/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIMedium class declaration.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef ___UIMedium_h___
#define ___UIMedium_h___
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QMap>
#include <QPixmap>
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UIMediumDefs.h"
/* COM includes: */
#include "COMEnums.h"
#include "CMedium.h"
/* Other VBox includes: */
#include "iprt/cpp/utils.h"
/** Storage medium cache used to
* override some UIMedium attributes in the
* user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode. */
struct NoDiffsCache
/** Constructor. */
NoDiffsCache() : isSet(false), state(KMediumState_NotCreated) {}
/** Operator= reimplementation. */
NoDiffsCache& operator=(const NoDiffsCache &other)
isSet = other.isSet;
state = other.state;
result = other.result;
toolTip = other.toolTip;
return *this;
/** Holds whether the cache is set. */
bool isSet : 1;
/** Holds overriden medium state. */
KMediumState state;
/** Holds overriden medium acquiring result. */
COMResult result;
/** Holds overriden medium tool-tip. */
QString toolTip;
/** Storage medium descriptor wrapping CMedium wrapper for IMedium interface.
* Maintains the results of the last CMedium state (accessibility) check and precomposes
* string parameters such as name, location and size which can be used for various GUI tasks.
* Many getter methods take the boolean @a fNoDiffs argument.
* Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this argument, when set to @c true,
* will cause the corresponding property of this object's root medium to be returned instead
* of its own one. This is useful when hard drive medium is reflected in the user-friendly
* "don't show diffs" mode. For non-hard drive mediums, the value of this argument is irrelevant
* because the root object for such medium is the medium itself.
* Note that this class "abuses" the KMediumState_NotCreated state value to indicate that the
* accessibility check of the given medium (see #blockAndQueryState()) has not been done yet
* and therefore some parameters such as #size() are meaningless because they can be read only
* from the accessible medium. The real KMediumState_NotCreated state is not necessary because
* this class is only used with created (existing) mediums. */
class UIMedium
/** Default constructor.
* Creates NULL UIMedium which is not associated with any CMedium. */
/** Lazy wrapping constructor.
* Creates the UIMedium associated with the given @a medium of the given @a type. */
UIMedium(const CMedium &medium, UIMediumType type);
/** Wrapping constructor with known medium state.
* Similarly to the previous one it creates the UIMedium associated with the
* given @a medium of the given @a type but sets the UIMedium @a state to passed one.
* Suitable when the medium state is known such as right after the medium creation. */
UIMedium(const CMedium &medium, UIMediumType type, KMediumState state);
/** Copy constructor.
* Creates the UIMedium on the basis of the passed @a other one. */
UIMedium(const UIMedium &other);
/** Operator= reimplementation. */
UIMedium& operator=(const UIMedium &other);
/** Queries the actual medium state.
* @note This method blocks for the duration of the state check.
* Since this check may take quite a while,
* the calling thread must not be the UI thread. */
void blockAndQueryState();
/** Refreshes the precomposed user-readable strings.
* @note Note that some string such as #size() are meaningless if the medium state is
* KMediumState_NotCreated (i.e. the medium has not yet been checked for accessibility). */
void refresh();
/** Returns the type of UIMedium object. */
UIMediumType type() const { return m_type; }
/** Returns the CMedium wrapped by this UIMedium object. */
const CMedium& medium() const { return m_medium; }
/** Returns @c true if CMedium wrapped by this UIMedium object is a NULL object. */
bool isNull() const { return m_medium.isNull(); }
/** Returns the medium state.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the worst state
* (in terms of inaccessibility) detected on the given hard drive chain. */
KMediumState state(bool fNoDiffs = false) const
return fNoDiffs ? m_noDiffs.state : m_state;
/** Returns the result of the last blockAndQueryState() call.
* Indicates an error and contain a proper error info if the last state check fails.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the worst result
* (in terms of inaccessibility) detected on the given hard drive chain. */
const COMResult& result(bool fNoDiffs = false) const
return fNoDiffs ? m_noDiffs.result : m_result;
/** Returns the error result of the last blockAndQueryState() call. */
QString lastAccessError() const { return m_strLastAccessError; }
/** Returns the medium ID. */
QString id() const { return m_strId; }
/** Returns the medium root ID. */
QString rootID() const { return m_strRootId; }
/** Returns the medium parent ID. */
QString parentID() const { return m_strParentId; }
/** Updates medium parent. */
void updateParentID();
/** Returns the medium cache key. */
QString key() const { return m_strKey; }
/** Defines the medium cache @a strKey. */
void setKey(const QString &strKey) { m_strKey = strKey; }
/** Returns the medium name.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the name of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString name(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strName : m_strName; }
/** Returns the medium location.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the location of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString location(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strLocation : m_strLocation; }
/** Returns the medium size.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the size of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString size(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strSize : m_strSize; }
/** Returns the logical medium size.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the logical size of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString logicalSize(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strLogicalSize : m_strLogicalSize; }
/** Returns the hard drive medium disk type.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the disk type of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString hardDiskType(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strHardDiskType : m_strHardDiskType; }
/** Returns the hard drive medium disk format.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the disk format of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString hardDiskFormat(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strHardDiskFormat : m_strHardDiskFormat; }
/** Returns the hard drive medium storage details. */
QString storageDetails() const { return m_strStorageDetails; }
/** Returns the medium usage data.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode, this method returns the usage data of root in the given hard drive chain. */
QString usage(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return fNoDiffs ? root().m_strUsage : m_strUsage; }
/** Returns the short version of medium tool-tip. */
QString tip() const { return m_strToolTip; }
/** Returns the full version of medium tool-tip.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @param fCheckRO @c true to perform the #readOnly() check and add a notice accordingly.
* @param fNullAllowed @c true to allow NULL medium description to be mentioned in the tool-tip.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode (where the attributes of the base hard drive are shown instead
* of the attributes of the differencing hard drive), extra information will be added to the
* tooltip to give the user a hint that the medium is actually a differencing hard drive. */
QString toolTip(bool fNoDiffs = false, bool fCheckRO = false, bool fNullAllowed = false) const;
/** Shortcut to <tt>#toolTip(fNoDiffs, true, fNullAllowed)</tt>. */
QString toolTipCheckRO(bool fNoDiffs = false, bool fNullAllowed = false) const { return toolTip(fNoDiffs, true, fNullAllowed); }
/** Returns an icon corresponding to the medium state.
* Distinguishes between the Inaccessible state and the situation when querying the state itself failed.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @param fCheckRO @c true to perform the #readOnly() check and change the icon accordingly.
* @note In "don't show diffs" mode (where the attributes of the base hard drive are shown instead
* of the attributes of the differencing hard drive), the most worst medium state on the given
* hard drive chain will be used to select the medium icon. */
QPixmap icon(bool fNoDiffs = false, bool fCheckRO = false) const;
/** Shortcut to <tt>#icon(fNoDiffs, true)</tt>. */
QPixmap iconCheckRO(bool fNoDiffs = false) const { return icon(fNoDiffs, true); }
/** Returns the details of this medium as a single-line string.
* @param fNoDiffs @c true to enable user-friendly "don't show diffs" mode.
* @param fPredictDiff @c true to mark the hard drive as differencing if attaching
* it would create a differencing hard drive.
* @param fUseHTML @c true to allow for emphasizing using bold and italics.
* @note For hard drives, the details include the location, type and the logical size of the hard drive.
* Note that if @a fNoDiffs is @c true, these properties are queried on the root hard drive of the
* given hard drive because the primary purpose of the returned string is to be human readable
* (so that seeing a complex diff hard drive name is usually not desirable).
* @note For other medium types, the location and the actual size are returned.
* Arguments @a fPredictDiff and @a fNoDiffs are ignored in this case.
* @note Use #detailsHTML() instead of passing @c true for @a fUseHTML.
* @note The medium object may become uninitialized by a third party while this method is reading its properties.
* In this case, the method will return an empty string. */
QString details(bool fNoDiffs = false, bool fPredictDiff = false, bool fUseHTML = false) const;
/** Shortcut to <tt>#details(fNoDiffs, fPredictDiff, true)</tt>. */
QString detailsHTML(bool fNoDiffs = false, bool fPredictDiff = false) const { return details(fNoDiffs, fPredictDiff, true); }
/** Returns the medium cache for "don't show diffs" mode. */
const NoDiffsCache& cache() const { return m_noDiffs; }
/** Returns whether this medium is hidden.
* @note The medium is considered 'hidden' if it has corresponding
* medium property or is connected to 'hidden' VMs only. */
bool isHidden() const { return m_fHidden | m_fUsedByHiddenMachinesOnly; }
/** Returns whether this medium is read-only
* (either because it is Immutable or because it has child hard drives).
* @note Read-only medium can only be attached indirectly. */
bool isReadOnly() const { return m_fReadOnly; }
/** Returns whether this medium is attached to any VM in any snapshot. */
bool isUsedInSnapshots() const { return m_fUsedInSnapshots; }
/** Returns whether this medium corresponds to real host drive. */
bool isHostDrive() const { return m_fHostDrive; }
/** Returns whether this medium is attached to any VM (in the current state or in a snapshot) in which case
* #usage() will contain a string with comma-separated VM names (with snapshot names, if any, in parenthesis). */
bool isUsed() const { return !m_strUsage.isNull(); }
/** Returns whether this medium is attached to the given machine in the current state. */
bool isAttachedInCurStateTo(const QString &strMachineId) const { return m_curStateMachineIds.indexOf(strMachineId) >= 0; }
/** Returns a vector of IDs of all machines this medium is attached to. */
const QList<QString>& machineIds() const { return m_machineIds; }
/** Returns a vector of IDs of all machines this medium is attached to
* in their current state (i.e. excluding snapshots). */
const QList<QString>& curStateMachineIds() const { return m_curStateMachineIds; }
/** Returns NULL medium ID. */
static QString nullID();
/** Determines if passed @a medium is attached to hidden machines only. */
static bool isMediumAttachedToHiddenMachinesOnly(const UIMedium &medium);
/** Returns medium root. */
UIMedium root() const;
/** Returns medium parent. */
UIMedium parent() const;
/** Checks if m_noDiffs is filled in and does it if not.
* @param fNoDiffs @if false, this method immediately returns. */
void checkNoDiffs(bool fNoDiffs);
/** Holds the type of UIMedium object. */
UIMediumType m_type;
/** Holds the CMedium wrapped by this UIMedium object. */
CMedium m_medium;
/** Holds the medium state. */
KMediumState m_state;
/** Holds the result of the last blockAndQueryState() call. */
COMResult m_result;
/** Holds the error result of the last blockAndQueryState() call. */
QString m_strLastAccessError;
/** Holds the medium ID. */
QString m_strId;
/** Holds the medium root ID. */
QString m_strRootId;
/** Holds the medium parent ID. */
QString m_strParentId;
/** Holds the medium cache key. */
QString m_strKey;
/** Holds the medium name. */
QString m_strName;
/** Holds the medium location. */
QString m_strLocation;
/** Holds the medium size. */
QString m_strSize;
/** Holds the medium logical size. */
QString m_strLogicalSize;
/** Holds the hard drive medium disk type. */
QString m_strHardDiskType;
/** Holds the hard drive medium disk format. */
QString m_strHardDiskFormat;
/** Holds the hard drive medium storage details. */
QString m_strStorageDetails;
/** Holds the medium usage. */
QString m_strUsage;
/** Holds the medium tool-tip. */
QString m_strToolTip;
/** Holds the vector of IDs of all machines this medium is attached to. */
QList<QString> m_machineIds;
/** Hodls the vector of IDs of all machines this medium is attached to
* in their current state (i.e. excluding snapshots). */
QList<QString> m_curStateMachineIds;
/** Holds the medium cache for "don't show diffs" mode. */
NoDiffsCache m_noDiffs;
/** Holds whether this medium is 'hidden' by the corresponding medium property. */
bool m_fHidden : 1;
/** Holds whether this medium is 'hidden' because it's used by 'hidden' VMs only. */
bool m_fUsedByHiddenMachinesOnly : 1;
/** Holds whether this medium is read-only. */
bool m_fReadOnly : 1;
/** Holds whether this medium is attached to any VM in any snapshot. */
bool m_fUsedInSnapshots : 1;
/** Holds whether this medium corresponds to real host drive. */
bool m_fHostDrive : 1;
/** Holds the NULL medium ID. */
static QString m_sstrNullID;
/** Holds the medium tool-tip table template. */
static QString m_sstrTable;
/** Holds the medium tool-tip table row template. */
static QString m_sstrRow;
typedef QMap<QString, UIMedium> UIMediumMap;
#endif /* !___UIMedium_h___ */