/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UISession class declaration.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef ___UISession_h___
#define ___UISession_h___
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QObject>
#include <QCursor>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QMap>
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UIExtraDataDefs.h"
/* COM includes: */
#include "COMEnums.h"
#include "CSession.h"
#include "CMachine.h"
#include "CConsole.h"
#include "CDisplay.h"
#include "CGuest.h"
#include "CMouse.h"
#include "CKeyboard.h"
#include "CMachineDebugger.h"
/* Forward declarations: */
class QMenu;
class UIFrameBuffer;
class UIMachine;
class UIMachineLogic;
class UIActionPool;
class CUSBDevice;
class CNetworkAdapter;
class CMediumAttachment;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
class QMenuBar;
#else /* !Q_WS_MAC */
class QIcon;
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
/* CConsole callback event types: */
enum UIConsoleEventType
UIConsoleEventType_MousePointerShapeChange = QEvent::User + 1,
/* Not used: UIConsoleEventType_SerialPortChange, */
/* Not used: UIConsoleEventType_ParallelPortChange, */
/* Not used: UIConsoleEventType_StorageControllerChange, */
/* Not used: UIConsoleEventType_CPUChange, */
class UISession : public QObject
/** Factory constructor. */
static bool create(UISession *&pSession, UIMachine *pMachine);
/** Factory destructor. */
static void destroy(UISession *&pSession);
/* API: Runtime UI stuff: */
bool initialize();
bool powerUp();
bool saveState();
bool shutdown();
bool powerOff(bool fIncludingDiscard, bool &fServerCrashed);
bool restoreCurrentSnapshot();
void closeRuntimeUI();
/** Returns the session instance. */
CSession& session() { return m_session; }
/** Returns the session's machine instance. */
CMachine& machine() { return m_machine; }
/** Returns the session's console instance. */
CConsole& console() { return m_console; }
/** Returns the console's display instance. */
CDisplay& display() { return m_display; }
/** Returns the console's guest instance. */
CGuest& guest() { return m_guest; }
/** Returns the console's mouse instance. */
CMouse& mouse() { return m_mouse; }
/** Returns the console's keyboard instance. */
CKeyboard& keyboard() { return m_keyboard; }
/** Returns the console's debugger instance. */
CMachineDebugger& debugger() { return m_debugger; }
/** Returns the machine name. */
const QString& machineName() const { return m_strMachineName; }
UIActionPool* actionPool() const { return m_pActionPool; }
KMachineState machineStatePrevious() const { return m_machineStatePrevious; }
KMachineState machineState() const { return m_machineState; }
UIMachineLogic* machineLogic() const;
QWidget* mainMachineWindow() const;
QCursor cursor() const { return m_cursor; }
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/** @name Branding stuff.
** @{ */
/** Returns redefined machine-window icon. */
QIcon* machineWindowIcon() const { return m_pMachineWindowIcon; }
/** Returns redefined machine-window name postfix. */
QString machineWindowNamePostfix() const { return m_strMachineWindowNamePostfix; }
/** @} */
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
/** @name Runtime workflow stuff.
** @{ */
/** Returns the mouse-capture policy. */
MouseCapturePolicy mouseCapturePolicy() const { return m_mouseCapturePolicy; }
/** Returns Guru Meditation handler type. */
GuruMeditationHandlerType guruMeditationHandlerType() const { return m_guruMeditationHandlerType; }
/** Returns HiDPI optimization type. */
HiDPIOptimizationType hiDPIOptimizationType() const { return m_hiDPIOptimizationType; }
/** @} */
/** @name Host-screen configuration variables.
** @{ */
/** Returns the list of host-screen geometries we currently have. */
QList<QRect> hostScreens() const { return m_hostScreens; }
/** @} */
/** @name Application Close configuration stuff.
* @{ */
/** Returns default close action. */
MachineCloseAction defaultCloseAction() const { return m_defaultCloseAction; }
/** Returns merged restricted close actions. */
MachineCloseAction restrictedCloseActions() const { return m_restrictedCloseActions; }
/** Returns whether all the close actions are restricted. */
bool isAllCloseActionsRestricted() const { return m_fAllCloseActionsRestricted; }
/** @} */
/** Returns whether visual @a state is allowed. */
bool isVisualStateAllowed(UIVisualStateType state) const;
/** Requests visual-state change. */
void changeVisualState(UIVisualStateType visualStateType);
/** Requests visual-state to be entered when possible. */
void setRequestedVisualState(UIVisualStateType visualStateType) { m_requestedVisualStateType = visualStateType; }
/** Returns requested visual-state to be entered when possible. */
UIVisualStateType requestedVisualState() const { return m_requestedVisualStateType; }
bool isSaved() const { return machineState() == KMachineState_Saved; }
bool isTurnedOff() const { return machineState() == KMachineState_PoweredOff ||
machineState() == KMachineState_Saved ||
machineState() == KMachineState_Teleported ||
machineState() == KMachineState_Aborted; }
bool isPaused() const { return machineState() == KMachineState_Paused ||
machineState() == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM; }
bool isRunning() const { return machineState() == KMachineState_Running ||
machineState() == KMachineState_Teleporting ||
machineState() == KMachineState_LiveSnapshotting; }
bool isStuck() const { return machineState() == KMachineState_Stuck; }
bool wasPaused() const { return machineStatePrevious() == KMachineState_Paused ||
machineStatePrevious() == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM; }
bool isInitialized() const { return m_fInitialized; }
bool isFirstTimeStarted() const { return m_fIsFirstTimeStarted; }
bool isGuestResizeIgnored() const { return m_fIsGuestResizeIgnored; }
bool isAutoCaptureDisabled() const { return m_fIsAutoCaptureDisabled; }
/* Guest additions state getters: */
bool isGuestAdditionsActive() const { return (m_ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel > KAdditionsRunLevelType_None); }
bool isGuestSupportsGraphics() const { return m_fIsGuestSupportsGraphics; }
/* The double check below is correct, even though it is an implementation
* detail of the Additions which the GUI should not ideally have to know. */
bool isGuestSupportsSeamless() const { return isGuestSupportsGraphics() && m_fIsGuestSupportsSeamless; }
/* Keyboard getters: */
/** Returns keyboard-state. */
int keyboardState() const { return m_iKeyboardState; }
bool isNumLock() const { return m_fNumLock; }
bool isCapsLock() const { return m_fCapsLock; }
bool isScrollLock() const { return m_fScrollLock; }
uint numLockAdaptionCnt() const { return m_uNumLockAdaptionCnt; }
uint capsLockAdaptionCnt() const { return m_uCapsLockAdaptionCnt; }
/* Mouse getters: */
/** Returns mouse-state. */
int mouseState() const { return m_iMouseState; }
bool isMouseSupportsAbsolute() const { return m_fIsMouseSupportsAbsolute; }
bool isMouseSupportsRelative() const { return m_fIsMouseSupportsRelative; }
bool isMouseSupportsMultiTouch() const { return m_fIsMouseSupportsMultiTouch; }
bool isMouseHostCursorNeeded() const { return m_fIsMouseHostCursorNeeded; }
bool isMouseCaptured() const { return m_fIsMouseCaptured; }
bool isMouseIntegrated() const { return m_fIsMouseIntegrated; }
bool isValidPointerShapePresent() const { return m_fIsValidPointerShapePresent; }
bool isHidingHostPointer() const { return m_fIsHidingHostPointer; }
/* Common setters: */
bool pause() { return setPause(true); }
bool unpause() { return setPause(false); }
bool setPause(bool fOn);
void setGuestResizeIgnored(bool fIsGuestResizeIgnored) { m_fIsGuestResizeIgnored = fIsGuestResizeIgnored; }
void setAutoCaptureDisabled(bool fIsAutoCaptureDisabled) { m_fIsAutoCaptureDisabled = fIsAutoCaptureDisabled; }
void forgetPreviousMachineState() { m_machineStatePrevious = m_machineState; }
/* Keyboard setters: */
void setNumLockAdaptionCnt(uint uNumLockAdaptionCnt) { m_uNumLockAdaptionCnt = uNumLockAdaptionCnt; }
void setCapsLockAdaptionCnt(uint uCapsLockAdaptionCnt) { m_uCapsLockAdaptionCnt = uCapsLockAdaptionCnt; }
/* Mouse setters: */
void setMouseCaptured(bool fIsMouseCaptured) { m_fIsMouseCaptured = fIsMouseCaptured; }
void setMouseIntegrated(bool fIsMouseIntegrated) { m_fIsMouseIntegrated = fIsMouseIntegrated; }
/* Screen visibility status: */
bool isScreenVisible(ulong uScreenId) const;
void setScreenVisible(ulong uScreenId, bool fIsMonitorVisible);
/* Returns existing framebuffer for the given screen-number;
* Returns 0 (asserts) if screen-number attribute is out of bounds: */
UIFrameBuffer* frameBuffer(ulong uScreenId) const;
/* Sets framebuffer for the given screen-number;
* Ignores (asserts) if screen-number attribute is out of bounds: */
void setFrameBuffer(ulong uScreenId, UIFrameBuffer* pFrameBuffer);
/** Returns existing frame-buffer vector. */
const QVector<UIFrameBuffer*>& frameBuffers() const { return m_frameBufferVector; }
/** Updates VRDE Server action state. */
void updateStatusVRDE() { sltVRDEChange(); }
/** Updates Video Capture action state. */
void updateStatusVideoCapture() { sltVideoCaptureChange(); }
/* Notifier: Close Runtime UI stuff: */
void sigCloseRuntimeUI();
/** Notifies about frame-buffer resize. */
void sigFrameBufferResize();
/* Console callback signals: */
/** Notifies listeners about keyboard state-change. */
void sigKeyboardStateChange(int iState);
/** Notifies listeners about mouse state-change. */
void sigMouseStateChange(int iState);
void sigMousePointerShapeChange();
void sigMouseCapabilityChange();
void sigKeyboardLedsChange();
void sigMachineStateChange();
void sigAdditionsStateChange();
void sigAdditionsStateActualChange();
void sigNetworkAdapterChange(const CNetworkAdapter &networkAdapter);
void sigMediumChange(const CMediumAttachment &mediumAttachment);
void sigVRDEChange();
void sigVideoCaptureChange();
void sigUSBControllerChange();
void sigUSBDeviceStateChange(const CUSBDevice &device, bool bIsAttached, const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error);
void sigSharedFolderChange();
void sigRuntimeError(bool bIsFatal, const QString &strErrorId, const QString &strMessage);
void sigShowWindows();
#endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
void sigCPUExecutionCapChange();
void sigGuestMonitorChange(KGuestMonitorChangedEventType changeType, ulong uScreenId, QRect screenGeo);
/** Notifies about host-screen count change. */
void sigHostScreenCountChange();
/** Notifies about host-screen geometry change. */
void sigHostScreenGeometryChange();
/** Notifies about host-screen available-area change. */
void sigHostScreenAvailableAreaChange();
/* Session signals: */
void sigInitialized();
public slots:
void sltInstallGuestAdditionsFrom(const QString &strSource);
/** Defines @a iKeyboardState. */
void setKeyboardState(int iKeyboardState) { m_iKeyboardState = iKeyboardState; emit sigKeyboardStateChange(m_iKeyboardState); }
/** Defines @a iMouseState. */
void setMouseState(int iMouseState) { m_iMouseState = iMouseState; emit sigMouseStateChange(m_iMouseState); }
private slots:
/** Marks machine started. */
void sltMarkInitialized() { m_fInitialized = true; }
/* Handler: Close Runtime UI stuff: */
void sltCloseRuntimeUI();
/** Mac OS X: Handles menu-bar configuration-change. */
void sltHandleMenuBarConfigurationChange(const QString &strMachineID);
#endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
/* Console events slots */
void sltMousePointerShapeChange(bool fVisible, bool fAlpha, QPoint hotCorner, QSize size, QVector<uint8_t> shape);
void sltMouseCapabilityChange(bool fSupportsAbsolute, bool fSupportsRelative, bool fSupportsMultiTouch, bool fNeedsHostCursor);
void sltKeyboardLedsChangeEvent(bool fNumLock, bool fCapsLock, bool fScrollLock);
void sltStateChange(KMachineState state);
void sltAdditionsChange();
void sltVRDEChange();
void sltVideoCaptureChange();
void sltGuestMonitorChange(KGuestMonitorChangedEventType changeType, ulong uScreenId, QRect screenGeo);
/* Handlers: Display reconfiguration stuff: */
void sltHandleHostDisplayAboutToChange();
void sltCheckIfHostDisplayChanged();
#endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
/** Handles host-screen count change. */
void sltHandleHostScreenCountChange();
/** Handles host-screen geometry change. */
void sltHandleHostScreenGeometryChange();
/** Handles host-screen available-area change. */
void sltHandleHostScreenAvailableAreaChange();
/** Constructor. */
UISession(UIMachine *pMachine);
/** Destructor. */
/* Private getters: */
UIMachine* uimachine() const { return m_pMachine; }
/* Prepare helpers: */
bool prepare();
bool prepareSession();
void prepareActions();
void prepareConnections();
void prepareConsoleEventHandlers();
void prepareScreens();
void prepareFramebuffers();
void loadSessionSettings();
/* Cleanup helpers: */
void saveSessionSettings();
void cleanupFramebuffers();
//void cleanupScreens() {}
void cleanupConsoleEventHandlers();
void cleanupConnections();
void cleanupActions();
void cleanupSession();
void cleanup();
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
/** Mac OS X: Updates menu-bar content. */
void updateMenu();
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Common helpers: */
WId winId() const;
void setPointerShape(const uchar *pShapeData, bool fHasAlpha, uint uXHot, uint uYHot, uint uWidth, uint uHeight);
bool preprocessInitialization();
bool postprocessInitialization();
int countOfVisibleWindows();
/** Update host-screen data. */
void updateHostScreenData();
/* Private variables: */
UIMachine *m_pMachine;
/** Holds the session instance. */
CSession m_session;
/** Holds the session's machine instance. */
CMachine m_machine;
/** Holds the session's console instance. */
CConsole m_console;
/** Holds the console's display instance. */
CDisplay m_display;
/** Holds the console's guest instance. */
CGuest m_guest;
/** Holds the console's mouse instance. */
CMouse m_mouse;
/** Holds the console's keyboard instance. */
CKeyboard m_keyboard;
/** Holds the console's debugger instance. */
CMachineDebugger m_debugger;
/** Holds the machine name. */
QString m_strMachineName;
/** Holds the action-pool instance. */
UIActionPool *m_pActionPool;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
/** Holds the menu-bar instance. */
QMenuBar *m_pMenuBar;
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Screen visibility vector: */
QVector<bool> m_monitorVisibilityVector;
/* Frame-buffers vector: */
QVector<UIFrameBuffer*> m_frameBufferVector;
/* Common variables: */
KMachineState m_machineStatePrevious;
KMachineState m_machineState;
QCursor m_cursor;
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/** @name Branding variables.
** @{ */
/** Holds redefined machine-window icon. */
QIcon *m_pMachineWindowIcon;
/** Holds redefined machine-window name postfix. */
QString m_strMachineWindowNamePostfix;
/** @} */
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
/** @name Runtime workflow variables.
** @{ */
/** Holds the mouse-capture policy. */
MouseCapturePolicy m_mouseCapturePolicy;
/** Holds Guru Meditation handler type. */
GuruMeditationHandlerType m_guruMeditationHandlerType;
/** Holds HiDPI optimization type. */
HiDPIOptimizationType m_hiDPIOptimizationType;
/** @} */
/** @name Visual-state configuration variables.
** @{ */
/** Determines which visual-state should be entered when possible. */
UIVisualStateType m_requestedVisualStateType;
/** @} */
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
HCURSOR m_alphaCursor;
/** @name Host-screen configuration variables.
* @{ */
/** Holds the list of host-screen geometries we currently have. */
QList<QRect> m_hostScreens;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
/** Mac OS X: Watchdog timer looking for display reconfiguration. */
QTimer *m_pWatchdogDisplayChange;
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/** @} */
/** @name Application Close configuration variables.
* @{ */
/** Default close action. */
MachineCloseAction m_defaultCloseAction;
/** Merged restricted close actions. */
MachineCloseAction m_restrictedCloseActions;
/** Determines whether all the close actions are restricted. */
bool m_fAllCloseActionsRestricted;
/** @} */
/* Common flags: */
bool m_fInitialized : 1;
bool m_fIsFirstTimeStarted : 1;
bool m_fIsGuestResizeIgnored : 1;
bool m_fIsAutoCaptureDisabled : 1;
/* Guest additions flags: */
ULONG m_ulGuestAdditionsRunLevel;
bool m_fIsGuestSupportsGraphics : 1;
bool m_fIsGuestSupportsSeamless : 1;
/* Keyboard flags: */
/** Holds the keyboard-state. */
int m_iKeyboardState;
bool m_fNumLock : 1;
bool m_fCapsLock : 1;
bool m_fScrollLock : 1;
uint m_uNumLockAdaptionCnt;
uint m_uCapsLockAdaptionCnt;
/* Mouse flags: */
/** Holds the mouse-state. */
int m_iMouseState;
bool m_fIsMouseSupportsAbsolute : 1;
bool m_fIsMouseSupportsRelative : 1;
bool m_fIsMouseSupportsMultiTouch: 1;
bool m_fIsMouseHostCursorNeeded : 1;
bool m_fIsMouseCaptured : 1;
bool m_fIsMouseIntegrated : 1;
bool m_fIsValidPointerShapePresent : 1;
bool m_fIsHidingHostPointer : 1;
/* Friend classes: */
friend class UIConsoleEventHandler;
#endif /* !___UISession_h___ */