/** @file
* IPRT - Threads.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___iprt_thread_h
#define ___iprt_thread_h
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <iprt/types.h>
#include <iprt/stdarg.h>
/** @defgroup grp_rt_thread RTThread - Thread Management
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
* The thread state.
typedef enum RTTHREADSTATE
/** The usual invalid 0 value. */
/** The thread is being initialized. */
/** The thread has terminated */
/** Probably running. */
/** Waiting on a critical section. */
/** Waiting on a event semaphore. */
/** Waiting on a event multiple wakeup semaphore. */
/** Waiting on a fast mutex. */
/** Waiting on a mutex. */
/** Waiting on a read write semaphore, read (shared) access. */
/** Waiting on a read write semaphore, write (exclusive) access. */
/** The thread is sleeping. */
/** Waiting on a spin mutex. */
/** End of the thread states. */
/** The usual 32-bit size hack. */
/** Checks if a thread state indicates that the thread is sleeping. */
* Thread types.
* Besides identifying the purpose of the thread, the thread type is
* used to select the scheduling properties.
* The types in are placed in a rough order of ascending priority.
typedef enum RTTHREADTYPE
/** Invalid type. */
/** Infrequent poller thread.
* This type of thread will sleep for the most of the time, and do
* infrequent polls on resources at 0.5 sec or higher intervals.
/** Main heavy worker thread.
* Thread of this type is driving asynchronous tasks in the Main
* API which takes a long time and might involve a bit of CPU. Like
* for instance creating a fixed sized VDI.
/** The emulation thread type.
* While being a thread with very high workload it still is vital
* that it gets scheduled frequently. When possible all other thread
* types except DEFAULT and GUI should interrupt this one ASAP when
* they become ready.
/** The default thread type.
* Since it doesn't say much about the purpose of the thread
* nothing special is normally done to the scheduling. This type
* should be avoided.
* The main thread is registered with default type during RTR3Init()
* and that's what the default process priority is derived from.
/** The GUI thread type
* The GUI normally have a low workload but is frequently scheduled
* to handle events. When possible the scheduler should not leave
* threads of this kind waiting for too long (~50ms).
/** Main worker thread.
* Thread of this type is driving asynchronous tasks in the Main API.
* In most cases this means little work an a lot of waiting.
/** VRDP I/O thread.
* These threads are I/O threads in the RDP server will hang around
* waiting for data, process it and pass it on.
/** The debugger type.
* Threads involved in servicing the debugger. It must remain
* responsive even when things are running wild in.
/** Message pump thread.
* Thread pumping messages from one thread/process to another
* thread/process. The workload is very small, most of the time
* it's blocked waiting for messages to be procduced or processed.
* This type of thread will be favored after I/O threads.
/** The I/O thread type.
* Doing I/O means shuffling data, waiting for request to arrive and
* for them to complete. The thread should be favored when competing
* with any other threads except timer threads.
/** The timer thread type.
* A timer thread is mostly waiting for the timer to tick
* and then perform a little bit of work. Accuracy is important here,
* so the thread should be favoured over all threads. If premention can
* be configured at thread level, it could be made very short.
/** Only used for validation. */
#ifndef IN_RC
* Checks if the IPRT thread component has been initialized.
* This is used to avoid calling into RTThread before the runtime has been
* initialized.
* @returns @c true if it's initialized, @c false if not.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadIsInitialized(void);
* Get the thread handle of the current thread.
* @returns Thread handle.
RTDECL(RTTHREAD) RTThreadSelf(void);
* Get the native thread handle of the current thread.
* @returns Native thread handle.
* Millisecond granular sleep function.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_INTERRUPTED if a signal or other asynchronous stuff happened
* which interrupt the peaceful sleep.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to sleep.
* 0 milliseconds means yielding the timeslice - deprecated!
* @remark See RTThreadNanoSleep() for sleeping for smaller periods of time.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadSleep(RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Millisecond granular sleep function, no logger calls.
* Same as RTThreadSleep, except it will never call into the IPRT logger. It
* can therefore safely be used in places where the logger is off limits, like
* at termination or init time. The electric fence heap is one consumer of
* this API.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_INTERRUPTED if a signal or other asynchronous stuff happened
* which interrupt the peaceful sleep.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to sleep.
* 0 milliseconds means yielding the timeslice - deprecated!
RTDECL(int) RTThreadSleepNoLog(RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Yields the CPU.
* @returns true if we yielded.
* @returns false if it's probable that we didn't yield.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadYield(void);
* Thread function.
* @returns 0 on success.
* @param ThreadSelf Thread handle to this thread.
* @param pvUser User argument.
typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNRTTHREAD(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser);
/** Pointer to a FNRTTHREAD(). */
* Thread creation flags.
typedef enum RTTHREADFLAGS
/** This flag is used to keep the thread structure around so it can
* be waited on after termination. @sa RTThreadWait and
* RTThreadWaitNoResume. Not required for RTThreadUserWait and friends!
/** The bit number corresponding to the RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE mask. */
/** Mask of valid flags, use for validation. */
* Create a new thread.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pThread Where to store the thread handle to the new thread. (optional)
* @param pfnThread The thread function.
* @param pvUser User argument.
* @param cbStack The size of the stack for the new thread.
* Use 0 for the default stack size.
* @param enmType The thread type. Used for deciding scheduling attributes
* of the thread.
* @param fFlags Flags of the RTTHREADFLAGS type (ORed together).
* @param pszName Thread name.
* @remark When called in Ring-0, this API will create a new kernel thread and not a thread in
* the context of the calling process.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadCreate(PRTTHREAD pThread, PFNRTTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser, size_t cbStack,
RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName);
#ifndef RT_OS_LINUX /* XXX crashes genksyms at least on 32-bit Linux hosts */
/** @copydoc RTThreadCreate */
typedef DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, PFNRTTHREADCREATE)(PRTTHREAD pThread, PFNRTTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser, size_t cbStack,
RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName);
* Create a new thread.
* Same as RTThreadCreate except the name is given in the RTStrPrintfV form.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pThread See RTThreadCreate.
* @param pfnThread See RTThreadCreate.
* @param pvUser See RTThreadCreate.
* @param cbStack See RTThreadCreate.
* @param enmType See RTThreadCreate.
* @param fFlags See RTThreadCreate.
* @param pszName Thread name format.
* @param va Format arguments.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadCreateV(PRTTHREAD pThread, PFNRTTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser, size_t cbStack,
RTTHREADTYPE enmType, uint32_t fFlags, const char *pszNameFmt, va_list va);
* Create a new thread.
* Same as RTThreadCreate except the name is given in the RTStrPrintf form.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pThread See RTThreadCreate.
* @param pfnThread See RTThreadCreate.
* @param pvUser See RTThreadCreate.
* @param cbStack See RTThreadCreate.
* @param enmType See RTThreadCreate.
* @param fFlags See RTThreadCreate.
* @param pszName Thread name format.
* @param ... Format arguments.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadCreateF(PRTTHREAD pThread, PFNRTTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser, size_t cbStack,
RTTHREADTYPE enmType, uint32_t fFlags, const char *pszNameFmt, ...);
* Gets the native thread id of a IPRT thread.
* @returns The native thread id.
* @param Thread The IPRT thread.
* Gets the IPRT thread of a native thread.
* @returns The IPRT thread handle
* @returns NIL_RTTHREAD if not a thread known to IPRT.
* @param NativeThread The native thread handle/id.
* Changes the type of the specified thread.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param Thread The thread which type should be changed.
* @param enmType The new thread type.
* @remark In Ring-0 it only works if Thread == RTThreadSelf().
RTDECL(int) RTThreadSetType(RTTHREAD Thread, RTTHREADTYPE enmType);
* Wait for the thread to terminate, resume on interruption.
* @returns iprt status code.
* Will not return VERR_INTERRUPTED.
* @param Thread The thread to wait for.
* @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for
* an indefinite wait.
* @param prc Where to store the return code of the thread. Optional.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadWait(RTTHREAD Thread, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, int *prc);
* Wait for the thread to terminate, return on interruption.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param Thread The thread to wait for.
* @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for
* an indefinite wait.
* @param prc Where to store the return code of the thread. Optional.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadWaitNoResume(RTTHREAD Thread, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, int *prc);
* Gets the name of the current thread thread.
* @returns Pointer to readonly name string.
* @returns NULL on failure.
RTDECL(const char *) RTThreadSelfName(void);
* Gets the name of a thread.
* @returns Pointer to readonly name string.
* @returns NULL on failure.
* @param Thread Thread handle of the thread to query the name of.
RTDECL(const char *) RTThreadGetName(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Gets the type of the specified thread.
* @returns The thread type.
* @returns RTTHREADTYPE_INVALID if the thread handle is invalid.
* @param Thread The thread in question.
* Sets the name of a thread.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param Thread Thread handle of the thread to query the name of.
* @param pszName The thread name.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadSetName(RTTHREAD Thread, const char *pszName);
* Checks if the specified thread is the main thread.
* @returns true if it is, false if it isn't.
* @param hThread The thread handle.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadIsMain(RTTHREAD hThread);
* Checks if the calling thread is known to IPRT.
* @returns @c true if it is, @c false if it isn't.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadIsSelfKnown(void);
* Checks if the calling thread is know to IPRT and is alive.
* @returns @c true if it is, @c false if it isn't.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadIsSelfAlive(void);
* Checks if the calling thread is known to IPRT.
* @returns @c true if it is, @c false if it isn't.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadIsOperational(void);
* Signal the user event.
* @returns iprt status code.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadUserSignal(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Wait for the user event.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param Thread The thread to wait for.
* @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for
* an indefinite wait.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadUserWait(RTTHREAD Thread, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Wait for the user event, return on interruption.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param Thread The thread to wait for.
* @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for
* an indefinite wait.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadUserWaitNoResume(RTTHREAD Thread, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Reset the user event.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param Thread The thread to reset.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadUserReset(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Pokes the thread.
* This will signal the thread, attempting to interrupt whatever it's currently
* doing. This is *NOT* implemented on all platforms and may cause unresolved
* symbols during linking or VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED at runtime.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param hThread The thread to poke. This must not be the
* calling thread.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadPoke(RTTHREAD hThread);
# ifdef IN_RING0
* Check if preemption is currently enabled or not for the current thread.
* @note This may return true even on systems where preemption isn't
* possible. In that case, it means no call to RTThreadPreemptDisable
* has been made and interrupts are still enabled.
* @returns true if preemption is enabled, false if preemetion is disabled.
* @param hThread Must be NIL_RTTHREAD for now.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(RTTHREAD hThread);
* Check if preemption is pending for the current thread.
* This function should be called regularly when executing larger portions of
* code with preemption disabled.
* @returns true if pending, false if not.
* @param hThread Must be NIL_RTTHREAD for now.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadPreemptIsPending(RTTHREAD hThread);
* Is RTThreadPreemptIsPending reliable?
* @returns true if reliable, false if not.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadPreemptIsPendingTrusty(void);
* Is preemption possible on this system.
* @returns true if possible, false if not.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadPreemptIsPossible(void);
* Preemption state saved by RTThreadPreemptDisable and used by
* RTThreadPreemptRestore to restore the previous state.
/** In debug builds this will be used to check for cpu migration. */
/** The old IRQL. Don't touch! */
unsigned char uchOldIrql;
/** Reserved, MBZ. */
uint8_t bReserved1;
/** Reserved, MBZ. */
uint8_t bReserved2;
/** Reserved, MBZ. */
uint8_t bReserved3;
# elif defined(RT_OS_HAIKU)
/** The cpu_state. Don't touch! */
uint32_t uOldCpuState;
# elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
/** The Old PIL. Don't touch! */
uint32_t uOldPil;
# else
/** Reserved, MBZ. */
uint32_t u32Reserved;
# endif
/** Pointer to a preemption state. */
* Disable preemption.
* A call to this function must be matched by exactly one call to
* RTThreadPreemptRestore().
* @param pState Where to store the preemption state.
RTDECL(void) RTThreadPreemptDisable(PRTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE pState);
* Restores the preemption state, undoing a previous call to
* RTThreadPreemptDisable.
* A call to this function must be matching a previous call to
* RTThreadPreemptDisable.
* @param pState The state return by RTThreadPreemptDisable.
RTDECL(void) RTThreadPreemptRestore(PRTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE pState);
* Check if the thread is executing in interrupt context.
* @returns true if in interrupt context, false if not.
* @param hThread Must be NIL_RTTHREAD for now.
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadIsInInterrupt(RTTHREAD hThread);
* Thread-context events.
/** This thread is about to be preempted. */
/** This thread has just been resumed. */
/** The usual 32-bit size hack. */
* Thread-context hook.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param enmEvent The thread-context event.
* @param pvUser User argument.
* @remarks This function may be called under different contexts, i.e. with
* different locks held, with/without preemption disabled depending on
* the event in @a enmEvent.
/** Pointer to a thread-context hook. */
* Initializes a thread-context hook for the current thread.
* This must be called once per-thread before using RTThreadCtxHooksRegister().
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param phThreadCtx Where to store the thread-context handle.
* @remarks This must be called with preemption enabled!
RTDECL(int) RTThreadCtxHooksCreate(PRTTHREADCTX phThreadCtx);
* Retains a new reference to a thread-context hook.
* @returns New reference count.
* UINT32_MAX is returned if the handle is invalid (asserted).
* @param phThreadCtx Pointer to the thread-context handle.
* @remarks This can be called from any thread. Can be called with preemption
* disabled.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTThreadCtxHooksRetain(RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx);
* Releases a reference to a thread-context hook.
* @returns New reference count.
* @retval 0 if the thread-context hook was freed or @a hThreadCtx is
* @retval UINT32_MAX is returned if the handle is invalid (asserted).
* @param hThreadCtx The thread-context handle.
* @remarks This can be called from any thread but must be called with
* preemption enabled!
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTThreadCtxHooksRelease(RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx);
* Registers a thread-context hook for the current thread to receive
* notifications for all supported thread-context events.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param hThreadCtx The thread-context handle.
* @param pfnThreadHook Pointer to a thread-context hook (a callback)
* for all thread-context events.
* @param pvUser User argument (optional, can be NULL).
* @remarks Can be called with preemption disabled.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadCtxHooksRegister(RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx, PFNRTTHREADCTXHOOK pfnThreadHook, void *pvUser);
* Deregisters the thread-context hook for the current thread.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param hThreadCtx The thread-context handle.
* @remarks Can be called with preemption disabled.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadCtxHooksDeregister(RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx);
* Are thread-context hooks registered for the thread?
* @returns true if registered, false if not supported or not registered.
* @param hThreadCtx The thread-context handle.
* @remarks Can be called from any thread (but possibility of races when
* it's not the current thread!)
RTDECL(bool) RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered(RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx);
# endif /* IN_RING0 */
# ifdef IN_RING3
* Adopts a non-IPRT thread.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param enmType The thread type.
* @param fFlags The thread flags. RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE is not currently allowed.
* @param pszName The thread name. Optional
* @param pThread Where to store the thread handle. Optional.
RTDECL(int) RTThreadAdopt(RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName, PRTTHREAD pThread);
* Get the thread handle of the current thread, automatically adopting alien
* threads.
* @returns Thread handle.
RTDECL(RTTHREAD) RTThreadSelfAutoAdopt(void);
* Gets the affinity mask of the current thread.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param pCpuSet Where to return the CPU affienty set of the calling
* thread.
RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadGetAffinity(PRTCPUSET pCpuSet);
* Sets the affinity mask of the current thread.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pCpuSet The set of CPUs this thread can run on. NULL means
* all CPUs.
RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadSetAffinity(PCRTCPUSET pCpuSet);
* Binds the thread to one specific CPU.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param idCpu The ID of the CPU to bind this thread to. Use
* NIL_RTCPUID to unbind it.
RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadSetAffinityToCpu(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Unblocks a thread.
* This function is paired with RTThreadBlocking and RTThreadBlockingDebug.
* @param hThread The current thread.
* @param enmCurState The current state, used to check for nested blocking.
* The new state will be running.
RTDECL(void) RTThreadUnblocked(RTTHREAD hThread, RTTHREADSTATE enmCurState);
* Change the thread state to blocking.
* @param hThread The current thread.
* @param enmState The sleep state.
* @param fReallySleeping Really going to sleep now. Use false before calls
* to other IPRT synchronization methods.
RTDECL(void) RTThreadBlocking(RTTHREAD hThread, RTTHREADSTATE enmState, bool fReallySleeping);
* Get the current thread state.
* A thread that is reported as sleeping may actually still be running inside
* the lock validator or/and in the code of some other IPRT synchronization
* primitive. Use RTThreadGetReallySleeping
* @returns The thread state.
* @param hThread The thread.
* Checks if the thread is really sleeping or not.
* @returns RTTHREADSTATE_RUNNING if not really sleeping, otherwise the state it
* is sleeping in.
* @param hThread The thread.
* Translate a thread state into a string.
* @returns Pointer to a read-only string containing the state name.
* @param enmState The state.
RTDECL(const char *) RTThreadStateName(RTTHREADSTATE enmState);
* Native thread states returned by RTThreadNativeState.
/** Invalid thread handle. */
/** Unable to determine the thread state. */
/** The thread is running. */
/** The thread is blocked. */
/** The thread is suspended / stopped. */
/** The thread has terminated. */
/** Make sure it's a 32-bit type. */
* Get the native state of a thread.
* @returns Native state.
* @param hThread The thread handle.
* @remarks Not yet implemented on all systems, so have a backup plan for
* Get the execution times of the specified thread
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param pKernelTime Kernel execution time in ms (out)
* @param pUserTime User execution time in ms (out)
RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadGetExecutionTimeMilli(uint64_t *pKernelTime, uint64_t *pUserTime);
/** @name Thread Local Storage
* @{
* Thread termination callback for destroying a non-zero TLS entry.
* @remarks It is not permitable to use any RTTls APIs at this time. Doing so
* may lead to endless loops, crashes, and other bad stuff.
* @param pvValue The current value.
typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNRTTLSDTOR(void *pvValue);
/** Pointer to a FNRTTLSDTOR. */
* Allocates a TLS entry (index).
* Example code:
* @code
// once for the process, allocate the TLS index
if (g_iTls == NIL_RTTLS)
g_iTls = RTTlsAlloc();
// set the thread-local value.
RTTlsSet(g_iTls, pMyData);
// get the thread-local value
PMYDATA pMyData = (PMYDATA)RTTlsGet(g_iTls);
* @returns the index of the allocated TLS entry.
* @returns NIL_RTTLS on failure.
RTR3DECL(RTTLS) RTTlsAlloc(void);
* Variant of RTTlsAlloc that returns a status code.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if pfnDestructor is non-NULL and the platform
* doesn't support this feature.
* @param piTls Where to store the index of the allocated TLS entry.
* This is set to NIL_RTTLS on failure.
* @param pfnDestructor Optional callback function for cleaning up on
* thread termination. WARNING! This feature may not
* be implemented everywhere.
RTR3DECL(int) RTTlsAllocEx(PRTTLS piTls, PFNRTTLSDTOR pfnDestructor);
* Frees a TLS entry.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param iTls The index of the TLS entry.
RTR3DECL(int) RTTlsFree(RTTLS iTls);
* Get the (thread-local) value stored in a TLS entry.
* @returns value in given TLS entry.
* @retval NULL if RTTlsSet() has not yet been called on this thread, or if the
* TLS index is invalid.
* @param iTls The index of the TLS entry.
RTR3DECL(void *) RTTlsGet(RTTLS iTls);
* Get the value stored in a TLS entry.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param iTls The index of the TLS entry.
* @param ppvValue Where to store the value. The value will be NULL if
* RTTlsSet has not yet been called on this thread.
RTR3DECL(int) RTTlsGetEx(RTTLS iTls, void **ppvValue);
* Set the value stored in an allocated TLS entry.
* @returns IPRT status.
* @param iTls The index of the TLS entry.
* @param pvValue The value to store.
* @remarks Note that NULL is considered a special value.
RTR3DECL(int) RTTlsSet(RTTLS iTls, void *pvValue);
/** @} */
# endif /* IN_RING3 */
# endif /* !IN_RC */
/** @} */