.0) p.y2 = 1.0;
/* Rescale [0,1] -> [-1,1] */
p.x1 = p.x1 * 2.0f - 1.0f;
p.x2 = p.x2 * 2.0f - 1.0f;
p.y1 = p.y1 * 2.0f - 1.0f;
p.y2 = p.y2 * 2.0f - 1.0f;
xscale = 2.0f / (p.x2 - p.x1);
yscale = 2.0f / (p.y2 - p.y1);
xtrans = -(p.x2 + p.x1) / 2.0f;
ytrans = -(p.y2 + p.y1) / 2.0f;
CRASSERT(xscale == xscale); /* NaN test */
CRASSERT(yscale == yscale);
extent->baseProjection = identity_matrix;
extent->baseProjection.m00 = xscale;
extent->baseProjection.m11 = yscale;
extent->baseProjection.m30 = xtrans * xscale;
extent->baseProjection.m31 = ytrans * yscale;
extent->serialNo = serialNo++;
mural->viewportValidated = GL_TRUE;
* Issue the glScissor, glViewport and projection matrix needed for
* rendering the tile specified by extNum. We computed the scissor,
* viewport and projection parameters above in crServerComputeViewportBounds.
crServerSetOutputBounds( const CRMuralInfo *mural, int extNum )
#if 0
const CRExtent *extent = mural->extents + extNum;
* Serial Number info:
* Everytime we compute new scissor, viewport, projection matrix info for
* a tile, we give that tile a new serial number.
* When we're about to render into a tile, we only update the scissor,
* viewport and projection matrix if the tile's serial number doesn't match
* the current serial number. This avoids a _LOT_ of redundant calls to
* those three functions.
if (extent->serialNo != cr_server.currentSerialNo) {
extent->scissorBox.x2 - extent->scissorBox.x1,
extent->scissorBox.y2 - extent->scissorBox.y1);
extent->viewport.x2 - extent->viewport.x1,
extent->viewport.y2 - extent->viewport.y1);
cr_server.currentSerialNo = extent->serialNo;
* Pre-multiply the current projection matrix with the current client's
* base projection. I.e. P' = b * P. Note that OpenGL's glMultMatrix
* POST-multiplies.
crServerApplyBaseProjection(const CRmatrix *baseProj)
const CRmatrix *projMatrix;
if (cr_server.projectionOverride) {
int eye = crServerGetCurrentEye();
projMatrix = &cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye];
projMatrix = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.projectionStack.top;
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.PushAttrib( GL_TRANSFORM_BIT );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LoadMatrixf( (const GLfloat *) baseProj );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MultMatrixf( cr_server.alignment_matrix );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MultMatrixf( (const GLfloat *) projMatrix );
crServerApplyViewMatrix(const CRmatrix *view)
const CRmatrix *modelview = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.modelViewStack.top;
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.PushAttrib( GL_TRANSFORM_BIT );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LoadMatrixf( (const GLfloat *) view );
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MultMatrixf( (const GLfloat *) modelview );
* Called via unpacker module.
* Note: when there's a tilesort SPU upstream, the viewport dimensions
* will typically match the mural size. That is, the viewport dimensions
* probably won't be the same values that the application issues.
void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchViewport( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height )
CRMuralInfo *mural = cr_server.curClient->currentMural;
CRContext *ctx = crStateGetCurrent();
if (ctx->viewport.viewportX != x ||
ctx->viewport.viewportY != y ||
ctx->viewport.viewportW != width ||
ctx->viewport.viewportH != height) {
/* Note -- If there are tiles, this will be overridden in the
* process of decoding the BoundsInfo packet, so no worries. */
crStateViewport( x, y, width, height );
/* always dispatch to be safe */
cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.Viewport( x, y, width, height );