# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software
import sys
def main():
name = sys.argv[1]
Name = sys.argv[2]
print """/* This code is AUTOGENERATED!!! */
#include "state.h"
#include "state_internals.h\""""
print """
void crState%(Name)sDiff(CR%(Name)sBits *b, CRbitvalue *bitID,
CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx)
CR%(Name)sState *from = &(fromCtx->%(name)s);
CR%(Name)sState *to = &(toCtx->%(name)s);"""%vars()
gendiffcode("state_%s.txt"%(name.lower()), name, docopy=1, doinvalid=0)
print """}
void crState%(Name)sSwitch(CR%(Name)sBits *b, CRbitvalue *bitID,
CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx)
CR%(Name)sState *from = &(fromCtx->%(name)s);
CR%(Name)sState *to = &(toCtx->%(name)s);"""%vars()
gendiffcode("state_%s.txt"%(Name.lower()), Name, docopy=0, doinvalid=1)
print "}\n"
def gendiffcode(fname, state_name, docopy, doinvalid):
target = "to"
current = "from"
bit = "b"
extrabit = ""
tab = "\t"
current_guard = ""
current_dependency = ""
v_types = {
'l': 'GLboolean',
'b': 'GLbyte',
'ub': 'GLubyte',
's': 'GLshort',
'us': 'GLushort',
'i': 'GLint',
'ui': 'GLuint',
'f': 'GLfloat',
'd': 'GLdouble'
FILE = open(sys.argv[3]+"/"+fname, "r")
print """ unsigned int j, i;
CRbitvalue nbitID[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
for (j=0;j<CR_MAX_BITARRAY;j++)
nbitID[j] = ~bitID[j];
i = 0; /* silence compiler */"""
import re
for line in FILE.xreadlines():
line = line.rstrip()
if re.match("#", line):
## Handle text dump
m = re.match("\+(.*)", line)
if m:
if doinvalid:
line = m.group(1)
m = re.match("-(.*)", line)
if m:
if docopy:
line = m.group(1)
m = re.match(">(.*)", line)
if m:
text = m.group(1)
if re.search("}", line):
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+text
if re.search("{", line):
tab = tab+"\t"
## Handle commands
m = re.search("%target=(\w*)", line)
if m:
target = m.group(1)
m = re.search("%current=(\w*)", line)
if m:
current = m.group(1)
m = re.search("%bit=(\w*)", line)
if m:
bit = m.group(1)
m = re.search("%extrabit=(\w*)", line)
if m:
extrabit = m.group(1)
if re.search("%flush", line):
if current_guard != "":
print tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(current_guard)s, nbitID);"%vars()
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"}"
if docopy and current_dependency != "":
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"}"
current_guard = ""
current_dependency = ""
if re.search("%", line):
## Load the line
(dependency, guardbit, members, func) = \
(re.split(":", line) + ["", ""])[0:4]
func = func.rstrip()
## Close the guardbit and dependency
if current_guard != "" and current_guard != guardbit:
print tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(current_guard)s, nbitID);"%vars()
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"}"
if docopy and current_dependency != "" and current_dependency != dependency:
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"}"
## Open the dependency if
if docopy and current_dependency != dependency and dependency != "":
print tab+"if (%(target)s->%(dependency)s)\n%(tab)s{"%vars()
tab = tab+"\t"
current_dependency = dependency
## Open the guard if
if docopy and current_dependency != dependency and dependency != "":
print tab+"if ($(target)s->%(dependency)s)\n%(tab)s{"%vars()
tab = tab+"\t"
if current_guard != guardbit and guardbit != "":
print tab+"if (CHECKDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(guardbit)s, bitID))\n%(tab)s{"%vars()
tab = tab+"\t"
if members[0] != "*" and guardbit[0:6] == "enable":
print tab+"glAble able[2];"
print tab+"able[0] = diff_api.Disable;"
print tab+"able[1] = diff_api.Enable;"
current_dependency = dependency
current_guard = guardbit
## Handle text dump
if members[0] == "*":
print tab+members[1:]
## Parse the members variable
mainelem = re.split(",", members)
elems = re.split("\|", members)
if len(elems) > 1:
mainelem = [""]
mainelem[0] = elems[0]
elems = re.split(",", elems[1])
newelems = []
for elem in elems:
elem = mainelem[0] + "." + elem
newelems += [elem]
elems = newelems
elems = re.split(",", members)
## Check member values
if guardbit != "extensions":
sys.stdout.write(tab+"if (")
first = 1
for elem in elems:
if first != 1:
print " ||\n"+tab+" ",
first = 0
sys.stdout.write("%(current)s->%(elem)s != %(target)s->%(elem)s"%vars())
print ")\n"+tab+"{"
tab = tab+"\t"
## Handle text function
if func[0] == "*":
func = func[1:]
print tab+func
if func != "":
## Call the glhw function
if guardbit[0:6] == "enable":
print tab+"able["+target+"->"+elems[0]+"]("+func+");"
elif guardbit == "extensions":
print tab+"crState$state_name",
if docopy == 1:
print "Diff",
print "Switch",
print "Extensions( from, to );"
funcargs = re.split(",", func)
#print "// funcargs:",funcargs
func = funcargs.pop(0)
if func[-1] == "v":
v_type = func[-2:-1]
num_elems = len(elems)
print tab+v_types[v_type]+" varg["+str(num_elems)+"];"
i = 0
for elem in elems:
print tab+"varg["+str(i)+"] = "+target+"->"+elem+";"
i += 1
elif func[-3:] == "vNV":
v_type = func[-4:-3]
num_elems = len(elems)
print tab+v_types[v_type]+" varg["+str(num_elems)+"];"
i = 0
for elem in elems:
print tab+"varg["+str(i)+"] = "+target+"->"+elem+";"
i += 1
sys.stdout.write(tab+"diff_api.%(func)s ("%vars())
for funcarg in funcargs:
sys.stdout.write(funcarg+", ")
## Handle vargs
if func[-1] == "v" or func[-3:] == "vNV":
first = 1
for elem in elems:
if first != 1:
sys.stdout.write(",\n"+tab+" ")
first = 0
print ");"
## Do the sync if necessary
if docopy and guardbit != "extensions":
for elem in mainelem:
print tab+current+"->"+elem+" = "+target+"->"+elem+";"
## Do the clear if necessary
if doinvalid:
if guardbit != "":
print tab+"FILLDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(guardbit)s);"%vars()
print tab+"FILLDIRTY(%(bit)s->dirty);"%vars()
if extrabit != "":
print tab+"FILLDIRTY(%(extrabit)s->dirty);"%vars()
## Close the compare
if guardbit != "extensions":
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"}"
## Do final closures
if current_guard != "":
print tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(current_guard)s, nbitID);"%vars()
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"}"
if docopy and current_dependency != "":
tab = tab[:-1]
print tab+"} /*%(current_dependency)s*/"%vars()
print tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->dirty, nbitID);"%vars()