/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIWizardExportApp class implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
# include <precomp.h>
/* Qt includes: */
# include <QVariant>
# include <QFileInfo>
/* GUI includes: */
# include "UIWizardExportApp.h"
# include "UIWizardExportAppDefs.h"
# include "UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1.h"
# include "UIWizardExportAppPageBasic2.h"
# include "UIWizardExportAppPageBasic3.h"
# include "UIWizardExportAppPageBasic4.h"
# include "UIWizardExportAppPageExpert.h"
# include "UIMessageCenter.h"
/* COM includes: */
# include "CAppliance.h"
#include "CVFSExplorer.h"
UIWizardExportApp::UIWizardExportApp(QWidget *pParent, const QStringList &selectedVMNames)
: UIWizard(pParent, WizardType_ExportAppliance)
, m_selectedVMNames(selectedVMNames)
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/* Assign watermark: */
#else /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Assign background image: */
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
bool UIWizardExportApp::exportAppliance()
/* Get export appliance widget: */
UIApplianceExportEditorWidget *pExportApplianceWidget = field("applianceWidget").value<ExportAppliancePointer>();
/* Fetch all settings from the appliance editor. */
/* Get the appliance. */
CAppliance *pAppliance = pExportApplianceWidget->appliance();
/* We need to know every filename which will be created, so that we can
* ask the user for confirmation of overwriting. For that we iterating
* over all virtual systems & fetch all descriptions of the type
* HardDiskImage. Also add the manifest file to the check. In the ova
* case only the target file itself get checked. */
QFileInfo fi(field("path").toString());
QVector<QString> files;
files << fi.fileName();
if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "ovf")
if (field("manifestSelected").toBool())
files << fi.baseName() + ".mf";
CVirtualSystemDescriptionVector vsds = pAppliance->GetVirtualSystemDescriptions();
for (int i = 0; i < vsds.size(); ++ i)
QVector<KVirtualSystemDescriptionType> types;
QVector<QString> refs, origValues, configValues, extraConfigValues;
vsds[i].GetDescriptionByType(KVirtualSystemDescriptionType_HardDiskImage, types,
refs, origValues, configValues, extraConfigValues);
foreach (const QString &s, origValues)
files << QString("%2").arg(s);
CVFSExplorer explorer = pAppliance->CreateVFSExplorer(uri(false /* fWithFile */));
CProgress progress = explorer.Update();
bool fResult = explorer.isOk();
if (fResult)
/* Show some progress, so the user know whats going on: */
msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, QApplication::translate("UIWizardExportApp", "Checking files ..."),
":/progress_refresh_90px.png", this);
if (progress.GetCanceled())
return false;
if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
msgCenter().cannotCheckFiles(progress, this);
return false;
QVector<QString> exists = explorer.Exists(files);
/* Check if the file exists already, if yes get confirmation for overwriting from the user. */
if (!msgCenter().confirmOverridingFiles(exists, this))
return false;
/* Ok all is confirmed so delete all the files which exists: */
if (!exists.isEmpty())
CProgress progress1 = explorer.Remove(exists);
fResult = explorer.isOk();
if (fResult)
/* Show some progress, so the user know whats going on: */
msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress1, QApplication::translate("UIWizardExportApp", "Removing files ..."),
":/progress_delete_90px.png", this);
if (progress1.GetCanceled())
return false;
if (!progress1.isOk() || progress1.GetResultCode() != 0)
msgCenter().cannotRemoveFiles(progress1, this);
return false;
/* Export the VMs, on success we are finished: */
return exportVMs(*pAppliance);
bool UIWizardExportApp::exportVMs(CAppliance &appliance)
/* Write the appliance: */
QVector<KExportOptions> options;
if (field("manifestSelected").toBool())
CProgress progress = appliance.Write(field("format").toString(), options, uri());
bool fResult = appliance.isOk();
if (fResult)
/* Show some progress, so the user know whats going on: */
msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, QApplication::translate("UIWizardExportApp", "Exporting Appliance ..."),
":/progress_export_90px.png", this);
if (progress.GetCanceled())
return false;
if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
msgCenter().cannotExportAppliance(progress, appliance.GetPath(), this);
return false;
return true;
if (!fResult)
msgCenter().cannotExportAppliance(appliance, this);
return false;
QString UIWizardExportApp::uri(bool fWithFile) const
StorageType type = field("storageType").value<StorageType>();
QString path = field("path").toString();
if (!fWithFile)
QFileInfo fi(path);
path = fi.path();
switch (type)
case Filesystem:
return path;
case SunCloud:
QString uri("SunCloud://");
if (!field("username").toString().isEmpty())
uri = QString("%1%2").arg(uri).arg(field("username").toString());
if (!field("password").toString().isEmpty())
uri = QString("%1:%2").arg(uri).arg(field("password").toString());
if (!field("username").toString().isEmpty() || !field("password").toString().isEmpty())
uri = QString("%1@").arg(uri);
uri = QString("%1%2/%3/%4").arg(uri).arg("object.storage.network.com").arg(field("bucket").toString()).arg(path);
return uri;
case S3:
QString uri("S3://");
if (!field("username").toString().isEmpty())
uri = QString("%1%2").arg(uri).arg(field("username").toString());
if (!field("password").toString().isEmpty())
uri = QString("%1:%2").arg(uri).arg(field("password").toString());
if (!field("username").toString().isEmpty() || !field("password").toString().isEmpty())
uri = QString("%1@").arg(uri);
uri = QString("%1%2/%3/%4").arg(uri).arg(field("hostname").toString()).arg(field("bucket").toString()).arg(path);
return uri;
return QString();
void UIWizardExportApp::sltCurrentIdChanged(int iId)
/* Call to base-class: */
/* Enable 2nd button (Reset to Defaults) for 4th and Expert pages only! */
setOption(QWizard::HaveCustomButton2, (mode() == WizardMode_Basic && iId == Page4) ||
(mode() == WizardMode_Expert && iId == PageExpert));
void UIWizardExportApp::sltCustomButtonClicked(int iId)
/* Call to base-class: */
/* Handle 2nd button: */
if (iId == CustomButton2)
/* Get appliance widget: */
ExportAppliancePointer pApplianceWidget = field("applianceWidget").value<ExportAppliancePointer>();
AssertMsg(!pApplianceWidget.isNull(), ("Appliance Widget is not set!\n"));
/* Reset it to default: */
void UIWizardExportApp::retranslateUi()
/* Call to base-class: */
/* Translate wizard: */
setWindowTitle(tr("Export Virtual Appliance"));
setButtonText(QWizard::CustomButton2, tr("Restore Defaults"));
setButtonText(QWizard::FinishButton, tr("Export"));
void UIWizardExportApp::prepare()
/* Create corresponding pages: */
switch (mode())
case WizardMode_Basic:
setPage(Page1, new UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1(m_selectedVMNames));
setPage(Page2, new UIWizardExportAppPageBasic2);
setPage(Page3, new UIWizardExportAppPageBasic3);
setPage(Page4, new UIWizardExportAppPageBasic4);
case WizardMode_Expert:
setPage(PageExpert, new UIWizardExportAppPageExpert(m_selectedVMNames));
AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid mode: %d", mode()));
/* Call to base-class: */