/** @file
Call into 16-bit BIOS code, Use AsmThunk16 function of BaseLib.
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions
of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The
full text of the license may be found at
#include "LegacyBiosInterface.h"
Sets the counter value for Timer #0 in a legacy 8254 timer.
@param Count - The 16-bit counter value to program into Timer #0 of the legacy 8254 timer.
Thunk to 16-bit real mode and execute a software interrupt with a vector
of BiosInt. Regs will contain the 16-bit register context on entry and
@param This Protocol instance pointer.
@param BiosInt Processor interrupt vector to invoke
@param Regs Register contexted passed into (and returned) from thunk to
16-bit mode
@retval FALSE Thunk completed, and there were no BIOS errors in the target code.
See Regs for status.
@retval TRUE There was a BIOS erro in the target code.
// The base address of legacy interrupt vector table is 0.
// We use this base address to get the legacy interrupt handler.
VectorBase = 0;
return InternalLegacyBiosFarCall (
Thunk to 16-bit real mode and call Segment:Offset. Regs will contain the
16-bit register context on entry and exit. Arguments can be passed on
the Stack argument
@param This Protocol instance pointer.
@param Segment Segemnt of 16-bit mode call
@param Offset Offset of 16-bit mdoe call
@param Regs Register contexted passed into (and returned) from
thunk to 16-bit mode
@param Stack Caller allocated stack used to pass arguments
@param StackSize Size of Stack in bytes
@retval FALSE Thunk completed, and there were no BIOS errors in
the target code. See Regs for status.
@retval TRUE There was a BIOS erro in the target code.
Provide NULL interrupt handler which is used to check
if there is more than one HW interrupt registers with the CPU AP.
@param InterruptType - The type of interrupt that occured
@param SystemContext - A pointer to the system context when the interrupt occured
Thunk to 16-bit real mode and call Segment:Offset. Regs will contain the
16-bit register context on entry and exit. Arguments can be passed on
the Stack argument
@param This Protocol instance pointer.
@param Segment Segemnt of 16-bit mode call
@param Offset Offset of 16-bit mdoe call
@param Regs Register contexted passed into (and returned) from thunk to
16-bit mode
@param Stack Caller allocated stack used to pass arguments
@param StackSize Size of Stack in bytes
@retval FALSE Thunk completed, and there were no BIOS errors in the target code.
See Regs for status.
@retval TRUE There was a BIOS erro in the target code.
// Sometimes, ECX is used to pass in 32 bit data. For example, INT 1Ah, AX = B10Dh is
// "PCI BIOS v2.0c + Write Configuration DWORD" and ECX has the dword to write.
// Clear the error flag; thunk code may set it. Stack16 should be the high address
// Make Statk16 address the low 16 bit must be not zero.
Stack16 = (UINT16 *)((UINT8 *) mThunkContext.RealModeBuffer + mThunkContext.RealModeBufferSize - sizeof (UINT16));
// Save current rate of DXE Timer
// Disable DXE Timer while executing in real mode
// Save and disable interrupt of debug timer
// The call to Legacy16 is a critical section to EFI
// Check to see if there is more than one HW interrupt registers with the CPU AP.
// If there is, then ASSERT() since that is not compatible with the CSM because
// interupts other than the Timer interrupt that was disabled above can not be
// handled properly from real mode.
Status = Private->Cpu->RegisterInterruptHandler (Private->Cpu, Vector, LegacyBiosNullInterruptHandler);
if (Status == EFI_ALREADY_STARTED) {
if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
if (Count >= 2) {
// If the Timer AP has enabled the 8254 timer IRQ and the current 8254 timer
// period is less than the CSM required rate of 54.9254, then force the 8254
// PIT counter to 0, which is the CSM required rate of 54.9254 ms
SetPitCount (0);
// Copy Stack to low memory stack
// Set Legacy16 state. 0x08, 0x70 is legacy 8259 vector bases.
// OPROM may allocate EBDA range by itself and change EBDA base and EBDA size.
// Get the current EBDA base address, and compared with pre-allocate minimum
// EBDA base address, if the current EBDA base address is smaller, it indicates
// PcdEbdaReservedMemorySize should be adjusted to larger for more OPROMs.
// Copy low memory stack to Stack
// Restore protected mode interrupt state
// Enable and restore rate of DXE Timer
// End critical section
// Restore interrupt of debug timer
Allocate memory < 1 MB and copy the thunker code into low memory. Se up
all the descriptors.
@param Private Private context for Legacy BIOS
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Should only pass.
mThunkContext.RealModeBuffer = (VOID *) (UINTN) (MemoryAddress + ((sizeof (LOW_MEMORY_THUNK) / EFI_PAGE_SIZE) + 1) * EFI_PAGE_SIZE);
// Get the interrupt vector number corresponding to IRQ0 from the 8259 driver
TimerVector = 0;
// Check to see if the Timer AP has hooked the IRQ0 from the 8254 PIT
if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
// If the Timer AP has not enabled the 8254 timer IRQ, then force the 8254 PIT
// counter to 0, which is the CSM required rate of 54.9254 ms
SetPitCount (0);
// Save status that the Timer AP is not using the 8254 PIT
} else if (Status == EFI_ALREADY_STARTED) {
// Save status that the Timer AP is using the 8254 PIT
} else {
// Unexpected status from CPU AP RegisterInterruptHandler()