dist_noinst_DATA = \
openssl_ca_config = $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_CA.config
openssl_ca_key = $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_CA_key.pem
pwdfile = pwdfile
configs := $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_cert_*.config))
ids := $(subst SSSD_test_cert_,,$(basename $(configs)))
certs = $(addprefix SSSD_test_cert_x509_,$(addsuffix .pem,$(ids)))
certs_h = $(addprefix SSSD_test_cert_x509_,$(addsuffix .h,$(ids)))
pubkeys = $(addprefix SSSD_test_cert_pubsshkey_,$(addsuffix .pub,$(ids)))
pubkeys_h = $(addprefix SSSD_test_cert_pubsshkey_,$(addsuffix .h,$(ids)))
pkcs12 = $(addprefix SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_,$(addsuffix .pem,$(ids)))
nssdb = p11_nssdb p11_nssdb_2certs
# If openssl is run in parallel there might be conflicts with the serial
ca_all: clean serial SSSD_test_CA.pem $(certs) $(certs_h) $(pubkeys) $(pubkeys_h) $(pkcs12) $(nssdb)
@echo "12345678" > $@
SSSD_test_CA.pem: $(openssl_ca_key) $(openssl_ca_config) serial
$(OPENSSL) req -batch -config ${openssl_ca_config} -x509 -new -nodes -key $< -sha256 -days 1024 -set_serial 0 -extensions v3_ca -out $@
SSSD_test_cert_req_%.pem: $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_cert_key_%.pem $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_cert_%.config
$(OPENSSL) req -new -nodes -key $< -reqexts req_exts -config $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_cert_$*.config -out $@
SSSD_test_cert_x509_%.pem: SSSD_test_cert_req_%.pem $(openssl_ca_config) SSSD_test_CA.pem
$(OPENSSL) ca -config ${openssl_ca_config} -batch -notext -keyfile $(openssl_ca_key) -in $< -days 200 -extensions usr_cert -out $@
SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_%.pem: SSSD_test_cert_x509_%.pem $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_cert_key_%.pem $(pwdfile)
$(OPENSSL) pkcs12 -export -in SSSD_test_cert_x509_$*.pem -inkey $(srcdir)/SSSD_test_cert_key_$*.pem -nodes -passout file:$(pwdfile) -out $@
SSSD_test_cert_pubkey_%.pem: SSSD_test_cert_x509_%.pem
$(OPENSSL) x509 -in $< -pubkey -noout > $@
SSSD_test_cert_pubsshkey_%.pub: SSSD_test_cert_pubkey_%.pem
$(SSH_KEYGEN) -i -m PKCS8 -f $< > $@
SSSD_test_cert_x509_%.h: SSSD_test_cert_x509_%.pem
@echo "#define SSSD_TEST_CERT_$* \""$(shell cat $< |openssl x509 -outform der | base64 -w 0)"\"" > $@
SSSD_test_cert_pubsshkey_%.h: SSSD_test_cert_pubsshkey_%.pub
@echo "#define SSSD_TEST_CERT_SSH_KEY_$* \""$(shell cut -d' ' -f2 $<)"\"" > $@
# This nss db is used in
# - src/tests/cmocka/test_cert_utils.c (validation only)
p11_nssdb: SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_0001.pem SSSD_test_CA.pem $(pwdfile)
mkdir $@
$(CERTUTIL) -d sql:./$@ -N --empty-password
$(CERTUTIL) -d sql:./$@ -A -n 'SSSD test CA' -t CT,CT,CT -a -i SSSD_test_CA.pem
$(PK12UTIL) -d sql:./$@ -i SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_0001.pem -w $(pwdfile)
# This nss db is used in
p11_nssdb_2certs: SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_0001.pem SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_0002.pem SSSD_test_CA.pem $(pwdfile)
mkdir $@
$(CERTUTIL) -d sql:./$@ -N --empty-password
$(CERTUTIL) -d sql:./$@ -A -n 'SSSD test CA' -t CT,CT,CT -a -i SSSD_test_CA.pem
$(PK12UTIL) -d sql:./$@ p11_nssdb -i SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_0001.pem -w $(pwdfile)
$(PK12UTIL) -d sql:./$@ p11_nssdb -i SSSD_test_cert_pkcs12_0002.pem -w $(pwdfile)
serial serial.old \
SSSD_test_CA.pem $(pwdfile) \
$(certs) $(certs_h) $(pubkeys) $(pubkeys_h) $(pkcs12) \
rm -rf newcerts
rm -rf p11_nssdb
rm -rf p11_nssdb_2certs
serial: clean
touch index.txt
touch index.txt.attr
mkdir newcerts
echo -n 01 > serial