/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox audio devices: filter driver, which sits between the host audio driver
* and the virtual audio device and intercept all host driver operations.
* The filter is used mostly for remote audio input.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#include <VBox/log.h>
#include <iprt/asm.h>
#include <iprt/mem.h>
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#define AUDIO_CAP "filteraudio"
#include "vl_vbox.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "audio_int.h"
* IO Ring Buffer section
/* Implementation of a lock free ring buffer which could be used in a multi
* threaded environment. Note that only the acquire, release and getter
* functions are threading aware. So don't use reset if the ring buffer is
* still in use. */
typedef struct IORINGBUFFER
/* The current read position in the buffer */
uint32_t uReadPos;
/* The current write position in the buffer */
uint32_t uWritePos;
/* How much space of the buffer is currently in use */
volatile uint32_t cBufferUsed;
/* How big is the buffer */
uint32_t cBufSize;
/* The buffer itself */
char *pBuffer;
/* Pointer to an ring buffer structure */
static void IORingBufferCreate(PIORINGBUFFER *ppBuffer, uint32_t cbSize)
*ppBuffer = NULL;
pTmpBuffer = RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(IORINGBUFFER));
if (pTmpBuffer)
pTmpBuffer->pBuffer = RTMemAlloc(cbSize);
pTmpBuffer->cBufSize = cbSize;
*ppBuffer = pTmpBuffer;
static void IORingBufferDestroy(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer)
if (pBuffer)
if (pBuffer->pBuffer)
pBuffer->uReadPos = 0;
pBuffer->uWritePos = 0;
pBuffer->cBufferUsed = 0;
return pBuffer->cBufSize - ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed);
return ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed);
return pBuffer->cBufSize;
static void IORingBufferAquireReadBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cReqSize, char **ppStart, uint32_t *pcSize)
uint32_t uUsed = 0;
uint32_t uSize = 0;
*ppStart = 0;
*pcSize = 0;
/* How much is in use? */
uUsed = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed);
if (uUsed > 0)
/* Get the size out of the requested size, the read block till the end
* of the buffer & the currently used size. */
uSize = RT_MIN(cReqSize, RT_MIN(pBuffer->cBufSize - pBuffer->uReadPos, uUsed));
if (uSize > 0)
/* Return the pointer address which point to the current read
* position. */
*ppStart = pBuffer->pBuffer + pBuffer->uReadPos;
*pcSize = uSize;
DECL_FORCE_INLINE(void) IORingBufferReleaseReadBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cSize)
/* Split at the end of the buffer. */
pBuffer->uReadPos = (pBuffer->uReadPos + cSize) % pBuffer->cBufSize;
ASMAtomicSubU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed, cSize);
static void IORingBufferAquireWriteBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cReqSize, char **ppStart, uint32_t *pcSize)
uint32_t uFree;
uint32_t uSize;
*ppStart = 0;
*pcSize = 0;
/* How much is free? */
uFree = pBuffer->cBufSize - ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed);
if (uFree > 0)
/* Get the size out of the requested size, the write block till the end
* of the buffer & the currently free size. */
uSize = RT_MIN(cReqSize, RT_MIN(pBuffer->cBufSize - pBuffer->uWritePos, uFree));
if (uSize > 0)
/* Return the pointer address which point to the current write
* position. */
*ppStart = pBuffer->pBuffer + pBuffer->uWritePos;
*pcSize = uSize;
DECL_FORCE_INLINE(void) IORingBufferReleaseWriteBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cSize)
/* Split at the end of the buffer. */
pBuffer->uWritePos = (pBuffer->uWritePos + cSize) % pBuffer->cBufSize;
ASMAtomicAddU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed, cSize);
* Global structures section
/* Initialization status indicator used for the recreation of the AudioUnits. */
#define CA_STATUS_UNINIT UINT32_C(0) /* The device is uninitialized */
#define CA_STATUS_IN_INIT UINT32_C(1) /* The device is currently initializing */
#define CA_STATUS_INIT UINT32_C(2) /* The device is initialized */
#define CA_STATUS_IN_UNINIT UINT32_C(3) /* The device is currently uninitializing */
struct audio_driver *pDrv;
void *pDrvOpaque;
} filter_conf =
INIT_FIELD(.pDrvOpaque =) NULL
* filterVoiceOut and filterVoiceIn are allocated at the end of the original driver HWVoice structure:
* {
* HWVoiceOut;
* OriginalDriverHWVoiceData;
* filterVoiceOut;
* }
typedef struct filterVoiceOut
/* HW voice input structure, which prepends the filterVoiceOut. */
HWVoiceOut *phw;
/* A ring buffer for transferring data to the playback thread */
/* Initialization status tracker. Used when some of the device parameters
* or the device itself is changed during the runtime. */
volatile uint32_t status;
/* Whether the output stream is used by the filter. */
bool fIntercepted;
/* Whether this stream is active. */
bool fIsRunning;
/* Sniffer level context for this audio output stream. */
void *pvOutputCtx;
} filterVoiceOut;
typedef struct filterVoiceIn
/* HW voice input structure, which prepends the filterVoiceIn. */
HWVoiceIn *phw;
/* A temporary position value. */
uint32_t rpos;
/* A ring buffer for transferring data from the recording thread */
/* Initialization status tracker. Used when some of the device parameters
* or the device itself is changed during the runtime. */
volatile uint32_t status;
/* the stream has been successfully initialized by host. */
bool fHostOK;
/* Whether the input stream is used by the filter. */
bool fIntercepted;
/* Whether this stream is active. */
bool fIsRunning;
/* Sniffer level context for this audio input stream. */
void *pvInputCtx;
} filterVoiceIn;
# define CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(a) Log(a)
# define CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(a) do {} while(0)
* CoreAudio output section
/* We need some forward declarations */
static int filteraudio_run_out(HWVoiceOut *hw);
static int filteraudio_write(SWVoiceOut *sw, void *buf, int len);
static int filteraudio_ctl_out(HWVoiceOut *hw, int cmd, ...);
static void filteraudio_fini_out(HWVoiceOut *hw);
static int filteraudio_init_out(HWVoiceOut *hw, audsettings_t *as);
static int caInitOutput(HWVoiceOut *hw);
static void caReinitOutput(HWVoiceOut *hw);
static int fltInitOutput(filterVoiceOut *pVoice)
uint32_t cFrames; /* default frame count */
uint32_t cSamples; /* samples count */
ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_IN_INIT);
cFrames = 2048;
/* Create the internal ring buffer. */
cSamples = cFrames * pVoice->phw->info.nchannels;
IORingBufferCreate(&pVoice->pBuf, cSamples << pVoice->phw->info.shift);
if (!RT_VALID_PTR(pVoice->pBuf))
LogRel(("FilterAudio: [Output] Failed to create internal ring buffer\n"));
return -1;
if ( pVoice->phw->samples != 0
&& pVoice->phw->samples != (int32_t)cSamples)
LogRel(("FilterAudio: [Output] Warning! After recreation, the CoreAudio ring buffer doesn't has the same size as the device buffer (%RU32 vs. %RU32).\n", cSamples, (uint32_t)pVoice->phw->samples));
ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_INIT);
Log(("FilterAudio: [Output] Frame count: %RU32\n", cFrames));
return 0;
static int filteraudio_run_out(HWVoiceOut *phw)
uint32_t csAvail = 0;
uint32_t cbToWrite = 0;
uint32_t csToWrite = 0;
uint32_t csWritten = 0;
char *pcDst = NULL;
st_sample_t *psSrc = NULL;
filterVoiceOut *pVoice = (filterVoiceOut *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_out);
if (!pVoice->fIntercepted)
return filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->run_out(phw);
/* We return the live count in the case we are not initialized. This should
* prevent any under runs. */
if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVoice->status) != CA_STATUS_INIT)
return audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out(pVoice->phw);
/* Make sure the device is running */
filteraudio_ctl_out(pVoice->phw, VOICE_ENABLE);
/* How much space is available in the ring buffer */
csAvail = IORingBufferFree(pVoice->pBuf) >> pVoice->phw->info.shift; /* bytes -> samples */
/* How much data is available. Use the smaller size of the too. */
csAvail = RT_MIN(csAvail, (uint32_t)audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out(pVoice->phw));
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Output] Start writing buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csAvail, csAvail << pVoice->phw->info.shift));
/* Iterate as long as data is available */
while (csWritten < csAvail)
/* How much is left? Split request at the end of our samples buffer. */
csToWrite = RT_MIN(csAvail - csWritten, (uint32_t)(pVoice->phw->samples - pVoice->phw->rpos));
cbToWrite = csToWrite << pVoice->phw->info.shift; /* samples -> bytes */
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Output] Try writing %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csToWrite, cbToWrite));
/* Try to acquire the necessary space from the ring buffer. */
IORingBufferAquireWriteBlock(pVoice->pBuf, cbToWrite, &pcDst, &cbToWrite);
/* How much to we get? */
csToWrite = cbToWrite >> pVoice->phw->info.shift;
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Output] There is space for %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes) available\n", csToWrite, cbToWrite));
/* Break if nothing is free anymore. */
if (RT_UNLIKELY(cbToWrite == 0))
/* Copy the data from our mix buffer to the ring buffer. */
psSrc = pVoice->phw->mix_buf + pVoice->phw->rpos;
pVoice->phw->clip((uint8_t*)pcDst, psSrc, csToWrite);
/* Release the ring buffer, so the read thread could start reading this data. */
IORingBufferReleaseWriteBlock(pVoice->pBuf, cbToWrite);
pVoice->phw->rpos = (pVoice->phw->rpos + csToWrite) % pVoice->phw->samples;
/* How much have we written so far. */
csWritten += csToWrite;
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Output] Finished writing buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csWritten, csWritten << pVoice->phw->info.shift));
/* Return the count of samples we have processed. */
return csWritten;
static int filteraudio_write(SWVoiceOut *sw, void *buf, int len)
/* Every host backend just calls the generic function, so no need to forward. */
return audio_pcm_sw_write (sw, buf, len);
static int filteraudio_ctl_out(HWVoiceOut *phw, int cmd, ...)
uint32_t status;
filterVoiceOut *pVoice = (filterVoiceOut *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_out);
if (!pVoice->fIntercepted)
/* Note: audio.c does not use variable parameters '...', so ok to forward only 'phw' and 'cmd'. */
return filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->ctl_out(phw, cmd);
status = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVoice->status);
if (!(status == CA_STATUS_INIT))
return 0;
switch (cmd)
/* Only start the device if it is actually stopped */
if (!pVoice->fIsRunning)
filter_output_begin(&pVoice->pvOutputCtx, &pVoice->phw->info, pVoice->phw->samples);
/* Only stop the device if it is actually running */
if (pVoice->fIsRunning)
return 0;
static void filteraudio_fini_out(HWVoiceOut *phw)
int rc = 0;
uint32_t status;
filterVoiceOut *pVoice = (filterVoiceOut *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_out);
if (!pVoice->fIntercepted)
status = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVoice->status);
if (!(status == CA_STATUS_INIT))
rc = filteraudio_ctl_out(phw, VOICE_DISABLE);
if (RT_LIKELY(rc == 0))
ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_IN_UNINIT);
pVoice->pBuf = NULL;
ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_UNINIT);
LogRel(("FilterAudio: [Output] Failed to stop playback (%RI32)\n", rc));
static int filteraudio_init_out(HWVoiceOut *phw, audsettings_t *as)
int rc = 0;
filterVoiceOut *pVoice = (filterVoiceOut *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_out);
if (!filter_output_intercepted())
pVoice->fIntercepted = false;
return filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->init_out(phw, as);
/* Output is not tested and is not used currently */
return -1;
ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_UNINIT);
pVoice->fIntercepted = true;
pVoice->phw = phw;
pVoice->phw->samples = 0;
/* Initialize the hardware info section with the audio settings */
audio_pcm_init_info(&pVoice->phw->info, as);
rc = fltInitOutput(pVoice);
if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != 0))
return rc;
/* The samples have to correspond to the internal ring buffer size. */
pVoice->phw->samples = (IORingBufferSize(pVoice->pBuf) >> pVoice->phw->info.shift) / pVoice->phw->info.nchannels;
Log(("FilterAudio: [Output] HW samples: %d\n", pVoice->phw->samples));
return 0;
* FilterAudio input section
* Callback to feed audio input buffer. Samples format is be the same as
* in the voice. The caller prepares st_sample_t.
* @param cbSamples Size of pvSamples array in bytes.
* @param pvSamples Points to an array of samples.
* @return IPRT status code.
static DECLCALLBACK(int) fltRecordingCallback(void* pvCallback,
uint32_t cbSamples,
const void *pvSamples)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
uint32_t csAvail = 0;
uint32_t csToWrite = 0;
uint32_t cbToWrite = 0;
uint32_t csWritten = 0;
char *pcDst = NULL;
filterVoiceIn *pVoice = (filterVoiceIn *)pvCallback;
Assert((cbSamples % sizeof(st_sample_t)) == 0);
if (!pVoice->fIsRunning)
/* If nothing is pending return immediately. */
if (cbSamples == 0)
/* How much space is free in the ring buffer? */
csAvail = IORingBufferFree(pVoice->pBuf) / sizeof(st_sample_t); /* bytes -> samples */
/* How much space is used in the audio buffer. Use the smaller size of the too. */
csAvail = RT_MIN(csAvail, cbSamples / sizeof(st_sample_t));
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] Start writing buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csAvail, csAvail * sizeof(st_sample_t)));
/* Iterate as long as data is available */
while(csWritten < csAvail)
/* How much is left? */
csToWrite = csAvail - csWritten;
cbToWrite = csToWrite * sizeof(st_sample_t);
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] Try writing %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csToWrite, cbToWrite));
/* Try to acquire the necessary space from the ring buffer. */
IORingBufferAquireWriteBlock(pVoice->pBuf, cbToWrite, &pcDst, &cbToWrite);
/* How much do we get? */
csToWrite = cbToWrite / sizeof(st_sample_t);
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] There is space for %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes) available\n", csToWrite, cbToWrite));
/* Break if nothing is free anymore. */
if (RT_UNLIKELY(csToWrite == 0))
/* Copy the data from the audio buffer to the ring buffer. */
memcpy(pcDst, (uint8_t *)pvSamples + (csWritten * sizeof(st_sample_t)), cbToWrite);
/* Release the ring buffer, so the main thread could start reading this data. */
IORingBufferReleaseWriteBlock(pVoice->pBuf, cbToWrite);
csWritten += csToWrite;
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] Finished writing buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csWritten, csWritten * sizeof(st_sample_t)));
return rc;
static int filteraudio_run_in(HWVoiceIn *phw)
uint32_t csAvail = 0;
uint32_t cbToRead = 0;
uint32_t csToRead = 0;
uint32_t csReads = 0;
char *pcSrc;
st_sample_t *psDst;
filterVoiceIn *pVoice;
if (!filter_conf.pDrv)
return -1;
pVoice = (filterVoiceIn *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_in);
if (!pVoice->fIntercepted)
if (!pVoice->fHostOK)
/* Host did not initialize the voice. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: run_in voice %p (hw %p) not available on host\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
return -1;
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: forwarding run_in for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
return filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->run_in(phw);
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: run_in for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
if (!pVoice->fIsRunning)
return 0;
/* How much space is used in the ring buffer? */
csAvail = IORingBufferUsed(pVoice->pBuf) / sizeof(st_sample_t); /* bytes -> samples */
/* How much space is available in the mix buffer. Use the smaller size of the too. */
csAvail = RT_MIN(csAvail, (uint32_t)(pVoice->phw->samples - audio_pcm_hw_get_live_in (pVoice->phw)));
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] Start reading buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csAvail, csAvail * sizeof(st_sample_t)));
/* Iterate as long as data is available */
while (csReads < csAvail)
/* How much is left? Split request at the end of our samples buffer. */
csToRead = RT_MIN(csAvail - csReads, (uint32_t)(pVoice->phw->samples - pVoice->phw->wpos));
cbToRead = csToRead * sizeof(st_sample_t);
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] Try reading %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csToRead, cbToRead));
/* Try to acquire the necessary block from the ring buffer. */
IORingBufferAquireReadBlock(pVoice->pBuf, cbToRead, &pcSrc, &cbToRead);
/* How much to we get? */
csToRead = cbToRead / sizeof(st_sample_t);
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] There are %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes) available\n", csToRead, cbToRead));
/* Break if nothing is used anymore. */
if (csToRead == 0)
/* Copy the data from our ring buffer to the mix buffer. */
psDst = pVoice->phw->conv_buf + pVoice->phw->wpos;
memcpy(psDst, pcSrc, cbToRead);
/* Release the read buffer, so it could be used for new data. */
IORingBufferReleaseReadBlock(pVoice->pBuf, cbToRead);
pVoice->phw->wpos = (pVoice->phw->wpos + csToRead) % pVoice->phw->samples;
/* How much have we reads so far. */
csReads += csToRead;
CA_EXT_DEBUG_LOG(("FilterAudio: [Input] Finished reading buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csReads, csReads * sizeof(st_sample_t)));
return csReads;
static int filteraudio_read(SWVoiceIn *sw, void *buf, int size)
/* Every host backend just calls the generic function, so no need to forward. */
return audio_pcm_sw_read (sw, buf, size);
static int filteraudio_ctl_in(HWVoiceIn *phw, int cmd, ...)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
filterVoiceIn *pVoice;
if (!filter_conf.pDrv)
return -1;
pVoice = (filterVoiceIn *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_in);
if (cmd == VOICE_ENABLE)
/* Decide who will provide input audio: filter or host driver. */
if (!filter_input_intercepted())
if (!pVoice->fHostOK)
/* Host did not initialize the voice. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: ctl_in ENABLE voice %p (hw %p) not available on host\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
return -1;
/* Note: audio.c does not use variable parameters '...', so ok to forward only 'phw' and 'cmd'. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: forwarding ctl_in ENABLE for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
return filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->ctl_in(phw, cmd);
/* The filter will use this voice. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: ctl_in ENABLE for voice %p (hw %p), cmd %d\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw, cmd));
if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVoice->status) != CA_STATUS_INIT)
return -1;
/* Only start the device if it is actually stopped */
if (!pVoice->fIsRunning)
/* Sniffer will inform us on a second thread for new incoming audio data.
* Therefore register an callback function, which will process the new data.
* */
rc = filter_input_begin(&pVoice->pvInputCtx, fltRecordingCallback, pVoice, pVoice->phw, pVoice->phw->samples);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
pVoice->fIsRunning = true;
/* Remember that this voice is used by the filter. */
pVoice->fIntercepted = true;
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
LogRel(("FilterAudio: [Input] Failed to start recording (%Rrc)\n", rc));
return -1;
else if (cmd == VOICE_DISABLE)
if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVoice->status) != CA_STATUS_INIT)
return -1;
/* Check if the voice has been intercepted. */
if (!pVoice->fIntercepted)
if (!pVoice->fHostOK)
/* Host did not initialize the voice. Theoretically should not happen, because
* audio.c should not disable a voice which has not been enabled at all.
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: ctl_in DISABLE voice %p (hw %p) not available on host\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
return -1;
/* Note: audio.c does not use variable parameters '...', so ok to forward only 'phw' and 'cmd'. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: forwarding ctl_in DISABLE for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
return filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->ctl_in(phw, cmd);
/* The filter used this voice. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: ctl_in DISABLE for voice %p (hw %p), cmd %d\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw, cmd));
/* Only stop the device if it is actually running */
if (pVoice->fIsRunning)
pVoice->fIsRunning = false;
/* Tell the sniffer to not to use this context anymore. */
/* This voice is no longer used by the filter. */
pVoice->fIntercepted = false;
return -1; /* Unknown command. */
return 0;
static void filteraudio_fini_in(HWVoiceIn *phw)
int ret = -1;
filterVoiceIn *pVoice;
if (!filter_conf.pDrv)
pVoice = (filterVoiceIn *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_in);
/* Uninitialize both host and filter parts of the voice. */
if (pVoice->fHostOK)
/* Uninit host part only if it was initialized by host. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: forwarding fini_in for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: fini_in for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVoice->status) != CA_STATUS_INIT)
/* If this voice is intercepted by filter, try to stop it. */
if (pVoice->fIntercepted)
ret = filteraudio_ctl_in(phw, VOICE_DISABLE);
ret = 0;
if (RT_LIKELY(ret == 0))
ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_IN_UNINIT);
pVoice->pBuf = NULL;
pVoice->rpos = 0;
ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_UNINIT);
LogRel(("FilterAudio: [Input] Failed to stop recording (%RI32)\n", ret));
static int filteraudio_init_in(HWVoiceIn *phw, audsettings_t *as)
int hostret = -1;
filterVoiceIn *pVoice;
if (!filter_conf.pDrv)
return -1;
pVoice = (filterVoiceIn *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_in);
/* Initialize both host and filter parts of the voice. */
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: forwarding init_in for voice %p (hw %p)\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw));
hostret = filter_conf.pDrv->pcm_ops->init_in(phw, as);
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input]: init_in for voice %p (hw %p), hostret = %d\n", pVoice, pVoice->phw, hostret));
ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_UNINIT);
pVoice->phw = phw;
pVoice->rpos = 0;
pVoice->pBuf = NULL;
pVoice->fHostOK = (hostret == 0);
pVoice->fIntercepted = false;
pVoice->fIsRunning = false;
pVoice->pvInputCtx = NULL;
if (!pVoice->fHostOK)
/* Initialize required fields of the common part of the voice. */
pVoice->phw->samples = 2048;
/* Initialize the hardware info section with the audio settings */
audio_pcm_init_info(&pVoice->phw->info, as);
ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_IN_INIT);
/* Create the internal ring buffer. */
IORingBufferCreate(&pVoice->pBuf, pVoice->phw->samples * sizeof(st_sample_t));
if (!RT_VALID_PTR(pVoice->pBuf))
LogRel(("FilterAudio: [Input] Failed to create internal ring buffer\n"));
return -1;
ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVoice->status, CA_STATUS_INIT);
Log(("FilterAudio: [Input] HW samples: %d\n", pVoice->phw->samples));
return 0;
* FilterAudio global section
static void *filteraudio_audio_init(void)
/* This is not supposed to be called. */
Log(("FilterAudio: Init\n"));
return NULL;
static void filteraudio_audio_fini(void *opaque)
Log(("FilterAudio: Init fini %p\n", opaque));
/* Forward to the host driver. */
Assert(opaque == filter_conf.pDrvOpaque);
if (filter_conf.pDrv)
filter_conf.pDrv = NULL;
filter_conf.pDrvOpaque = NULL;
static struct audio_pcm_ops filteraudio_pcm_ops =
static struct audio_driver filteraudio_audio_driver =
INIT_FIELD(name =) "filteraudio",
INIT_FIELD(descr =)
"FilterAudio: filter driver between host audio and virtual device",
INIT_FIELD(options =) NULL,
INIT_FIELD(init =) filteraudio_audio_init,
INIT_FIELD(fini =) filteraudio_audio_fini,
INIT_FIELD(pcm_ops =) &filteraudio_pcm_ops,
INIT_FIELD(can_be_default =) 1,
INIT_FIELD(max_voices_out =) 1,
INIT_FIELD(max_voices_in =) 1,
INIT_FIELD(voice_size_out =) sizeof(filterVoiceOut),
INIT_FIELD(voice_size_in =) sizeof(filterVoiceIn)
struct audio_driver *filteraudio_install(struct audio_driver *pDrv, void *pDrvOpaque)
Log(("FilterAudio: [Install]: intercepting driver [%s]\n", pDrv->name));
/* Modify the audio driver structure to be like the original driver. */
filteraudio_audio_driver.name = pDrv->name;
filteraudio_audio_driver.descr = pDrv->descr;
filteraudio_audio_driver.options = pDrv->options;
filteraudio_audio_driver.can_be_default = pDrv->can_be_default;
filteraudio_audio_driver.max_voices_out = pDrv->max_voices_out;
filteraudio_audio_driver.max_voices_in = pDrv->max_voices_in;
filteraudio_audio_driver.voice_size_out = pDrv->voice_size_out + sizeof(filterVoiceOut);
filteraudio_audio_driver.voice_size_in = pDrv->voice_size_in + sizeof(filterVoiceIn);
filter_conf.pDrv = pDrv;
filter_conf.pDrvOpaque = pDrvOpaque;
return &filteraudio_audio_driver;
int filteraudio_is_host_voice_in_ok(struct audio_driver *pDrv, HWVoiceIn *phw)
filterVoiceIn *pVoice;
if (pDrv != &filteraudio_audio_driver)
/* This is not the driver for which the filter was installed.
* The filter has no idea and assumes that if the voice
* is not NULL then it is a valid host voice.
return (phw != NULL);
if (!filter_conf.pDrv)
return (phw != NULL);
pVoice = (filterVoiceIn *)((uint8_t *)phw + filter_conf.pDrv->voice_size_in);
return pVoice->fHostOK;
int filteraudio_is_host_voice_out_ok(struct audio_driver *pDrv, HWVoiceOut *phw)
/* Output is not yet implemented and there are no filter voices.
* The filter has no idea and assumes that if the voice
* is not NULL then it is a valid host voice.
* @todo: similar to filteraudio_is_host_voice_in_ok
return (phw != NULL);