/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIGChooserItemGroup class declaration.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef __UIGChooserItemGroup_h__
#define __UIGChooserItemGroup_h__
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPixmap>
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UIGChooserItem.h"
/* Forward declarations: */
class QGraphicsScene;
class QGraphicsProxyWidget;
class QLineEdit;
class UIGraphicsButton;
class UIGraphicsRotatorButton;
class UIGroupRenameEditor;
/* Graphics group-item
* for graphics selector model/view architecture: */
class UIGChooserItemGroup : public UIGChooserItem
Q_PROPERTY(int additionalHeight READ additionalHeight WRITE setAdditionalHeight);
/* Notifiers: Toggle stuff: */
void sigToggleStarted();
void sigToggleFinished();
/* Class-name used for drag&drop mime-data format: */
static QString className();
/* Graphics-item type: */
enum { Type = UIGChooserItemType_Group };
int type() const { return Type; }
/* Constructor (main-root-item): */
UIGChooserItemGroup(QGraphicsScene *pScene);
/* Constructor (temporary main-root-item/root-item copy): */
UIGChooserItemGroup(QGraphicsScene *pScene, UIGChooserItemGroup *pCopyFrom, bool fMainRoot);
/* Constructor (new non-root-item): */
UIGChooserItemGroup(UIGChooserItem *pParent, const QString &strName, bool fOpened = false, int iPosition = -1);
/* Constructor (new non-root-item copy): */
UIGChooserItemGroup(UIGChooserItem *pParent, UIGChooserItemGroup *pCopyFrom, int iPosition = -1);
/* Destructor: */
/* API: Basic stuff: */
QString name() const;
QString fullName() const;
QString definition() const;
void setName(const QString &strName);
bool isClosed() const;
bool isOpened() const;
void close(bool fAnimated = true);
void open(bool fAnimated = true);
/* API: Children stuff: */
bool isContainsMachine(const QString &strId) const;
bool isContainsLockedMachine();
private slots:
/* Handler: Name editing stuff: */
void sltNameEditingFinished();
/* Handler: Toggle stuff: */
void sltGroupToggleStart();
void sltGroupToggleFinish(bool fToggled);
/* Handlers: Indent root stuff: */
void sltIndentRoot();
void sltUnindentRoot();
/* Data enumerator: */
enum GroupItemData
/* Layout hints: */
/* Data provider: */
QVariant data(int iKey) const;
/* Helpers: Prepare stuff: */
void prepare();
static void copyContent(UIGChooserItemGroup *pFrom, UIGChooserItemGroup *pTo);
/* Helpers: Update stuff: */
void handleRootStatusChange();
void updateVisibleName();
void updateItemCountInfo();
void updateMinimumHeaderSize();
void updateToolTip();
void updateToggleButtonToolTip();
/* Helper: Translate stuff: */
void retranslateUi();
/* Helpers: Basic stuff: */
void show();
void hide();
void startEditing();
bool isMainRoot() const { return m_fMainRoot; }
/* Helpers: Children stuff: */
void addItem(UIGChooserItem *pItem, int iPosition);
void removeItem(UIGChooserItem *pItem);
void setItems(const QList<UIGChooserItem*> &items, UIGChooserItemType type);
QList<UIGChooserItem*> items(UIGChooserItemType type = UIGChooserItemType_Any) const;
bool hasItems(UIGChooserItemType type = UIGChooserItemType_Any) const;
void clearItems(UIGChooserItemType type = UIGChooserItemType_Any);
void updateAll(const QString &strId);
void removeAll(const QString &strId);
UIGChooserItem* searchForItem(const QString &strSearchTag, int iItemSearchFlags);
UIGChooserItemMachine* firstMachineItem();
void sortItems();
/* Helpers: Layout stuff: */
void updateLayout();
int minimumWidthHint(bool fOpenedGroup) const;
int minimumHeightHint(bool fOpenedGroup) const;
int minimumWidthHint() const;
int minimumHeightHint() const;
QSizeF minimumSizeHint(bool fOpenedGroup) const;
QSizeF sizeHint(Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF &constraint = QSizeF()) const;
/* Helpers: Drag&drop stuff: */
QPixmap toPixmap();
bool isDropAllowed(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *pEvent, DragToken where) const;
void processDrop(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *pEvent, UIGChooserItem *pFromWho, DragToken where);
void resetDragToken();
QMimeData* createMimeData();
/* Handler: Resize handling stuff: */
void resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *pEvent);
/* Handlers: Hover handling stuff: */
void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *pEvent);
void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *pEvent);
/* Helpers: Paint stuff: */
void paint(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *pOption, QWidget *pWidget = 0);
void paintBackground(QPainter *pPainter, const QRect &rect);
void paintHeader(QPainter *pPainter, const QRect &rect);
/* Helpers: Animation stuff: */
void updateAnimationParameters();
void setAdditionalHeight(int iAdditionalHeight);
int additionalHeight() const;
/* Helper: Color stuff: */
int blackoutDarkness() const { return m_iBlackoutDarkness; }
/* Variables: */
bool m_fClosed;
UIGraphicsRotatorButton *m_pToggleButton;
UIGraphicsButton *m_pEnterButton;
UIGraphicsButton *m_pExitButton;
UIGroupRenameEditor *m_pNameEditorWidget;
QGraphicsProxyWidget *m_pNameEditor;
QList<UIGChooserItem*> m_groupItems;
QList<UIGChooserItem*> m_machineItems;
int m_iAdditionalHeight;
int m_iCornerRadius;
bool m_fMainRoot;
int m_iBlackoutDarkness;
/* Cached values: */
QString m_strName;
QString m_strVisibleName;
QString m_strInfoGroups;
QString m_strInfoMachines;
QSize m_visibleNameSize;
QSize m_infoSizeGroups;
QSize m_infoSizeMachines;
QSize m_pixmapSizeGroups;
QSize m_pixmapSizeMachines;
QSize m_minimumHeaderSize;
QSize m_toggleButtonSize;
QSize m_enterButtonSize;
QSize m_exitButtonSize;
QFont m_nameFont;
QFont m_infoFont;
QPixmap m_groupsPixmap;
QPixmap m_machinesPixmap;
class UIGroupRenameEditor : public QWidget
/* Notifier: Editing stuff: */
void sigEditingFinished();
/* Constructor: */
UIGroupRenameEditor(const QString &strName, UIGChooserItem *pParent);
/* API: Text stuff: */
QString text() const;
void setText(const QString &strText);
/* API: Font stuff: */
void setFont(const QFont &font);
public slots:
/* API/Handler: Focus stuff: */
void setFocus();
/* Handler: Event-filter: */
bool eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent);
/* Helper: Context-menu stuff: */
void handleContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *pContextMenuEvent);
/* Variables: */
UIGChooserItem *m_pParent;
QLineEdit *m_pLineEdit;
QMenu *m_pTemporaryMenu;
#endif /* __UIGChooserItemGroup_h__ */