; $Id$
;; @file
; Disassembly testcase - Valid mov immediate to fixed registers.
; This is a build test, that means it will be assembled, disassembled,
; then the disassembly output will be assembled and the new binary will
; compared with the original.
; Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle Corporation
; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
mov al, 01h
mov cl, 02h
mov dl, 03h
mov bl, 04h
mov ah, 05h
mov ch, 06h
mov dh, 07h
mov bh, 08h
%if TEST_BITS == 64
mov spl, 09h
mov bpl, 0ah
mov sil, 0bh
mov dil, 0ch
mov r8b, 0dh
mov r9b, 0eh
mov r10b, 0fh
mov r11b, 010h
mov r12b, 011h
mov r13b, 012h
mov r14b, 013h
mov r15b, 014h
mov ax, 0f701h
mov cx, 0f702h
mov dx, 0f703h
mov bx, 0f704h
mov sp, 0f705h
mov bp, 0f706h
mov si, 0f707h
mov di, 0f708h
%if TEST_BITS == 64
mov r8w, 0f709h
mov r9w, 0f70ah
mov r10w, 0f70bh
mov r11w, 0f70ch
mov r12w, 0f70dh
mov r13w, 0f70eh
mov r14w, 0f70fh
mov r15w, 0f710h
mov eax, 0beeff701h
mov ecx, 0beeff702h
mov edx, 0beeff703h
mov ebx, 0beeff704h
mov esp, 0beeff705h
mov ebp, 0beeff706h
mov esi, 0beeff707h
mov edi, 0beeff708h
%if TEST_BITS == 64
mov r8d, 0beeff709h
mov r9d, 0beeff70ah
mov r10d, 0beeff70bh
mov r11d, 0beeff70ch
mov r12d, 0beeff70dh
mov r13d, 0beeff70eh
mov r14d, 0beeff70fh
mov r15d, 0beeff710h
%if TEST_BITS == 64
mov rax, 0feedbabef00df701h
mov rcx, 0feedbabef00df702h
mov rdx, 0feedbabef00df703h
mov rbx, 0feedbabef00df704h
mov rsp, 0feedbabef00df705h
mov rbp, 0feedbabef00df706h
mov rsi, 0feedbabef00df707h
mov rdi, 0feedbabef00df708h
mov r8, 0feedbabef00df709h
mov r9, 0feedbabef00df70ah
mov r10, 0feedbabef00df70bh
mov r11, 0feedbabef00df70ch
mov r12, 0feedbabef00df70dh
mov r13, 0feedbabef00df70eh
mov r14, 0feedbabef00df70fh
mov r15, 0feedbabef00df710h