/** @file
* IPRT - Directory Manipulation.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___iprt_dir_h
#define ___iprt_dir_h
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <iprt/types.h>
#include <iprt/fs.h>
/** @defgroup grp_rt_dir RTDir - Directory Manipulation
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
* Check for the existence of a directory.
* All symbolic links will be attemped resolved. If that is undesirable, please
* use RTPathQueryInfo instead.
* @returns true if exist and is a directory.
* @returns false if not exists or isn't a directory.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory.
RTDECL(bool) RTDirExists(const char *pszPath);
/** @name RTDirCreate flags.
* @{ */
/** Don't allow symbolic links as part of the path.
* @remarks this flag is currently not implemented and will be ignored. */
/** Set the not-content-indexed flag (default). Windows only atm. */
/** Do not set the not-content-indexed flag. Windows only atm. */
/** Ignore errors setting the not-content-indexed flag. Windows only atm. */
/** @} */
* Creates a directory.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to create.
* @param fMode The mode of the new directory.
* @param fCreate Create flags, RTDIRCREATE_FLAGS_*.
RTDECL(int) RTDirCreate(const char *pszPath, RTFMODE fMode, uint32_t fCreate);
* Creates a directory including all parent directories in the path
* if they don't exist.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to create.
* @param fMode The mode of the new directories.
RTDECL(int) RTDirCreateFullPath(const char *pszPath, RTFMODE fMode);
* Creates a new directory with a unique name using the given template.
* One or more trailing X'es in the template will be replaced by random alpha
* numeric characters until a RTDirCreate succeeds or we run out of patience.
* For instance:
* "/tmp/myprog-XXXXXX"
* As an alternative to trailing X'es, it
* is possible to put 3 or more X'es somewhere inside the directory name. In
* the following string only the last bunch of X'es will be modified:
* "/tmp/myprog-XXX-XXX.tmp"
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pszTemplate The directory name template on input. The actual
* directory name on success. Empty string on failure.
* @param fMode The mode to create the directory with. Use 0700
* unless you have reason not to.
RTDECL(int) RTDirCreateTemp(char *pszTemplate, RTFMODE fMode);
* Secure version of @a RTDirCreateTemp with a fixed mode of 0700.
* This function behaves in the same way as @a RTDirCreateTemp with two
* additional points. Firstly the mode is fixed to 0700. Secondly it will
* fail if it is not possible to perform the operation securely. Possible
* reasons include that the directory could be removed by another unprivileged
* user before it is used (e.g. if is created in a non-sticky /tmp directory)
* or that the path contains symbolic links which another unprivileged user
* could manipulate; however the exact criteria will be specified on a
* platform-by-platform basis as platform support is added.
* @see RTPathIsSecure for the current list of criteria.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @returns VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if the interface can not be supported on the
* current platform at this time.
* @returns VERR_INSECURE if the directory could not be created securely.
* @param pszTemplate The directory name template on input. The
* actual directory name on success. Empty string
* on failure.
RTDECL(int) RTDirCreateTempSecure(char *pszTemplate);
* Creates a new directory with a unique name by appending a number.
* First it is tried to create the directory without any numbers appended.
* When this fails a number string is appended (starting with 1) separated by
* the optional separator. The numbers are zero padded.
* On success @a pszPath contains the path created.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to create.
* @param cbSize The size of pszPath. Needs enough space for holding the
* digits and the optional separator.
* @param fMode The mode of the new directory.
* @param cchDigits How many digits should the number maximal have.
* @param chSep The separator used between the path and the number. Can
* be zero. (optional)
RTDECL(int) RTDirCreateUniqueNumbered(char *pszPath, size_t cbSize, RTFMODE fMode, signed int cchDigits, char chSep);
* Removes a directory if empty.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to remove.
RTDECL(int) RTDirRemove(const char *pszPath);
* Removes a directory tree recursively.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to remove recursively.
* @param fFlags Flags, see RTDIRRMREC_F_XXX.
* @remarks This will not work on a root directory.
RTDECL(int) RTDirRemoveRecursive(const char *pszPath, uint32_t fFlags);
/** @name RTDirRemoveRecursive flags.
* @{ */
/** Delete the content of the directory and the directory itself. */
/** Only delete the content of the directory, omit the directory it self. */
/** Mask of valid flags. */
#define RTDIRRMREC_F_VALID_MASK UINT32_C(0x00000001)
/** @} */
* Flushes the specified directory.
* This API is not implemented on all systems. On some systems it may be
* unnecessary if you've already flushed the file. If you really care for your
* data and is entering dangerous territories, it doesn't hurt calling it after
* flushing and closing the file.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED must be expected.
* @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED must be expected.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory.
RTDECL(int) RTDirFlush(const char *pszPath);
* Flushes the parent directory of the specified file.
* This is just a wrapper around RTDirFlush.
* @returns IPRT status code, see RTDirFlush for details.
* @param pszChild Path to the file which parent should be flushed.
RTDECL(int) RTDirFlushParent(const char *pszChild);
/** Pointer to an open directory (sort of handle). */
typedef struct RTDIR *PRTDIR;
* Filter option for RTDirOpenFiltered().
typedef enum RTDIRFILTER
/** The usual invalid 0 entry. */
/** No filter should be applied (and none was specified). */
/** The Windows NT filter.
* The following wildcard chars: *, ?, <, > and "
* The matching is done on the uppercased strings. */
/** The UNIX filter.
* The following wildcard chars: *, ?, [..]
* The matching is done on exact case. */
/** The UNIX filter, uppercased matching.
* Same as RTDIRFILTER_UNIX except that the strings are uppercased before comparing. */
/** The usual full 32-bit value. */
* Directory entry type.
* This is the RTFS_TYPE_MASK stuff shifted down 12 bits and
* identical to the BSD/LINUX ABI.
/** Unknown type (DT_UNKNOWN). */
/** Named pipe (fifo) (DT_FIFO). */
/** Character device (DT_CHR). */
/** Directory (DT_DIR). */
/** Block device (DT_BLK). */
/** Regular file (DT_REG). */
/** Symbolic link (DT_LNK). */
/** Socket (DT_SOCK). */
/** Whiteout (DT_WHT). */
* Directory entry.
* This is inspired by the POSIX interfaces.
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct RTDIRENTRY
/** The unique identifier (within the file system) of this file system object (d_ino).
* Together with INodeIdDevice, this field can be used as a OS wide unique id
* when both their values are not 0. This field is 0 if the information is not
* available. */
/** The entry type. (d_type)
* RTDIRENTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN is a common return value here since not all file
* systems (or Unixes) stores the type of a directory entry and instead
* expects the user to use stat() to get it. So, when you see this you
* should use RTDirQueryUnknownType or RTDirQueryUnknownTypeEx to get the type,
* or if if you're lazy, use RTDirReadEx. */
/** The length of the filename, excluding the terminating nul character. */
uint16_t cbName;
/** The filename. (no path)
* Using the pcbDirEntry parameter of RTDirRead makes this field variable in size. */
char szName[260];
#pragma pack()
/** Pointer to a directory entry. */
/** Pointer to a const directory entry. */
* Directory entry with extended information.
* This is inspired by the PC interfaces.
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct RTDIRENTRYEX
/** Full information about the object. */
/** The length of the short field (number of RTUTF16 entries (not chars)).
* It is 16-bit for reasons of alignment. */
uint16_t cwcShortName;
/** The short name for 8.3 compatibility.
* Empty string if not available.
* Since the length is a bit tricky for a UTF-8 encoded name, and since this
* is practically speaking only a windows thing, it is encoded as UCS-2. */
RTUTF16 wszShortName[14];
/** The length of the filename. */
uint16_t cbName;
/** The filename. (no path)
* Using the pcbDirEntry parameter of RTDirReadEx makes this field variable in size. */
char szName[260];
#pragma pack()
/** Pointer to a directory entry. */
/** Pointer to a const directory entry. */
* Opens a directory.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param ppDir Where to store the open directory pointer.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to open.
RTDECL(int) RTDirOpen(PRTDIR *ppDir, const char *pszPath);
/** @name RTDirOpenFiltered flags.
* @{ */
/** Don't allow symbolic links as part of the path.
* @remarks this flag is currently not implemented and will be ignored. */
/** @} */
* Opens a directory filtering the entries using dos style wildcards.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param ppDir Where to store the open directory pointer.
* @param pszPath Path to the directory to search, this must include wildcards.
* @param enmFilter The kind of filter to apply. Setting this to RTDIRFILTER_NONE makes
* this function behave like RTDirOpen.
* @param fOpen Open flags, RTDIROPENFILTERED_FLAGS_*.
RTDECL(int) RTDirOpenFiltered(PRTDIR *ppDir, const char *pszPath, RTDIRFILTER enmFilter, uint32_t fOpen);
* Closes a directory.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pDir Pointer to open directory returned by RTDirOpen() or RTDirOpenFiltered().
RTDECL(int) RTDirClose(PRTDIR pDir);
* Reads the next entry in the directory.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS and data in pDirEntry on success.
* @returns VERR_NO_MORE_FILES when the end of the directory has been reached.
* @returns VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the buffer is too small to contain the filename. If
* pcbDirEntry is specified it will be updated with the required buffer size.
* @returns suitable iprt status code on other errors.
* @param pDir Pointer to the open directory.
* @param pDirEntry Where to store the information about the next
* directory entry on success.
* @param pcbDirEntry Optional parameter used for variable buffer size.
* On input the variable pointed to contains the size of the pDirEntry
* structure. This must be at least OFFSET(RTDIRENTRY, szName[2]) bytes.
* On successful output the field is updated to
* OFFSET(RTDIRENTRY, szName[pDirEntry->cbName + 1]).
* When the data doesn't fit in the buffer and VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW is
* returned, this field contains the required buffer size.
* The value is unchanged in all other cases.
RTDECL(int) RTDirRead(PRTDIR pDir, PRTDIRENTRY pDirEntry, size_t *pcbDirEntry);
* Reads the next entry in the directory returning extended information.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS and data in pDirEntry on success.
* @returns VERR_NO_MORE_FILES when the end of the directory has been reached.
* @returns VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the buffer is too small to contain the filename. If
* pcbDirEntry is specified it will be updated with the required buffer size.
* @returns suitable iprt status code on other errors.
* @param pDir Pointer to the open directory.
* @param pDirEntry Where to store the information about the next
* directory entry on success.
* @param pcbDirEntry Optional parameter used for variable buffer size.
* On input the variable pointed to contains the size of the pDirEntry
* structure. This must be at least OFFSET(RTDIRENTRYEX, szName[2]) bytes.
* On successful output the field is updated to
* OFFSET(RTDIRENTRYEX, szName[pDirEntry->cbName + 1]).
* When the data doesn't fit in the buffer and VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW is
* returned, this field contains the required buffer size.
* The value is unchanged in all other cases.
* @param enmAdditionalAttribs
* Which set of additional attributes to request.
* Use RTFSOBJATTRADD_NOTHING if this doesn't matter.
RTDECL(int) RTDirReadEx(PRTDIR pDir, PRTDIRENTRYEX pDirEntry, size_t *pcbDirEntry, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAdditionalAttribs, uint32_t fFlags);
* Resolves RTDIRENTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN values returned by RTDirRead.
* @returns IPRT status code (see RTPathQueryInfo).
* @param pszComposedName The path to the directory entry. The caller must
* compose this, it's NOT sufficient to pass
* @param fFollowSymlinks Whether to follow symbolic links or not.
* @param penmType Pointer to the RTDIRENTRY::enmType member. If this
* @a fFollowSymlinks is false, not
* RTDIRENTRYTYPE_SYMLINK, the function will return
* immediately without doing anything. Otherwise it
* will use RTPathQueryInfo to try figure out the
* correct value. On failure, this will be unchanged.
RTDECL(int) RTDirQueryUnknownType(const char *pszComposedName, bool fFollowSymlinks, RTDIRENTRYTYPE *penmType);
* Resolves RTDIRENTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN values returned by RTDirRead, extended
* version.
* @returns IPRT status code (see RTPathQueryInfo).
* @param pszComposedName The path to the directory entry. The caller must
* compose this, it's NOT sufficient to pass
* @param fFollowSymlinks Whether to follow symbolic links or not.
* @param penmType Pointer to the RTDIRENTRY::enmType member or
* similar. Will NOT be checked on input.
* @param pObjInfo The object info buffer to use with RTPathQueryInfo.
RTDECL(int) RTDirQueryUnknownTypeEx(const char *pszComposedName, bool fFollowSymlinks, RTDIRENTRYTYPE *penmType, PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo);
* Checks if the directory entry returned by RTDirRead is '.', '..' or similar.
* @returns true / false.
* @param pDirEntry The directory entry to check.
RTDECL(bool) RTDirEntryIsStdDotLink(PRTDIRENTRY pDirEntry);
* Checks if the directory entry returned by RTDirReadEx is '.', '..' or
* similar.
* @returns true / false.
* @param pDirEntryEx The extended directory entry to check.
RTDECL(bool) RTDirEntryExIsStdDotLink(PCRTDIRENTRYEX pDirEntryEx);
* Renames a file.
* Identical to RTPathRename except that it will ensure that the source is a directory.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @returns VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the destination file exists.
* @param pszSrc The path to the source file.
* @param pszDst The path to the destination file.
* This file will be created.
* @param fRename See RTPathRename.
RTDECL(int) RTDirRename(const char *pszSrc, const char *pszDst, unsigned fRename);
* Query information about an open directory.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pDir Pointer to the open directory.
* @param pObjInfo Object information structure to be filled on successful return.
* @param enmAdditionalAttribs Which set of additional attributes to request.
* Use RTFSOBJATTRADD_NOTHING if this doesn't matter.
RTR3DECL(int) RTDirQueryInfo(PRTDIR pDir, PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAdditionalAttribs);
* Changes one or more of the timestamps associated of file system object.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @returns VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned if the operation isn't supported by the OS.
* @param pDir Pointer to the open directory.
* @param pAccessTime Pointer to the new access time. NULL if not to be changed.
* @param pModificationTime Pointer to the new modifcation time. NULL if not to be changed.
* @param pChangeTime Pointer to the new change time. NULL if not to be changed.
* @param pBirthTime Pointer to the new time of birth. NULL if not to be changed.
* @remark The file system might not implement all these time attributes,
* the API will ignore the ones which aren't supported.
* @remark The file system might not implement the time resolution
* employed by this interface, the time will be chopped to fit.
* @remark The file system may update the change time even if it's
* not specified.
* @remark POSIX can only set Access & Modification and will always set both.
RTR3DECL(int) RTDirSetTimes(PRTDIR pDir, PCRTTIMESPEC pAccessTime, PCRTTIMESPEC pModificationTime,
/** @} */