#include <talloc.h>
#include "util/sss_iobuf.h"
* @brief The iobuf structure that holds the data, its capacity and
* a pointer to the data.
* @see sss_iobuf_init_empty()
* @see sss_iobuf_init_readonly()
struct sss_iobuf {
return NULL;
return NULL;
if (capacity == 0) {
return iobuf;
return NULL;
return iobuf;
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
return NULL;
return 0;
return EINVAL;
/* Enough space already */
return EOK;
/* Else, try to extend the iobuf */
/* We will never grow past capacity */
return ENOBUFS;
/* Double the size until we add at least nbytes, but stop if we double past capacity */
newsize *= 2)
return ENOMEM;
return EOK;
return EINVAL;
return EOK;
return ret;
if (read_bytes != len) {
return ENOBUFS;
return EOK;
return EINVAL;
return ret;
return EOK;
return EOK;
return EOK;
return ret;
return EOK;
return ret;
return EOK;
const char **_out)
return EINVAL;
return EINVAL;
return EINVAL;
return EINVAL;
return EOK;
const char *str)
return EINVAL;
return EOK;